Actually, Ds Does Get A Redesign

Nintendo Revolution :)

Nintendo Evolution :)

The one that was hinted at around the last E3 along side the revolution that will finally let the tired GBA rest--as long as nintendo is still sticking to that whole 'parallel handhelds, not successor' story they were feeding us.
wow, i stand corrected :) . I cant believe i've never heard of that, but sounds good. They just released the micro, so i wonder when this will see the light of day.
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Nintendo Revolution :)

Nintendo Evolution :)

The one that was hinted at around the last E3 along side the revolution that will finally let the tired GBA rest--as long as nintendo is still sticking to that whole 'parallel handhelds, not successor' story they were feeding us.
wow, i stand corrected :) . I cant believe i've never heard of that, but sounds good. They just released the micro, so i wonder when this will see the light of day.
There hasn't been any word about that since 2004. Take anything you hear about it with a grain of salt.
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I remember mention of that Evolution ages ago. Thing is, I don't think that Nintendo can create that platform at a reasonable price as it stands; that's the reason Nintendo opted for the GBC over the GBA, which were being developed at the same time. If I recall, no Game Boy has sold for over $100 (which is why Nintendo has set DS apart from the Game Boy line).

I remember hearing speculation of the Evolution being based on GameCube technology making porting extremely easy. :)

I would not expect that this year, however. I think 2007 is a more reasonable launch window. Nintendo's "three-tiered" console support is barely working; just imagine how disasterous a four-tiered one would be.
nintendo did always used to say that the DS was a depature from it classic handheld line and that it shouldn't be seen as a Gameboy replacement or successor.
That was just a crux to fall back on if the DS flopped, allowing them to push straight on with a more PSP-like successor. However, in the light of the DS's partially unexpected success, I think Nintendo are treating it as the true sequel to the GBA and it will be sticking around for a while.
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nintendo did always used to say that the DS was a depature from it classic handheld line and that it shouldn't be seen as a Gameboy replacement or successor.
That was just a crux to fall back on if the DS flopped, allowing them to push straight on with a more PSP-like successor. However, in the light of the DS's partially unexpected success, I think Nintendo are treating it as the true sequel to the GBA and it will be sticking around for a while.

i completely agree. Though inferior to the PSP, its strong sales and now starting to get some good games, something the PSP still relatively lacks, it would be a shame if nintendo abandoned it in the next year or two.
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but redisgning early and often seems to be the life blood of nintendo.  now with 4 versions of the GBA,  original, SP fl, SP bl, and micro,  changing the DS this early could let them redesign it maybe 8 times in its life span and people will continue to buy it. How many people do you know have the original GBA and a SP?  or an SP and a micro, or vice versa.  Nintendo is not stupid, they're going to do what works with their handhelds, though the DS is not obsolete, they seem to make quite a bit of money rehashing obsolete hardware into a new shell.

This new design is very Apple-ish (minialist approach), which is expected. If you think about it, it's uncanny how close Apple and Nintendo approaches are. Back in the 90s, Apple made a comeback with candy colored iMacs, Nintendo released candy colored N64 and Gameboy Color. Apple redesigns their iPod every 6 months, and Nintendo redesigns their handheld every 2 years or less within the lifecycle of hardware. They're both successful, so the approach works for both.

Speaking of the redesign, it's much cleaner compared to the original DS which has no design "focus": their so many angles and curves and straight lines are mixed up at random points - it's lousy at best. The new DS design is very minimal and very iPod-ish: one smooth outer shell design without any bumpy edges or distractions. They even dropped Nintendo name in favor of the simple DS logo. The inner part looks equally simple and mininal; the face design of PSP looks busy compared to the redesigned DS. It's quite a bit smaller, too. So, in today's day and age where iPod is shrinking in size and expanding in sales every 6 months, this new design has a very good potential to be successful. Damn, I have to buy the same console, again. :)

[Edit] I'd like to add that the Dpad for the new DS looks like the Dpad for micro, which I love. GB Micro's Dpad is the best feeling/controlling Dpad I've had in a while.
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but redisgning early and often seems to be the life blood of nintendo.  now with 4 versions of the GBA,  original, SP fl, SP bl, and micro,  changing the DS this early could let them redesign it maybe 8 times in its life span and people will continue to buy it. How many people do you know have the original GBA and a SP?  or an SP and a micro, or vice versa.  Nintendo is not stupid, they're going to do what works with their handhelds, though the DS is not obsolete, they seem to make quite a bit of money rehashing obsolete hardware into a new shell.

. Damn, I have to buy the same console, again. :)

And this is why they keep rehashing their products. AFAIK No game company has rehashed as much hardware as Nintendo. Sega had 2 Master Systems, 3 mega drives, 2 sega cd's and thats it. They didn't redesign the Saturn, or the Dreamcast, they didn't redesign the Gamegear or the Nomad. Not the 4 gameboys, 4 gameboy advances, 2 versions of the NES, and 2 version of the SNES, and now 2 versions of the DS.

Even Atari in its tons of systems only had 1 redesigns on the 2600, (unless you count the number of switches, the size and design of the console stayed the same) no redesign on the 5200 (unless you count the change in controller ports from 4 to 2, but still the design remained the same and the product was the same size) no redesign on the 7800, no redesign on the Jaguar, and 1 redesign on the Lynx. Not sure about the computers, but i'm pretty sure the 400/800 series had no redesigns, the XE had no other redesign. Not sure about the ST.

Oh well, whatever works, i'd rather see new hardware or new games than rehashed crap.
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nintendo did always used to say that the DS was a depature from it classic handheld line and that it shouldn't be seen as a Gameboy replacement or successor.
That was just a crux to fall back on if the DS flopped, allowing them to push straight on with a more PSP-like successor. However, in the light of the DS's partially unexpected success, I think Nintendo are treating it as the true sequel to the GBA and it will be sticking around for a while.

i completely agree. Though inferior to the PSP, its strong sales and now starting to get some good games, something the PSP still relatively lacks, it would be a shame if nintendo abandoned it in the next year or two.
I feel the PSP thinks that it is a Portable Video Player. It seems that might be what is driving the sales of the system. Its sells might need to be compared to other Portable Video Players to see how it is stacking against them. The sucess of DS has probably delayed any other handheld offering that Nintendo had to launch. The "Evolution" has probably been put on the hold until that right moment hmmm... PS4 begins to make a show, maybe. You know how the Ninty thinks. <_<
I am quite satisfied with my DS that I have. No problem here. With Nintendo, there is always something for everyone. With the "lite" it will probably catch another crowd that didn't like the first design. ;)
edit: "Evolution" It could be that they are waiting for the launch of the PSP2. :o
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The PSP is a hybrid and can only be judged as such. The creator of Sony's Walkman/discman products was ashamed that he wasnt the person to invent the Gameboy. The PSP is sony's attempt at doing just that so they give you music, video AND games not to mention wi-fi internet... hell they wanted to put a cell phone in there too! It's why despite the fact the DS is out selling the PSP that I see 10 times more PSPs each week on the street than DSs.

But as for this new DS yeah Nintendo is defninatly getting wrapped up in the ipod mentality more so than ever even with 4 or 5 versions of the gameboy over the last 10 or whatever years Atleast with most redesigns it was a more specific attempt to address a design problem or push a technological update that made sense. I would have prefered better ergonomics to a smaller size and ipod white body but I suppise they think this will get people to want to pull it out on the train more than a PSP. What I'm more annoyed by is the improved screen brightness. The new GBASPs were less than 4 months after the DS launch, I can't beleive they COULDN'T have used those screens in the DS as well. If it werent for this specific change I wouldnt care that I JUST freaking GOT my DS and will not have to trade it in for a huge fucking loss to trade up to a "better one".
It's why despite the fact the DS is out selling the PSP that I see 10 times more PSPs each week on the street than DSs.
Well that is possibly due to the mp3 stuff, true, but also because the PSP just plain looks nicer. It's trendy and so people carry it around with them in full view while the DS is more of a 'toy' often, unfortunately, played at home.

The redesign may change that, but Nintendo haven't got the iPod stylish thing fully worked out just yet.
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It's why despite the fact the DS is out selling the PSP that I see 10 times more PSPs each week on the street than DSs.
Well that is possibly due to the mp3 stuff, true, but also because the PSP just plain looks nicer. It's trendy and so people carry it around with them in full view while the DS is more of a 'toy' often, unfortunately, played at home.

The redesign may change that, but Nintendo haven't got the iPod stylish thing fully worked out just yet.

When Sony first said that DS is not PSP's competitor, I thought, what a load of crap. However, when I think about it now, they maybe right. Except for the fact they are both portable and can play games, they're appealing to far too different groups of people. Of course, there are people who buys anything and everything (like myself :D), but mostly, core DS buyers will never buy PSP and core PSP people won't even give a second look to each other's no matter what.
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Yeah like I said all the functions and features jammed into the PSP (along with it's obvious estetics) make it the clear choice for most people to drag out of the house.

If Nintendo ever gets off their asses and releases the Play Yan outside of japan to add the media playback features missing in the GBA and DS it might end up more of a challenger but still less so since it's not a native function... The new design is "ipod-esque" for certain but if their other stab at pure estetic consumer captureing tactics (the GBA micro) is any evidence that might not change much except to make a smaller bulge in the pockets of people who where alreaady planning to get one.

As for DS people not buying PSP and Vice versa, I dissagree. PSP people may get a DS they just are less likely to wave it around.