To be eligible for hire, the applicant must present a resume incorporating all the themes and phraseology of the announcement so that the hiring software our agency uses will recognize their qualifications. After the person is hired, their duties must be spelled out in yet another document that will form the basis for annual performance appraisals. I have rewritten candidates’ resumes myself to ensure that they defeat the hiring software so I can be allowed to interview and select them. If they don’t make it past the computer, I can’t consider them.
Human language is being degraded.ChatGPT Passes Google's Coding Interview, Answers Question About More Possible Layoffs
So Google would give a $183000/year job to an AI. And they call it innovation, it's just old fashioned nepotism. AI is increasingly used to select applicants and it turns out AI can pass recruiting tests...
AI Is Being Used to Screen Job Applicants
Do you mean A) my English sucks or B) that we've passed the Turing test not by producing computers that are as intelligent as humans but by producing humans that are as stupid as computers (or they even think by the remote control from "their" computers) ?Human language is being degraded.