Yes i'm being serious and you can carry a little extra wieght without neccessarily being unhealthy. Its not a disorder simply a sexual preference, i wouldnt even call it a fetish just a preference. it would totally suck if we all found the same thing attractive and it would also limit genetic diversity. I dont find skinny females attactive but i dont go around claiming you have somekind of disorder because you feel this way - it's totally fine. I just prefer something a lil more cuddly when it comes to girls, but i DO prefer my guys on the skinnier side.If someone finds women that unhealthily fat really attractive, i would speak of some kind of disorder.Monkfish are you being serious ?
Heart attack, bad joints, thrombosis etc. should not be attractive either...
I do agree that Heart Attack, Thrombosis, joint pain are unsexy thats true but of course they can happen to anyone - i'm not overwieght and i have bad joints, its also not an inevitable consequence of carrying more wieght either