Absurdism corner


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I sometimes eat meat replacements, just for a change, but I don't like them much. I don't dislike them either. I found something that tries to be chicken from some brand "heura" quite decent. But in general I like it, but meat is more tasty and vegetables are more tasty, so why not eat vegetables directly ?
Also I eat vegetables because it's less footprint than meat. So if I would add manufacturing to agriculture, the footprint isn't so great.
Don't get me wrong I love bread, it's definitely better than eating raw wheat. And you'd find other examples, all more traditional than veggie sausages and so. So it's not than I refuse any manufacturing. But in most cases it's just too much trouble for too little result.
I suspect is because they try to imitate something else. I like falafel, but falafel has probably existed since forever (not for me, I didn't know it as a child) and it does not try to imitate a meat ball or anything. It's there because it's good on its own, not because it's similar to something someone misses.
They were all disgusting
I believe most meat substitutes mainly strive to be passable for those who would prefer meat. Pretty low bar and explains the disgustingness. They focus on the "meaty" aspects such as chewiness, texture, saltiness and appearance as opposed to eg harmony of flavours.. For instance Quorn has such a terrible (and unnatural) taste I'd say it's really only appealing to someone barred from eating meat for health reasons and who is happy with (literally) anything.

I have a lot of India friends most of whom are natural vegetarian and don't like western food, consider it to be "low effort" or "a joke". I understand this perspective - european food is bland. So Indians look down on our sausages. They think we are people who eat anything.
its for a deutsche Bahn Train, they have this old tech because if they would update now they would lost the licenseplate for this Modell..
trains are quite expensive, so its cheaper to just get a special def who can still 3.1..