Mao orders to kill sparrow because sparrows eats grain.
China kills sparrows, smash eggs and chicks. Shoots sparrows.
Sparrow also ate insects.
Insects take over, locusts eat grain. Famine.
Mao orders Insecticide! It's very effective!
Insecticide kills all insects... including bees. No fruits!
Cannibalism! Parents eats children, Children eat parents!
Of course, export of grain never stopped...
There was a secret import of sparrows, but the ecosystem is fubar.
Up to this day, Chinese pollenize manually (in some parts of that land).
up to 45 million (upper estimate) dead due to Mao's order to kill Jack Sparrow. Thanks Mao!
Mao: Still better than that a-bomb-each-20-minutes Nobel-piece-priced westerner!
nerd: That's not how you spell peace!
Mao: ssst, it's intentional. I know how to spell peas. Josef, show him the gulags.
other Josef: Can I have him for one of my experiments?
George: Give him to me! The boys at gitmo need entertainment...
up next: How millions of children are disappearing due to OLPC, one laptop per child.
"It's so quiet around the house that I can enjoy my laptop" - an ex-Mom
"I did not get my laptop" - a Chinese citizen
"First we got a girl, but our second child was a boy, so we got rid of her. Still did not get that laptop" - another Chinese citizen
"I do not even own a laptop" - Jeff Epstein
"When Windows wants to update, I just get a new one. The old one? I just toss it into the sea" - a darling of the BBC