Absurdism corner


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Far away from funny but truly absurd that someone thought creating the tuxsutra is a good idea.
That which is Staged, is the department of those who regard themselves as clever and everyone else as stupid.

The great tragedy is that they will find more than enough evidence to support their delusions.

The joke is that they themselves are the ones planting the evidence.

The real joke is they ... Oh hell do I even need to say it?


The real joke is that stupidity, ignorance, and fear is the foundation of their position, and that they must maintain and encourage that state in others for 'who they think they are' to have any validity.
What an effing tragedy that is.
The world elite, instead of being a source of wisdom and knowledge... Are instead a source of suppression, misinformation, dependence and fear.

A curse on secret societies. A curse on all who withhold information or seek power over others. A curse on the ambitious. A curse on all those who live by "survival of the fittest", or "if you can cheat, cheat."

Ah.. I don't need to curse them... They are screwing themselves... Slowly, but thoroughly.
I just hope as few people get caught in their downward spiral as possible, and that as many as possible who are already caught, are able to fully comprehend their situation, and are able to find the courage to break away, and the strength to give up all the things that seduced them in the first place.

What an effing tragedy.

Ah well... In the greater scheme of things humanity will eventually gain the wisdom of having lived through such b**lshi*.

I just can't comprehend a person who would sell their soul for material gain or status. (Eternal life is also material gain and ego/fear based) It makes no sense to me and from my perspective is the epitome of stupidity and shortsightedness. And yet these are the very people who have the audacity to claim they control light and dark, right and wrong, good and evil.
Those are all make believe concepts, and only have meaning in how you relate to yourself. In other words - those concepts are only as real as we ourselves make them, and only have meaning unto our own experiences.

If you look to an outside authority for the truth of these concepts you've already failed.

It is your responsibility and yours alone to uncover and or embrace truth. It is your responsibility alone as to how you apply what you have uncovered. It is your responsibility alone to bear the consequences of poor or good application.

It all rests on your shoulders. Everything. You are the ultimate and ONLY authority in your own reality.

So stop wasting your time trying to compete with, beat, or convince others. Grow up. Stand alone. Give up everything that encourages you to 'play the game'. You like playing the game? Then eff off - I have no respect for you... The game is Staged.

Life is a game for the Players

...and when you stop wasting everyone's time playing around...

Life is a School for those who learn.
Life is a Nursery for those who grow.
Life is, for those who are.

Why do I despise Players? the notion that as long as you win you are right. It's repulsive.

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I watched the loop too many times and now I can tell it's obviously staged :(
Damn, you're right. The target is looking up at the ball as he enters the frame. Still, to my mind that makes it even cooler if anything; that drop looked real the first time I saw it, and it was only after looking at it more closely I can see him twist and put his hand out to lower himself gradually to the ground. How exactly he got his feet to shoot out front like that I don't know; probably slippy trainers on a polished floor.
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