I think I know why most telephones do not have replaceable batteries!
Let's say you hijack a plane, and steal all the people's phones, then take out all their batteries, and link them in serial, then short circuit them... you have a bomb (Somebody set up us the bomb. Make your time!)
Thus: making the battery replaceable is helping the terrorists!
All new batteries are higher density. Thus, more explosive. So the phone is a harness, it doubles as a containment unit should the battery explode... adding an opening into that weakens the structure...
Safety first!
Is a helpful page to tell you that a railway station that is no longer there has no disabled access, no ticket office and no waiting room. Also note the photo they provide
Six months from now, a crowd is gathered in a large auditorium. The speaker steps onto the stage and begins talking. The words don't matter, everyone is transfixed on his siren song. The end comes and the big reveal, the audience explodes with cheers! Apple has done it again, they've revolutionized the industry! No longer will you need to worry about charging your ear buds, or losing them: the all new Apple iEarBud attaches to the iPhone 8 through a very simple, very sturdy trrs port, wired for power and for safety! They were even able to cut the cost in half! Yes, you can now have these amazing ear buds with the latest wired features for only $109.99!!they have something so revolutionary in the works they want to make it look really good in comparison...
Great picture deserves to be posted: