Absurdism corner


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As I said, I encounter people who really think like this, so it can be hard to tell sometimes.
Poe's law: it is impossible to tell the difference between parody and sincere extremism.
We may think it is extreme, but here it seems to be common and acceptable, and turns too few heads.  It wouldn't surprise me if the response to parody of this sort was violence.
Actually, yes.

We have an NSDAP parody in Germany for many years called "Front Deutscher Äpfel" in short FDÄ and I heard of an incident in one of their marches were someone actually did not look close enough and thought those were real and attacked only to regret it later on after having been given an explanation of the joke.



PS: Heil Boskop!
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If there was a bite taken from those apples I might suspect they were serious.

Edit:  Thanks for pointing out that people in other places can react poorly to things, but what I meant is the people who truly think like what that sign said would attack the sign bearers and such when they figured out it was making fun of them.
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pledged of $10 goal


days to go


I don't understand humans... like... at all.

People always exlain about a price of roughly 160€-300€ for the worlds most light weight, easiest to tune to exact pitch frame drums

while me and my collegues lead an extremely humble life (those complainers usually earn 3-10 times as much) because of the low prices  - and then I see stuff like this.

Blows my mind.
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I'm pretty sure I should be in school tomorrow. But I haven't got a clue when or where and two people I asked aren't answering. :-D