Absurdism corner


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Some of you might have heard about the new Fallout licensing.

Since Bethesda got all the rights over the old games now, first thing they did was taking them from GoG, putting DRM in it, advertising with the inbuilt community patches like they were theirs, printing their name all over the place in the menu while still advertizing with Brian Fargo and putting them up on Steam (link).

But the really hilarious thing is the overall reaction from Steam fans to this classic:

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Possibly somewhat NSFW.
Well, it is the Absurdism Corner, right? :D

This is a key scene in the movie "Äppelkriget" from the early seventies. If you feel a need for more of the same, some deeply insane guy has uploaded the whole thing, with homemade not-brilliant-but-somewhat-working subtitles, in seven or eight 10-15-minute chunks, starting here:


Seeing the whole thing might make you understand what goes on in the scene above. It might also cause a subtle understanding of the Swedish psyche, and/or 2D10 SAN loss.
Not bothered to watch this video, but it looks to be the same as another video I watched where they made it quite clear that the ants were an invasive species destroying habitats and they were experimenting with ways to get them under control. Molten aluminum did the trick.