A/v Cables Have Arrived!

marshal said:
The ext port of the pandora always had a audio input. It was planned from some time that the tv cable would have audio in. So yep stereo audio input through that cable. And don't forget you can also connect a mono mic to the headphone jack... or use the built-in mic. :)
Mono mic can be connected to the headphone jack? That's ingenious! I was wondering why there was no mic jack. I guess to connect male RCA jacks to the inputs we'd need a female-to-female connector. Small price to pay for such flexibility. :)
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-Tj- said:
Mono mic can be connected to the headphone jack? That's ingenious! I was wondering why there was no mic jack. I guess to connect male RCA jacks to the inputs we'd need a female-to-female connector. Small price to pay for such flexibility. :)
The jack is a 4-connector version (TRRS), has left out, right out, ground and mic in (dont remember exact order, mic as tip anyways). It is compatible with the usual 3-connector headphone minijack (TRS), but the point is to allow a headset (headphones+mono mic) to be attached with an adapter...
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urjaman said:
-Tj- said:
Mono mic can be connected to the headphone jack? That's ingenious! I was wondering why there was no mic jack. I guess to connect male RCA jacks to the inputs we'd need a female-to-female connector. Small price to pay for such flexibility. :)
The jack is a 4-connector version (TRRS), has left out, right out, ground and mic in (dont remember exact order, mic as tip anyways). It is compatible with the usual 3-connector headphone minijack (TRS), but the point is to allow a headset (headphones+mono mic) to be attached with an adapter...

could you please link to the type of adapter needed? Thanks.
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WOW! This cable is just Awesome. I have been an audiophile for years, and these are some of the most well thought out custom S-Video cables I have ever seen. The logo,web address, metal tip, and in and out functions just speak of being very well thought out and ooze quality. GPH would never waste there time doing something that shows that much love and care for something as trivial as a S-video cable(Hell, I doubt Sony or Nintendo would either for that matter). I have been following this project since I first found out about it in early 2008, and I have NEVER once doubted the Openpandora teams commitment to seeing this project thru till the end(I personally ordered 10 units to help, and show my love for this project as well). If this much love and care has gone into the cables, I know the actual final unit will not disappoint! It may be late, but when I see quality like this, it makes every extra day worth the wait. A BIG THANK YOU TO THE WHOLE OPENPANDORA TEAM FOR MAKING THIS HANDHELD A REALITY!

jumpman said:
WOW! This cable is just Awesome. I have been an audiophile for years, and these are some of the most well thought out custom S-Video cables I have ever seen. The logo,web address, metal tip, and in and out functions just speak of being very well thought out and ooze quality. GPH would never waste there time doing something that shows that much love and care for something as trivial as a S-video cable(Hell, I doubt Sony or Nintendo would either for that matter). I have been following this project since I first found out about it in early 2008, and I have NEVER once doubted the Openpandora teams commitment to seeing this project thru till the end(I personally ordered 10 units to help, and show my love for this project as well). If this much love and care has gone into the cables, I know the actual final unit will not disappoint! It may be late, but when I see quality like this, it makes every extra day worth the wait. A BIG THANK YOU TO THE WHOLE OPENPANDORA TEAM FOR MAKING THIS HANDHELD A REALITY!

10 units? Either you've got a lot of really good friends or you're testing the ebay waters ;]

I agree tho, I've never even seen a logo on the actual plugs before, pretty cool stuff. Definitely glad I changed my order from a case to one of these. Looks like we're really getting our money's worth with these!
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MWeston said:
Functional testing and noise immunity testing to follow. :)

great job guys, I love how NOT flimsy the s-video cable seem.

good choice of thin cheaper RCA cable that are unlikely to break (multi-strand coax wire is quite resistant to bending fatigue) and the much more robust s-video one.

short of cats and other pets it looks like it'll last forever.
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Poem58 said:
could you please link to the type of adapter needed? Thanks.
To roll your own, you need this:
And here is a premolded adaptor, 4 wire 3.5mm male to 4 wire 2.5mm female:
Which will work with lots of cellphone headsets, like:
Oh, and I see that the Blackberry Curve has a 4 wire 3.5mm headset jack, so you shouldn't need an adaptor with one of those, though they might have added some other functionality which would make testing this first necessary.
Like this:
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Impressive! They're beautiful!

Consequence9 said:
jumpman said:
WOW! This cable is just Awesome. I have been an audiophile for years, and these are some of the most well thought out custom S-Video cables I have ever seen. The logo,web address, metal tip, and in and out functions just speak of being very well thought out and ooze quality. GPH would never waste there time doing something that shows that much love and care for something as trivial as a S-video cable(Hell, I doubt Sony or Nintendo would either for that matter). I have been following this project since I first found out about it in early 2008, and I have NEVER once doubted the Openpandora teams commitment to seeing this project thru till the end(I personally ordered 10 units to help, and show my love for this project as well). If this much love and care has gone into the cables, I know the actual final unit will not disappoint! It may be late, but when I see quality like this, it makes every extra day worth the wait. A BIG THANK YOU TO THE WHOLE OPENPANDORA TEAM FOR MAKING THIS HANDHELD A REALITY!

10 units? Either you've got a lot of really good friends or you're testing the ebay waters ;]

Yeah, it is actually a little of both. A few friends who didn't want to wait or risk the funds, so I just ordered 5 at first to cover me and them. Then after the whole bank refund issue and what not, so many buyers cancelled there orders, I decided to order another 5 units to help the cause. I figured in a worst case situation I could resell them at cost, but I'm very sure the demand for these will be fairly high once they ship, and the wait for batch number 2 will be awhile. So if my friends don't want any once they ship, I'll just list them on ebay. The main reason for the 10 units was to help out the project, and show my support. I really believe in what is being done here plain and simple!

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FINALY pictures of the A/V Cable I've ordered together with my Pandora nearly a year ago. :) Now it is not longer a "blind" order except the still missing Pandora carrying Case.
The Cable looks very solid and well made, many Plugs. Sadly, my TV has no S-Video in, only cinch jacks and SCART but i'm sure it will work somehow. Connecting the Pandora to the TV and playing old Arcade Games with my new X360 SF4 Fight Stick TE also connected to the Pandora would be the nonplusultra. ^_^
I hope, the Pandora-Side Plug of the Cable is stable enough, it looks so tiny and weak. Can this little thing hold the entire A/V Cable safe onto the Pandora?
jumpman said:
GPH would never waste there time doing something that shows that much love and care for something as trivial as a S-video cable(Hell, I doubt Sony or Nintendo would either for that matter)

Not to spoil the party, but Nintendo cables were custom embossed jobbies and the original lot of Playstation A/V cables were built to standards (logos, cable quality, the lot) that shamed all the 3rd party ones. Though they were at least twice the price ;)

That is all.
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jumpman said:
WOW! This cable is just Awesome. I have been an audiophile for years, and these are some of the most well thought out custom S-Video cables I have ever seen. The logo,web address, metal tip, and in and out functions just speak of being very well thought out and ooze quality. GPH would never waste there time doing something that shows that much love and care for something as trivial as a S-video cable(Hell, I doubt Sony or Nintendo would either for that matter). I have been following this project since I first found out about it in early 2008, and I have NEVER once doubted the Openpandora teams commitment to seeing this project thru till the end(I personally ordered 10 units to help, and show my love for this project as well). If this much love and care has gone into the cables, I know the actual final unit will not disappoint! It may be late, but when I see quality like this, it makes every extra day worth the wait. A BIG THANK YOU TO THE WHOLE OPENPANDORA TEAM FOR MAKING THIS HANDHELD A REALITY!


Amazing!, i Barely could pay for my Panda, and no one Thought it was a good Idea (they keep saying this is a hoax)and yet my bet is here and i expect to have it ASAP to show them :D. so Good Job Panda Team
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Update: All functions of the A/V cable have been tested and work perfectly. I can try to work on a video of it in action tonight or tomorrow for those who like their proof this stuff isn't a hoax or a scam. ;)
MWeston said:
Update: All functions of the A/V cable have been tested and work perfectly. I can try to work on a video of it in action tonight or tomorrow for those who like their proof this stuff isn't a hoax or a scam. ;)
i think its scam! so make the video fast! :P
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MWeston said:
Update: All functions of the A/V cable have been tested and work perfectly. I can try to work on a video of it in action tonight or tomorrow for those who like their proof this stuff isn't a hoax or a scam. ;)

Thanks Mweston, then ill be able to wipe it on their Faces. and then make them wide open eyes when they see the real panda
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I'm uploading a quick little video to Youtube right now. It's nothing fancy with my little 640x480 camera but it shows that it works and that's what needs to be proven. :)
MWeston said:
I'm uploading a quick little video to Youtube right now. It's nothing fancy with my little 640x480 camera but it shows that it works and that's what needs to be proven. :)
Video up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDykUUg5sOg
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