A Plea To Extend The Re-ordering Deadline

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MWeston said:
Well, mazza558, just for you I will try to get Angstrom going. I'll need help from the other guys because these big distributions are not my area of expertise. I use the raw kernel and the console for that reason.

I've been reluctant to do it because I didn't want to ruin a card that I use in other devices (not that 2GB cards are expensive so that's a pretty lame excuse) and also ED has done a fantastic job of previewing that stuff. He does better commentary too. I find it hard to get excited when talking to myself and a camera. :)

Don't be critical on yourself - you don't need to say much/anything if the demo is good. :)

I think showing the unit not connected to a pc, ie 'running under it's own steam', will prove beyond any doubt that it is not vapourware and therefore satisfy any doubters and tech sites alike.

ps - I know it's not vapourware, but other's may have doubts. The final CNC case before the deadline would have been good too...
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You have to understand is called a Pre-order for a reason because you order it before its released. If your skeptical I would say that the first batch isn't right for you and you should leave a spot for someone who really wants this system regardless of the minute flaws it might suffer from upon initial release. There are plenty of people who would jump on your spot without even seeing this recent video first. Plus the last thing the project needs right now is more delays :p
mazza558 said:
I just expected the software to be more workable than it currently is, despite warnings that it'd be a bit rough to start with - I didn't expect this rough.
I'm sure, the Software will be ready. :) For example, Squidge has a OMAP Devboard since over a Year, many Devs have recieved one of the first Pandora boards beginning of 2008, I'm sure the've done more than make a quick port here and some demos there or shaking their balls all this time. ;)

MWeston said:
Well, mazza558, just for you I will try to get Angstrom going. I'll need help from the other guys because these big distributions are not my area of expertise. I use the raw kernel and the console for that reason.
Wow, is it that complicated? I mean, you are the Pro and I have no clue about Linux and installing. if you can't get the OS easily onto the Pandora to work, how should little amateurs like me handle the Software onto the Pandora? Am I missed something? ^_^
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Karas said:
You have to understand is called a Pre-order for a reason because you order it before its released. If your skeptical I would say that the first batch isn't right for you and you should leave a spot for someone who really wants this system regardless of the minute flaws it might suffer from upon initial release. There are plenty of people who would jump on your spot without even seeing this recent video first. Plus the last thing the project needs right now is more delays :p
I don't think that you have to teach mazza558 what pre-order means. He has big credit among us all, he is the Community Blog guy after all ;)
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you're missing the fact that he's holding a prototype, and you'll hold a unit meant for customers like you, with a preinstalled system.
fusion_power said:
Wow, is it that complicated? I mean, you are the Pro and I have no clue about Linux and installing. if you can't get the OS easily onto the Pandora to work, how should little amateurs like me handle the Software onto the Pandora? Am I missed something? ^_^
Everything is loaded from memory cards during testing/development. Shipping Pandoras will have everything in NAND with an easy way to upload new firmware as it comes out.

Maybe it will be easy to do. I've never tried it before so we shall see.
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Oh please oh please don't delay the cutoff! While understand the please of some, I would surmise its the collective of the many that we believe the project is good to move forward. There are plenty of videos showing what the board is doing outside of the case so I wouldn't think it would be too far out of sight that the system is capable of all that and more once it is the hands of many. We're behind you on the cut off date! Forward! Onward!
It's for the best of the team as well!

More delays = I show up at evil dragon's front door
Kyosys said:
It's for the best of the team as well!

More delays = I show up at evil dragon's front door
Don't do the PARALAX, he might just eat you then :lol:
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As long as the hardware is solid and stable then I'm not that fussed about the software side assuming most basic hardware like wifi/BT etc is functioning and it has some kind of basic GUI launcher, which I assume is the case since ED demo'd this weeks ago and appeared to be working ok.

Dont forget that once the units are built they can then be flashed with the most upto date software image and once the final plans actually go to the manufacturers there isn't a lot more they can do except sort the software :)

Theres rarely any complicated devices made these days that come with stable/feature complete software from the get-go.
mazza558 said:
Gah! Now I'm on the fence again! I thought I was over this point (as I obviously was when I ordered and even set up the unofficial blog).

I give you some advice: go with your instincts. If you have doubts, hold off for the second batch. If you order and it turns out your instincts were correct and it isn't the device for you, you'll be kicking yourself for not listening to yourself. You've now spent $330 on a device you won't actually use.
If you do decide to wait, however, and it turns out that that was the wrong choice, your loss is only a few months time, during which things will no doubt be improved even further.
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MWeston said:
Well, mazza558, just for you I will try to get Angstrom going.

That's one of the things I love about this project, I can’t imagine Steve Jobs or some Sony guy doing anything like this!

I’m in the camp that thinks the cut off point can come soon enough (yeah I transferred ages ago). I would have thought that all the empty slots could then be offered for sale again, which I would suggest, would still leave fence sitters a bit more time to get in the first batch, presumably using their price match promise.

Some of the negativity around here and the delays did make question whether I was going to take the risk and re-order myself, but then I remembered this is the device I’ve be waiting for ever since I wondered why they didn’t make the Psion Series 3 with a D-Pad for gaming (and Pandora is much better than that would ever have been).

I also like the fact that I will be able to smugly tell people at some point in the future “Yes well I helped fund the first production run of this revolutionary device”, albeit 0.025%, but hey, every little helps.


.....or just wait for the second batch.
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I agree with you guys that the re-pre-order cut off should be soon and not delayed. The team needs to know how much money they are going to have to use to assemble the Pandoras. I feel like we have seen enough to make educated decisions about whether to re-pre order or not - after all, you pre-ordered with seeing much less! As long as the hardware is functional then the software can be gradually updated. I know I'm not telling anyone they don't already know but I am just giving you my opinion. Put me in the don't delay the re-pre-order category :) Mazza, I am also of the opinion that you will regret moving to the second batch - so don't do it - unless you really need the money for something really important (like food).

It's a lot about the community as well. As long as they do ship a workable machine, I'm pretty confident that all the talented people here will help make it reach its potential, no matter what state the software is in when they ship.
Admittedly, I can program for myself, so I'm not entirely at the mercy of others here. I also have practical use cases, as it'll take over some of the tasks of my DS and phone, (mobile dictionary, notes, browser, emulators, etc.).
Caution is good, but I don't think there's a need to be too pessimistic about the software. A proper Linux desktop with the goodies that brings is a given.
mazza558 said:
just convinced me to keep my place in the first batch :D
Go on -you know you wanna.

Buy a Pandora. For yourself. Don't you deserve it ? :D
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mazza558 said:
Gah! Now I'm on the fence again! I thought I was over this point (as I obviously was when I ordered and even set up the unofficial blog).

I just expected the software to be more workable than it currently is, despite warnings that it'd be a bit rough to start with - I didn't expect this rough.
Mazza, i've been rather ( negative )vocal about the pandora's development ( and the communication ). But in my eyes, it already showed more then i hoped for.

The most important thing in my eyes is, the final unit in my hands.

The software is something that can grow over time. Lets put it this way, when you get your unit, the software may not be 100% perfect, there might be only 1 or 2 emulators active, but, as time passes, new software will come out. The software you got, gets improved ( neon, dsp, sgx ) to be faster, stabler, and less ( battery ) power hungry ( hardware usage vs software rendering ).

Hell, seeing the software liberty grow, seeing constant improvements on the software, can itself be a addition ;)

The demo by itself is just fine. Sure, it might be nice to have seen the OS boot directly, but we already know from ED's post and the development board, that its capable. Its just a mater of putting it on the demo unit. Like with the ps emulator, the fact that the keys need to be mapped it at best a hour work. Its not like its some major problem. ;)
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Its only a little computer/game rig.
Waiting a few more months to be more secure in your decision is OK.

Personally, the thought of getting a not quite polished software version is part of the charm.
Working through the necessary ins and outs of the process should be infuriating and fun.
This reminds me of putting together a single board hex computer back in the early 80's.
Along with the Sinclair ZX-80 kit I got, and stayed up all night soldering together.
And early Commodores (Vic 20 and 64).
It was all a lot of fun, educational, and pioneering.

The curse of the early-adopter.

Don't sweat it. It ain't the end of the world.

This is the first computer I ever built (actually, my EE roomate and I built it).
Line by line hexidecimal programming, output on 6 digit hex display.
Karas said:
You have to understand is called a Pre-order for a reason because you order it before its released. If your skeptical I would say that the first batch isn't right for you...
Skeptical is probably the wrong word. I highly doubt that the person that started the unofficial blog and combs through this forum religiously has any doubts as to whether the project is legit or not. There are other things to consider.
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MWeston said:
fusion_power said:
Wow, is it that complicated? I mean, you are the Pro and I have no clue about Linux and installing. if you can't get the OS easily onto the Pandora to work, how should little amateurs like me handle the Software onto the Pandora? Am I missed something? ^_^
Everything is loaded from memory cards during testing/development. Shipping Pandoras will have everything in NAND with an easy way to upload new firmware as it comes out.

Maybe it will be easy to do. I've never tried it before so we shall see.

If it's like getting Angstrom going on a BeagleBoard, it should be pretty straight forward. Not that it necessarily would be the same as the BeagleBoard.

Anyways, good luck, I'm sure it'll be fun for you to build it and see everything running the bleeding edge software, and launching stuff straight from the UI. Also, don't worry about the video persona, the last one was excellent!
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