Thanks everyone - and Magnulus sorry I was a little testy too with my reply (I have a habit of pouring gas on flames rather than water)
I think you've all got my line of thought a little wrong. When something as IMPRESSIVE as the Pandora comes along it usually takes a boat load of cash to bring it to reality. Usually it takes a boat load of time too. I was surprised when I saw an April/May 08 date but I couldn't actually find any details of the company behind it. That's what I meant about company presence. Without that presence I'm afraid my thought process went something like "wow, nice idea - but it sounds like a dream rather than reality".
I am very impressed with the Pandora and with the community driven process. I didn't expect Craig or MWeston would post or be responsive (and to be fair to me - as an "outsider" I had no idea who's posts I was supposed to be looking for).
Yes, this is way different - and IMO - way better than waiting for a mega-corp to throw the development community a few breadcrumbs. However I was never intending to compare it to the iPhone et al. It was my friend Magnulus that introduced those products.
Your team rocks - may you have much success.
NOW JUST TELL ME WHERE TO PRE-ORDER ONE (just kidding, I joined the mailing list (if it's for real?) and I will now wait (somewhat) patiently just like everyone else).
Thanks everyone - you've all been helpful to a p&|a noob like me...
I was surprised when I saw an April/May 08 date but I couldn't actually find any details of the company behind it. That's what I meant about company presence. Without that presence I'm afraid my thought process went something like "wow, nice idea - but it sounds like a dream rather than reality".
I think the reason why most of the forum regulars don't doubt Craig and the others is that all the people involved in this have proven themselves on other occassions as reliable businessmen. ED and Craig are some of the largest distributors of the GP2X and also without a doubt the most present in the community. They handled most of the marketing for a system they were merely resellers of, and they've used their involvement in the community to pick up what we would need in a spiritual successor to the GP2X. They've also contributed with some prizes in GP2X contests that weren't run by them and donated to respected developers.
I think that their involvement in the community makes a strong statement not only because it shows they actually care, but also because it would be devastating for them to have a forum community as large as this one turn them. Sony can easily shrug off an anti-Sony site, but these guys kind of need us to be on their team... Especially considering that ED is the one who actually HOSTS this forum, if I'm not mistaken. ^_^
jdh2550 said:
However I was never intending to compare it to the iPhone et al. It was my friend Magnulus that introduced those products.
Actually it's Hando who hosts - ED does, however, host file archives for both the GP32 and the GP2x, and further hosts, the which is the German language equivalent of here...