A Launch title - A community effort.

I feel inspired

A 2D space shooter sounds like it'd be easier to create than a mario clone, you wouldn't need to worry much about physics (jumping/falling) or much level design (plus, no need for any walking/running/jumping/ducking animations). I Know you were talking about building on a previous game engine, but I know I wouldn't be able to help with that.

To start, it's worth mentioning that I don't fully get the “Keep hope inside” bit, doesn't that mean we wouldn't have hope? Since we do, just like we have greed, lying, slander and whatever else, wouldn't that mean the box was reopened at some point to release hope for us all? So assuming the box gets reopened, that might be a decent place to start.

A possible story line would be something like:

A mystic in a world without hope starts in a setting of cold hearted pessimistic people. There is much death and destruction caused by the desperation each person has towards the other (people kill each other a lot.. possibly a higher percentage of killing has been done in the old days,.. who knows..). This mystic discovers a reference to an aide which could remove some desperation from the hearts of his brothers (the hope still contained in Pandora's box). He knows there is no way he could search the earth for this on foot, so he transforms himself into an entity which can move through space much faster and more efficiently. This would be where the slide show stops and the game begins.

The character could control gravitational forces around himself, This would be activated or de activated by pressing a button. It wold be useful for pulling unreachable items towards you, or causing items to orbit you and creating a shield. Probably [R] would be used. The character could move in any direction (unlike most linear shooters, and more like Vektar) with either the analogue stick or D-pad. And lastly, the [L] button could be used to send out a blast of energy as a weapon. This energy can be altered by many different “power ups” collected from fallen enemies. For example, a bland energy burst would just be a telekinetic hit in the direction you're facing, but if you kill a fire demon, and absorb the fire energy, your hit will burn through those in it's path. Maybe it could even be made with 4 elements which could be toggled on or off by the four action buttons (Ex. Press the buttons which correspond to fire and energy to add some fire and energy power to your typical attack, press them again to turn them off and just use your basic attack, keeping your collected fire and wind in storage). And maybe you'd need certain elements to get through certain areas (burn through the wooden wall, etc)

The end result is of course, you arrive at the box's location, it's heavily guarded because people know what it released and fear it, but you must get in to break open the box and release the hope using every element you've acquired.

And people lived happily ever after.. until commercial organizations discovered that desperate people are easier to market to, so they decided to take away that hope somehow.. which is, of course, where the sequel comes in.

I've been slowly working on a Warlords clone but might put that on the back burner to see if I can accomplish any of this (disclaimer: I suck, never completed anything like this, and the time limit is tight).
ok, i see, i'm no artist :lol: .

Maybe a space shooter would be cool too but i think noone could write a complete engine in time.
Whe there is one that could be adopted this would be doable.

Just wanted to contribute something. If you need a hand on other stuff, tell me.
I agree that a mod of quake 3 would be a great launch title. It would show off the capabilities of the pandora as well as make good use of the dual analogs. And it wouldn't be extremely hard to get done in time. But I don't think its been ported to pandora yet has it? Perhaps quake 2 would be a better candidate?


I think 8 weeks can be enough time, just depends how much spare time ya have :P. The game would have to be quite simple in design though, and ya might look into making a better 2nd version in the future.

Hmm, if you are using Python then I think you should be fine using Windows. I have no idea if you will beable to run Python scripts on the Pandora from the get go, but I think it's quite possible that you could. Also, even if you go with C/C++ you still should beable to use Windows along with MinGW, or just use CodeBlocks if ya want an IDE and have MinGW installed for ya and not have to worry about Makefiles and stuff. I have made a couple of posts about such things lately, one on this forum and one on the gp32x forums.

Hmm, I can't help ya much with ya gfx issues on Linux. Make sure ya /etc/X11/xorg.conf is setup correctly, with DRI enabled, and I'd probably check if ya using the correct drivers and such also. I use Archlinux myself, but you probably better off with Ubuntu or whatever. I remember there were some issues with ATI drivers at some stage (quite a while ago actually, maybe things are okay now), I made sure to get an Nvidia gfx the last time I upgraded. Hmm, generally I find the gfx performs much faster on Linux, compared to Windows XP.

Wow this game is going to be good. Whatever it is. And if it's actually finished on time. :D

Phawx, you should decide on what game you want to make! It is your topic after all :P

Maybe set a deadline for ideas? Then we could all start to make it!
Something based on OpenTyrian? There are console builds for the Amiga, Dreamcast, DS, GameCube, Gizmondo, GP2X, Nokia Internet Tablets, PSP, and Wii.
I think a main stumbling block is the choice of a good mascot. There is no animal really associated with pandora. What needs done is a list of possible mascots needs made and voted on. I don't know about you but i didn't really care for the girl with stupid pony tail thing sticking out the side of her head.
god dam can we not use the girl as a mascot she looks a lot younger than i am. She looks like if shes 12. And i am no fan of anime.
Total great idea I came up with. Vector art (google it) greek/mid-evil (god I don't know how to spell it) pandora, from Pandora's box, holding the Open Pandora Logo, or looking into a box with said logo. As a GAME mascot, however... we have reached a difficult situation. I reccomend taking one of the better open-source open-modify games and re-do it, shaving some time off of developing from scratch. Visuals are a must, and that's easily obtained by the two main games I've heard of: Mario-esque game, and side/top-scrolling shooter. However, anyone thought of a decent puzzle game yet? Maybe a portal style puzzle platformer? Or maybe an abuse clone? Also, I've been playing an internet game called untangle, that'd be a great combo, with the touch-screen and all. So, I bring to you... a checklist.
1. SOLID design (Good quality, controls are nailed down and easy, not awkward)
2. Good graphics, utilizing the exact screen ratio and rez we're working with on the Pandora
3. Use of the touch-screen in some manner. It's one of the most over-looked assets of the Pandora so far, IMHO
4. Sound. The sound quality of the Pandora is good, let's use it!
5. Memorable Character/Theme. Something original, and well thought out.
6. Ease of use: Nothing's worse than reading about a game, and going 'OVER 9000 DEPENDENCIES WITH MANUAL INSTALL???'
7. Community input: Involve the pandora community from start to finish. 'Nuff said.
MonkeyChops said:
I think a main stumbling block is the choice of a good mascot.

Actually, I think you'll find a larger stumbling block to be a good set of developers who can make a good game. That's the hard part.

A project just like this was attempted some months ago before videos of the Pandora were even being released (if my memory serves) and there weren't enough developers. An experienced developer picked it up and tried to push it forward, but when it came to coding the whole thing collapsed, because not enough people were available to help him out. (On top of the fact that no one could decide what the game would be like.)

Not that I'm saying you guys shouldn't go for it, but if you can't get a good team of people to be truly enthusiastic about it, you won't get very far.
A couple of points:

1.) 8 weeks is nowhere near enough time to produce a launch title that would be worthy of the name. I think the best approach is to focus on a port of a really good open source game that's never been seen on a handheld before. (Sauerbraten is probably a good candidate, if it can be made to run.)

2.) I don't think you really want a Pandora mascot that you then use in a bunch of games. It really doesn't work well. In my opinion, Linux gaming has suffered through the uninspired use of Tux in every damned game someone comes up with.

The two companies with mascot characters that are instantly identifiable are Nintendo (Mario) and Sega (Sonic), neither of which have any direct association to their platforms. They are recognisable on their own merit.

As a long term project, perhaps we should work towards developing an original "franchise", like Mario, for the Pandora (or for open source gaming in general). I've been thinking about starting this up for a while. Rather than work on a specific game, the project develops the characters, setting and resources for other games to use.
The reason I wanted to use Secret Maryo Chronicles as a base, was I don't have to worry about coding at all. No one is this thread actually has to worry about coding. Yes, SMC would need to be ported, but the source is available and on the forums of SMC the dev already expressed interest of porting it.

If anyone wanted to do sprites, its recommended to use http://www.inkscape.org/

You can draw using vectors, so sprites can scale to ANY size and retain their quality, unlike raster graphics.

I've been following the thread closely and, while I know its community based, I feel Craig&Co should really have more say than me by trying to create a mascot for Pandora.

I was thinking about using the Pandora Symbol, but I thought it might lean itself greater to a top down shooter. The Pandora symbol being an aircraft that is.

So this is what 'I' have decided and have been working on this week:

- I am only going to edit the sprites used in SMC to reflect a 'darker' tone.
- Most monsters will remain the same as of 1.6.
- I've asked a couple of musician friends to see if they can create some good looping music
- I am going to be using a Greek Mythology story line with these bits of info
- When Craig announces how many pre-orders he has secured, that will be the amount of pieces to collect to win the game
- The level creation will make heavy use of Greek Myth venues.

By only altering sprites (if I will be allowed), I will be able crank out levels and mold the story together to make it a complete package.

So, what I am looking from you guys, if you want to contribute:

Music and a story.

Just post ideas and or some music and let's see how far we can take it. As soon as I have a build of level one finished I will up it somewhere so people can test it out on their respective machines.

So, this is what I am going to be doing to fill the gap of waiting for my Pandora to arrive.
I agree with Kagato in that a port of a advanced game should be focused on, but I think that a game made by the community should be made and released much later and should be much more refined.
Instead of using a girl anime character for a platformer, I was thinking of an ancient Greek mythology theme revolving around a twisted story of Pandora's Jar, and played in a Prince of Persia or God of War fashion. 3D would be incredible but 2D wouldn't be that bad. I was thinking maybe Promethues, the Titan of foresight, has a vision after delivering fire to earth, of the releasing of Pandora's Jar, and he sets out to try and stop this from happening. I'm thinking a story along the lines of him escaping the Underworld (we learned about this dude in my Latin class, he got his liver eaten every day then it regrew then it was eaten again) and making a deal with Hades to stop Zeus from creating the woman Pandora. Then he could maybe have to defeat Hades because he wouldn't let him leave. I'm still thinking of the rest of the story but I think any game based on Greek mythology would be much more original than a platformer.
I also understand the time it would take to create such a game, and I would expect a community game of this calibur until a year or so after the release.
Phawx said:
The reason I wanted to use Secret Maryo Chronicles as a base, was I don't have to worry about coding at all. No one is this thread actually has to worry about coding. Yes, SMC would need to be ported, but the source is available and on the forums of SMC the dev already expressed interest of porting it.

If anyone wanted to do sprites, its recommended to use http://www.inkscape.org/

You can draw using vectors, so sprites can scale to ANY size and retain their quality, unlike raster graphics.

I've been following the thread closely and, while I know its community based, I feel Craig&Co should really have more say than me by trying to create a mascot for Pandora.

I was thinking about using the Pandora Symbol, but I thought it might lean itself greater to a top down shooter. The Pandora symbol being an aircraft that is.

So this is what 'I' have decided and have been working on this week:

- I am only going to edit the sprites used in SMC to reflect a 'darker' tone.
- Most monsters will remain the same as of 1.6.
- I've asked a couple of musician friends to see if they can create some good looping music
- I am going to be using a Greek Mythology story line with these bits of info
- When Craig announces how many pre-orders he has secured, that will be the amount of pieces to collect to win the game
- The level creation will make heavy use of Greek Myth venues.

By only altering sprites (if I will be allowed), I will be able crank out levels and mold the story together to make it a complete package.

So, what I am looking from you guys, if you want to contribute:

Music and a story.

Just post ideas and or some music and let's see how far we can take it. As soon as I have a build of level one finished I will up it somewhere so people can test it out on their respective machines.

So, this is what I am going to be doing to fill the gap of waiting for my Pandora to arrive.

Wow that's ironic, I was writing my post while you posted this on the story.
Was that anywhere near the kind of story you were looking for or do you want to head in a different direciton? I'm thinking about asking my Latin teacher for all the facts of the story because I'm pretty sure he's read the original Plato version of it.
I would like to use that story, but I have to see how much time I have, and I want to get permission from the dev of SMC before I go willy nilly and edit all of his sprites.

If we were to go with your vision, the games sprites would have to be heavily altered to make a much darker tone and sound effects and music would need to be created.

Creating levels, while tedious, is fantastically easy, from the overworld map to the level you actually play on. It is a solid platformer and the power ups make for interesting gameplay.

The ghost power-up I was considering using throughout the entire Tartarus level.

How could we make use of and have a story revolve around

- Growing Bigger
- Have the ability to shoot fireballs
- Have the ability to shoot iceballs

Also, 1.6 seems to just have added the ability to start making use of 'boss' charecters and it seems the only one right now is a giant turtle, a regular turtle just huge from Super Mario Fame.

So, I have become quite comfortable with the level editor and its genius, now I have to ask the dev if it would be okay to alter the sprites. If he says okay and everyone wants to help me create darker versions, by altering the sprites, that would be massively helpful.

That's where I am right now. Regardless of whatever situation, if I can't change the sprites, I will make a more lighthearted game.

So keep that in mind as well, I know its cool and all to have a 'God of War' type of story with grit and everything, but we might need to have a Good story that uses light hearted elements.

Im going to bed now.
Phawx said:
I would like to use that story, but I have to see how much time I have, and I want to get permission from the dev of SMC before I go willy nilly and edit all of his sprites.

If we were to go with your vision, the games sprites would have to be heavily altered to make a much darker tone and sound effects and music would need to be created.

Creating levels, while tedious, is fantastically easy, from the overworld map to the level you actually play on. It is a solid platformer and the power ups make for interesting gameplay.

The ghost power-up I was considering using throughout the entire Tartarus level.

How could we make use of and have a story revolve around

- Growing Bigger
- Have the ability to shoot fireballs
- Have the ability to shoot iceballs

Also, 1.6 seems to just have added the ability to start making use of 'boss' charecters and it seems the only one right now is a giant turtle, a regular turtle just huge from Super Mario Fame.

So, I have become quite comfortable with the level editor and its genius, now I have to ask the dev if it would be okay to alter the sprites. If he says okay and everyone wants to help me create darker versions, by altering the sprites, that would be massively helpful.

That's where I am right now. Regardless of whatever situation, if I can't change the sprites, I will make a more lighthearted game.

So keep that in mind as well, I know its cool and all to have a 'God of War' type of story with grit and everything, but we might need to have a Good story that uses light hearted elements.

Im going to bed now.

OK. So...

(For anyone who doesn't know the Pandora's Box Story, here it is)

Possible Story:
Basically, Pandora has just opened the box, so Zeus is happy that he tricked her, so Pandora plans to get revenge. With help from the other Gods, she plans to travel through the lands of Greece and the Underworld to reach him and battle him for vengeance (ethier have Zeus replacing the Giant Turtle Boss, or have the Pieces make something that can destroy Zeus)

Possible Enemies
So the enemies can look the same, and they can personify the bad things that were left out of the box (possibly apart from Zeus, that could replace the giant turtle).

Possible Powerups
Collecting gold bribes the Gods to give Pandora another life, and when you get 100 you get another life.

The Red Mushrooms are a gift from Kratos (the Greek 'god' of strength) to help her get to Zeus. (He exists in Greek mythology, but only as a personification of power. This could be a little inreference to God of War players :) )

The Fireplants are a gift from Hephaestus (the Greek God of fire) to help her get to Zeus.

The Blue Mushrooms are a gift from Boreas (the Greek God of winter) to help her get to Zeus.

The Ghost Mushrooms are a gift from Hades (the Greek God of the underworld) to help her get to Zeus.

The Green Mushrooms are a gift from three Moirae (the Greek Gods who created and ended life) to help her get to Zeus.

The Stars are a gift from the Ares (the Greek God of war) to help her get to Zeus.

The Moons are a gift from Artemis (the Greek God of the moon) to help her get to Zeus.

The Poison Mushrooms are a trap from Zeus to hinder Pandora's Quest.

Well there you go. Any feedback?
Kagato said:
A couple of points:

1.) 8 weeks is nowhere near enough time to produce a launch title that would be worthy of the name. I think the best approach is to focus on a port of a really good open source game that's never been seen on a handheld before. (Sauerbraten is probably a good candidate, if it can be made to run.)
It is possible, but you have to either have a really simple game or have a working game engine, understanding all the code. To put things into perspective, my own game has been almost ready for release for a few months now, but I still have one more big bug to get rid of that's proving elusive!

All I can say is, that even porting an existing game and adapting it into something that is supposed to be unique for Pandora... It's still going to be very tricky, because you have to familiarise yourself with how the code works to understand what you can and can't do. (I'm still in this sort of phase with GMenu).

In any case it will be interesting to see what happens, so good luck. But I dare say people have some projects up their sleeves for launch. And I'll certainly try to get something released. :)