A Launch title - A community effort.

maybe a 2D portal clone could be made with the engine?

(i know a flash game already exists)
No, I mean shooter as in 2D space shooter, EG. Warning Forever, etc. I honestly think the game should be something that can be produced by the time the system is released, which means K.I.S.S.
FoxBlitzz said:
No, I mean shooter as in 2D space shooter, EG. Warning Forever, etc. I honestly think the game should be something that can be produced by the time the system is released, which means K.I.S.S.

Warning Forever looks pretty cool. Scratch that, Warning forver looks amazing!

Is that controlled with both analog sticks?

I'm working on this just now ,i have two unfinished projects running off of windows 3DGS but i need to
look into porting them for linux - iv got linux up and running now so just trying to get used to the installer
and looking at the different software packages avail for porting and development.

My two projects are games ,one 3d rpg (zelda64 like) and the other 3d platformer ,i will need to drop
one of them for the time being so i can just concentrate on one game, which would look like the
platformer ,also the quickest to finish,you will get the mascot you are looking for ,iv been thinking
about this all week,i might need to start over and also use new software especially for linux and

My projects are not exactly all in code form either ,lots of writen stuff and text and the basis of
a level design set out in 3DGS ,i wish i had known about pandora long ago, it would have got
me doing more with this ,i recon if i get the linux stuff out the way ,the rest will not take that long
and if i need to release something more like a demo - full game but with limited levels ,i would
rather do that so its out there.

im good with music,level design and general game quality control ,art is not my thing on the desktop
tho ,so ill be using the best free ware textures i can get.

Or we could just give up and do a text adventure game. That would be simple and on time.

I think we should try to stick with Phawx's original idea... editing Sprites is a lot easier than making a game from scratch, and I really like the mascot idea- we could have a new Mario!

I would love it if we could get the other games realistic done in time though!
I just quick-sprited that mascot mentioned on the first page.

just a quick draft without shading or something, maybe we can use her as the character.

Editing sprites is very amateur. I would rather have basic shapes than the 532nd retooling of the Megaman 7 sprite. Not to mention it could be considered borderline copyright violation. We need something that will leave a positive impact on users.
I think that if we are going to use sprites, make them from scratch at the least bit. Originality is what I'm looking forward to.
Well maybe someone could do a 3d model and animate the sprites from that.
Phawx said:
teppic - Was Nintendo really all that happy about Sonic. We won't be using any assets from any Nintendo game, so legally there would not be anything they could do. Nintendo doesn't have the rights to ALL platformers. We would just be using the Super Maryo Chronicles engine to create a Pandora Platform Game.

Please tell me you aren't suggesting that Sonic is a clone of Mario. Have you ever played Sonic? It's a completely different game. The only similarities they have is that they are both platformers, and that jumping on the enemy can kill most enemies, which in Sonic isn't true all too often anyways.

FoxBlitzz said:
Editing sprites is very amateur. I would rather have basic shapes than the 532nd retooling of the Megaman 7 sprite. Not to mention it could be considered borderline copyright violation. We need something that will leave a positive impact on users.

First of all, a good sprite edit takes some work. Don't try to belittle the hard work of others. Second, as long as a sprite is edited enough, then there's no copyright violation.

mcobit said:
I'm not sure you've got the best color scheme for the character.

EDIT: BTW, I think that if we are to make a game using a Pandora mascot that it needs to be a really defining game, not just some Mario clone. I was thinking of maybe a more quick-paced platformer that played similar to Noitu love (http://www.konjak.org/noitu.htm), or Noitu love 2 (http://www.konjak.org/). This obviously would take too much time to be a launch title, so I'd suggest coming out with some non-mascot game if you're looking for a launch title. That way we can put a lot of work into a quality platformer with the Pandora mascot as the main character.

-God Ginrai
nah, thought of that. well its my first sprite i actually did. Cant't get it right with colors or shading

everyone please feel free to edit or something...
God Ginrai said:
Phawx said:
teppic - Was Nintendo really all that happy about Sonic. We won't be using any assets from any Nintendo game, so legally there would not be anything they could do. Nintendo doesn't have the rights to ALL platformers. We would just be using the Super Maryo Chronicles engine to create a Pandora Platform Game.

Please tell me you aren't suggesting that Sonic is a clone of Mario. Have you ever played Sonic? It's a completely different game. The only similarities they have is that they are both platformers, and that jumping on the enemy can kill most enemies, which in Sonic isn't true all too often anyways.

Exactly... A better example would be great giana sisters.
Or perhaps In the groove.
I'm sure there are a lot more examples of this. Those were of course commercial games though...

There has been opensource games in trouble as well. I.e. freecraft. But that might only have been because of the name (not really sure).

I'm just saying that Super Maryo Chronicles is more or less a direct clone, even if the characters are changed. Pretty much like giana sisters.

I do like some ideas here though, and wish you good luck with it. As long as the game has some originality it should be fine I guess.

What I meant by my original post was that if this was supposed to be some kind of "offical game" for the pandora, you should at least consider the risks.
Mhm, I don't think she really looks like the main character of a video game...
Few problems. First, that
sprite is way too big to be used as a character sprite in a platformer, if thats what you were intending. and it would be hell of a job to make full animations with it, anyway. second, the pandora 'mascot' is just a generic anime character, even more so than any of the other *chan and OS mascots. and if you have a launch title homebrew game where you either have no testing or you have to really on someone else for testing, it really cant end well
Personally, I think that a title like wind and water redone for the Pandora would be a better launch title then a platformer based off of 1 drawing from deviant art. I just don't see how in 2 months an amazing launch title will come about.

I haven't read everyones posts yet.

Anyhows I was planning on making a launch title, but I think I will be quite busy this month so I dunno if I will get it done in time.

I won't say anything about it yet, but it was going to feature a pandora character, amongst some other key characters.

I thought I may as well go more into it.

Anyhows I wrote up a little text file and stuff about it the other day. For now the game has the codename "Pandora Wiz".

The characters are Pandora head, Wiz head, PSX Controller head, and N64 Controller head. You can kinda think of it as a Virtual Cop sorta game, but I was thinking that maybe you can move the player around and just have the camera on rails. I was thinking something like wildguns or whatever.

I won't go into my plans for the gameplay yet, but I will quickly go over the above mentioned characters.

Basically they are like cartoon sorta characters, with the Pandora head having the Pandora screen as a head, the Wiz having a Wiz as it's head, the PSX Controller having a PSX controller as a head and so on. You play as Pandora head, and Wiz head is the bad guy. I was thinking it would be cool to have the Pandora and Wiz characters have facial expression on their screen, with television noise between each change. Hmm, I guess in a way you could think of the characters as much like those from megaman, with each having their own level that you battle at the end.

But yea, as I was saying earlier, I dunno if I will beable to get this done by launch.

another edit
BTW, I've already started modelling the Pandora head character, I will have no prob with the others also. I've also done the basic model of the first map, I'm just using blender. The maps arn't going to be textured to save time, but they will have a color theme. Anyhows I'll leave it at that for now.

and another edit
mcobit: Just wanted to mention that I think you have made a nice character design there, did you design this yourself or edit some existing sprite? Hmm, your latest sprite seems to have a few issues with proportions, the pose and/or anatomy, but nevermind.

8 weeks aint enough time to get a game out there unless its a hacked port example
would be quake3 engine mod,with different charactors based on pandora tho theres
nothing pandora defining at the moment.

it would be more realistic in developing a game-demo six months into the release
of the pandora ,i want to port something i have been working on but im totaly new
to linux - just got ubuntu on my laptop and must say im impressed with it tho its
unstable in terms of what you can install as the apt binaries i think are for all versions
distros of linux so i messed up the install, trying again now but i need someone in the
know that can direct me to good software for porting and developing good 3d programs
and software.

if any of you know a fair bit about linux and can point me in the right direction
mail me or reply to this post,i have been told to start with python but i dont
know where the pandora comes in - do i use linux os with python and blender ?
then have it ARM compatible when compiling so its easy to port to pandora ?
also im finding linux has really slow graphics support ,prolly due to intel graphics driver
on laptop or the lack of a driver,i need help in terms of what os i should have on and
what programs i should be running and if possible ,can this be done in windows instead
of linux.
