Making A Pandora Gaming Community


Active Member
Feb 29, 2008
Apperantly we don't really have a choice but to wait for the pandora. What can we do to make the waiting more comfortable? Hmm.. we could diss the 200 people asking for winXP, halflife and similar things each week to hell, but that gets very very boring already.
So, why don't we just start setting up a gaming community. Let's celebrate the games we will be abled to play on pandora already.

My current plan would be to set up an irc-channel or jabber-muc and decide what game to play in real time ^^
The games planed there must have a certain chance to get ported to pandora and online multiplayer is obviously a plus ^^
We could also plan events, special servers and such things. A lot has already been discussed, but nothing has really be done.

What'chu fink?
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Sounds good. Let me know where it is, and how to reach it, and I'll add it to my next blog post (which is not aimed at OpenPandora, but game dev/indie gaming in general)
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Awesome idea... Setting up a community devoted to the Pandora seems awesome...

Music and Movies uploads and all that would be awesome
The irc channel idea is a great one and i think it will make the waiting a little easier :D
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IRC Channels




File Archive (Not very useful right now but probably used for the "file sharing")


Forum (of course)

Pandora Forum

I think that covers most of whats been mentioned :P.

P.S. Sorry for the sudden post edit, thought this would be more useful.
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Raz: Videos? Music? It's not about filesharing, but gaming :P

Cron_: oh, an actionist ^^

I first wanted to get a little feedback, see if people have interest. I think the name of the IRC-channel/muc should be less generic. Something like pgc comes to my mind, PandoraGamingCommunity.

Anyway, bedtime here. Tomorrow I'll see what has happened with this thread. If there is interest, I'll create a multiuser-chat on irc or jabber and register for the pandora-wiki and create a basic wiki-page, so we can collect static information like game-lists.

Until then, you can already name games you think we should play. OpenArena, teeworlds and hedgewars come to my mind, but there are certainly a lot more.

PSymaster: I know there is are a community and a chat. I want to make a gaming-community, basically a bunch of us getting warm with the games we will play when we have the pandora and getting contacts with other pandora-preorderers that want to play the same online-enabled games with other pandora-preorderers. So when we have the pandora in our hands, that doesn't need to be build up any more.

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Hmm... I'm leaning more towards the illegalz side, but i do have a roms shop that I have and I'm sure anyone who's been in idevice modding long enough has seen my large collection

You're not allowed to discuss that sort of stuff here - Chip
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Raz said:
Hmm... I'm leaning more towards the illegalz side, but i do have a roms shop that I have and I'm sure anyone who's been in idevice modding long enough has seen my large collection

goddamn, will you stop with this 'illegalz' shit? no one knows what you're talking about and it has nothing to do with this anyway. no one cares about your KILLER ROMZZZZ COLLECTION LMAOO KAZAA
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PoisonedV said:
Raz said:
Hmm... I'm leaning more towards the illegalz side, but i do have a roms shop that I have and I'm sure anyone who's been in idevice modding long enough has seen my large collection

goddamn, will you stop with this 'illegalz' shit? no one knows what you're talking about and it has nothing to do with this anyway. no one cares about your KILLER ROMZZZZ COLLECTION LMAOO KAZAA

For once, I second PoisonedV's sentiment. Why do I feel dirty... needs a shower.
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'Raz' said:
Hmm... I'm leaning more towards the illegalz side, but i do have a roms shop that I have and I'm sure anyone who's been in idevice modding long enough has seen my large collection
I'm not into i*, that's why I'm getting a Pandora.
What do your haxxored romz have to do with the IRC channel I didn't know we had, though?
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ok, I consider this thread hijacked and will leave out. pandoragamingcommunity failed. thx everyone.
lulzfish said:
'Raz' said:
ok, I consider this thread hijacked and will leave out. pandoragamingcommunity failed. thx everyone.

No, the idea is good, lets have this hack banned and we can get on topic. I will also join a gaming Pandora community, if it were to happen. We must out and kick these types, not succumb to their asshole like redirections.
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