A Launch title - A community effort.

I thought the only thing *left* in the Jar was hope. Like she tried to close it and by the time she did, that was the only thing left.
well maybe the sins could be proprietary software or handhelds and hope could be symbolized with the pandora so you could find the pandora in the first level and then you can find sd cards that power up the pandora with some special weapons you can use against the sins (like the flower in super mario enables you to shoot fireballs, the pandora could shoot "whatever" when you get a certain sd card.

I don't know how limited we are, in terms of, time limit on powers. We can have it so the levels we choose only make use of certain powers. Like Tartarus is a prison, so we could use the Ghost mushroom (SD Card) to travel and collect the sins (coins)
fine with that but powers as sd cards would be cool, if the main character would be that pandora girl she could get power ups through them, when the player holds a pandora as well
Hi all. 8-)

If I can help in any way on a visual level please let me know.

I am always planning to create a new website and maybe I'll get around to it next year but for now if you want to have a look at some of my older work feel free.


ah happy days...

If anyone can emulate dos feel free to take a look at the games as I think Moveaball would be a great game to port to the Pandora or wiz. Vertically Challenged and Nikki Nitro run on XP and Vista although not amazingly well.

Oh and for me the best mascot has to be Sam that was featured heavily with the samcoupe' computer. Forget sonic and mario... Sam was the ultimate cool robot thing.


PS. Well done Craig and team you've done a great job with the Pandora and I'm sure it's going to be a huge success.

I was thinking we should make the Star be the Pandora logo. Like that.
the enemies or bosses could be mascots of other systems, like mario, sonic, and crash since the pandora beats the shit out of those other systems power and function wise (well not the ps2,3 and xbox, 360 of course)
would be even cooler if once you beat the mascots of older systems, got (or emulated) their powers.
@MonkeyChops Please don't take this in a bad way, because I honestly like those ideas, but just to explain why this is a bad idea:

1.) Copyright material can not be used

2.) We are limited by the SMC engine to create this game. So that provides us with a pretty decent platformer engine and a way to create levels and replace sprites, story and music, but we can't add features in a timely fashion.

So let's please keep ideas within what the engine is capable of and without violating copyright.
I don't think this is a bad idea but i would rather see more ports in other genres if possible then a single mod of a game that already exists. We will soon have every 2D Mario title before N64 too.
Well I am not a dev, so I won't be porting anything to the Pandora. I was just trying to find an outlet for people, like me, where we can at the least use our creativity to produce something for our 'soon to be' machines.
yea, i figured the whole gaining-the-power thing would be a bit much unless we had a dev go to town. But if we made our own renditions of past mascots I don't think it would be any worse than the clone of mario is to begin with. Maybe instead of gaining the powers of old mascots after defeating them, you actually became them just in form. prob still to hard to do, but I really like the idea.
You know, it's perfectly OK to use the phrase "Pandora's Box".

Legends are supposed to change over time, and the product's logo is obviously a reference to the modern version, not the ancient one.

If we were making a Robin Hood game we wouldn't need Wikipedia fueled "experts" telling us that Maid Marrian and Friar Tuck aren't really part of the Robin Hood story.

On the topic of the game itself, perhaps the number 3000 could take on mystical significance. (Perhaps 3,000 coins to collect to get 100% completion?)

Either that or whatever the real pre-order number turns out to be.

I like the idea and as long as its easy to implement, taking over the characters that is, I am all for it. I don't think it is supported though.

There is also no 'bosses' with 1.6 of SMC. So right now we can only make a challenging platformer.


That's an awesome idea. I am going to be leaving work, soon so I am going to start working on the mechanics of changing assets and messing with the level editor. Anyone have an idea for looping music? Or know of looping music that is FOSS?


Thanks EvilDragon!
Took me forever to figure out how to post. Anyhow, I don't think that we should go around using sprites/levels from other classic games. We should try to set this apart from past games at least a little bit (but I think it's fine if we use one of the same engines).
Username said:
Took me forever to figure out how to post. Anyhow, I don't think that we should go around using sprites/levels from other classic games. We should try to set this apart from past games at least a little bit (but I think it's fine if we use one of the same engines).

Secret Maryo Chronicles is an open source project. So we can edit it to our liking. I do agree we shouldn't use anything that resembles other stuff, within reason.
I do agree that we need a launch title, though personally I've been thinking something along the lines of a simple shooter, like Geometry Wars did for the Live Arcade. It would be easy and quick to make, fun to play, and at the same time it could show off the graphics capabilities of the system. Just something to tide people over until bigger games come out.