15th Preorder Confirmed?

Wouldn't it be hilarious if all 3000s Pandoras sell out right away and then pop up on eBay at insanely high prices? Talk about being a hit. Pandora scalpers.
We might limit the number per person to 1-2 if a lot of people try to buy them all up EEE style. There were people going in to Toys R us and buying their entire stock of EEE computers just to ebay them at twice the price.

Edit: I'm not saying we will cancel orders for 10, if you get your order in we will honour it, it's just that it if keeps happening we might then add a limit from then on.
craigix said:
We might limit the number per person to 1-2 if a lot of people try to buy them all up EEE style. There were people going in to Toys R us and buying their entire stock of EEE computers just to ebay them at twice the price.

Edit: I'm not saying we will cancel orders for 10, if you get your order in we will honour it, it's just that it if keeps happening we might then add a limit from then on.
I just one one for myself. :(
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craigix said:
We might limit the number per person to 1-2 if a lot of people try to buy them all up EEE style. There were people going in to Toys R us and buying their entire stock of EEE computers just to ebay them at twice the price.

Edit: I'm not saying we will cancel orders for 10, if you get your order in we will honour it, it's just that it if keeps happening we might then add a limit from then on.
I'm curious as to how you will distribute the first 3000 Pandoras for sale. How many units will be set aside for distributors and how many will be available to the public?
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So regardless of where we're from (for the first batch), it'll be shipping directly from the UK, and not from a Canadian distributor, for example?

Thanks for all the info Craig! :)
I'm glad about the Qty issue. I'll probably get 2 or 3 for my friends, but I wont make them pay more than what I paid + shipping. Maybe I'll get them to treat me to lunch. That ok, craig? :P
No, they will be shipping from North America, Germany, UK, Spain and Turkey.

The Spanish distribution is a special arrangement due to the amount of interest from Spain.
Sounds like you guys have really executed on the distribution end, I hope everything falls in place for a timely preorder. :D Surprising that Spaniards are interested, though, they're extremely vested in GPH as a company in general. The more the merrier, I guess!

Just out of curiosity, once you guys are 100% concrete on a preorder date, will you put up a clock or something on the site or tell everyone exactly when preorders start so we can start the refresh-a-thon? :lol:
I have a feeling that on pre-order day when I navigate to openpandora.org I'll be greeted with a notice to the effect of "This site has exceeded its monthly bandwidth allotment. Please try again later." Of course, "Sorry, we're all out!" is probably more likely.
Are these pre-orders on the 15th if its true going to be available to all members of the forum or will there be a likely criteria to meet to be offered one?
PortaSoup said:
Are these pre-orders on the 15th if its true going to be available to all members of the forum or will there be a likely criteria to meet to be offered one?
No, it looks like it's pre-orders for everybody on the 30th.
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Chip said:
PortaSoup said:
Are these pre-orders on the 15th if its true going to be available to all members of the forum or will there be a likely criteria to meet to be offered one?
No, it looks like it's pre-orders for everybody on the 30th.

:unsure: :(
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Hold your horses guys. I think Craig & co should take their time and really nail the Pandora down. You know playtest and perfect it.
I think pre-orders shouldn't start until around summer 2009.
dak said:

Hold your horses guys. I think Craig & co should take their time and really nail the Pandora down. You know playtest and perfect it.
I think pre-orders shouldn't start until around summer 2009.
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CronoTriggerfan said:
[Don't Feed The Troll Image]
Dude, he was just stating his opinion, he wasn't trying to anger you.

But in response for dak anyways, they're not gonna release an extremely buggy product in MK1, they already tested it out for the big bugs and squashed most of them. Yes, there will be problems with it naturally, but that'll be fixed via firmware updates, unless it's a Hardware problem (which is less likely to happen), then it would be updated in MK2.

It'll be fine dak, just be patient for the small bugs to be fixed when it's released, there's bound not to be too many.
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can we have something where we can PM craig and friends to reserve preorders? so that none of the forum members who have been following the project since the begining and waiting close to a year now won't get locked out because a bunch of civillians found out and ordered faster (beware the e-snipe)
Reserve pre-orders, heheheh.

Linkous, sorry, there's no way to really even the odds at this point. Craigix and Co. are (as far as I can tell) unable to have a special pre-order any sooner, and having a special system for reserving pre-orders would be defeated when it's spread by word of mouth.

No, it looks like it'll come down to the survival of the fittest, as is usual, if there's more than 2500 people interested.