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  • Users: DBH
  • Content: Threads
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  1. D

    Wifi With Wep

    Hey all, I'm trying to get my GP2X connected to my network with the Nintendo/Buffalo Wifi stick I've followed the tutorials on the wiki but theres no proper mention of how to add your WEP key in the script. I was wondering if anyone else has managed to connect their GP2X with WEP if so please...
  2. D

    Gp2x And Sdhc Cards

    Hey Just wondering whats the biggest SDHC card that someone has fitted in the gp2x with custom SDHC compatible firmware?? Was wondering if anything over 8gb would work? Thanks!
  3. D

    Wifi With Wep

    Does anyone have a working script wifi with WEP access script they can show me the code for that they use with their wifi stick? This is my script atm: CODE #!/bin/sh ( ifname=rausb0 printf "\033[31m WiFi Setup Utility\n\n\033[32m" printf "Installing rt2570 module...\n"...
  4. D


    Hey all (Hooray for the boards finally working) I need your expertise.. I can't get Beat2x to stop crashing. I downloaded all those packs for it and extracted them to the packs folder when I load up Beat2X I can browse the highscores etc of the packs I added but when I goto click start it just...
  5. D

    Access Gp2x Via Vpn

    Is there an app etc that would allow me to control the GP2X via VPN so I can have it change music etc while I am at my desk at work? Plan is to hook it upto the hifi and leave it playing the tunes off a hard drive but occassionally if I want to change a tune etc then I can change it quickly via...
  6. D

    Usb Host Cables

    I need some help here I'm not sure whether I am damaging my GP2X here or not. Basically I got the USB host cable from artaylor the standard one with female A connector .. I plug it to my USB hub but if I power my hub the battery light goes on my GP2X! :blink: is the thing backfeeding into my...
  7. D

    GP2X Skype Phone On Gp2x?

    Is this possible? Wouldn't it be cool to have a skype phone or app working with the gp2x? Reason I say this is because it would probably work well with a bluetooth headset (if the drivers were compiled) you could use ure gp2x as a internet phone !
  8. D

    Yay Woo!

    Since nobody else cares... I'd like to say.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE!!! ...and the other five... :) WinterMute, lolo75, dedeibel, gxx, G Morgan :D
  9. D

    How To Compile Linux Wifi Drivers

    How would one go about doing this as I found the following wifi stick and it's uber small perfect for a mobile wifi gp2x! Uber small wifi stick SiS 163U chipset apparently... google says people have only got it to work with a ndiswrapper so not sure it could work??
  10. D

    Wanted: Gp2x Host Cable

    If anyone has one spare etc either the mini b or standard a type USB host cable and willing to let it go for £5-8 I will be very interested! Thanks.
  11. D

    Painting Your Gp2x

    Hey all Just as a passing thought I was thinking about if anyone (Craigix or ED) etc offered a painting service for the GP2X?? (Just to give it something different) If not can anyone tell me what would be needed to do a very decent paint job (basically changing the colour of every shell part)...
  12. D

    Wifi Sticks For The Cradle

    I would search but I only have a 45 minute lunch break (and I want to go for a walk :P) soo out of interest can anyone tell me what Wifi sticks (or chipset specific ones along with which brand if you know etc) got drivers / can work with the GP2X as I plan to get a usb stick soon along with the...
  13. D

    Flash 9 For Linux Flash 9 Beta version for Linux is out now. (Atleast now those people who complained about not being able to view my site can do so now :P)
  14. D

    Dbh Featured On

    Hi all (not sure this is the right place to post this, but hope you lot don't mind either way ;)) In my attempts to market myself as a creative designer after finishing uni (and to get a job) I have been chosen from the many people that submitted work to be part of the online showcase on the...
  15. D

    Gp2x As Internet Radio

    Hey Was just wondering if I wanted to turn my GP2X into a sorta internet radio (play music from over next etc) how would I do it if at all possible? GP2X... Qtopia web browser... USB wifi stick... BoB and er whatelse Someone care to write a detailed step by step guide for a newb? Thanks.
  16. D

    Two Loveable Characters

    ...and so I did, so while I am padding out my portfolio with some more work I modelled these two little munchkins from the 2D artwork that PEA created. Most of you will obviously recognise him from people's avatars. You can find the duo on the first page of the 3D section on my site...
  17. D


    Gamepark Holdings have just announced a red version of the GP2X! While surfing the site I found an image of the new style GP2X. It looks really funky. Maybe I should have held out and bought this one instead of the black one! :o Source from gp2x: News Article Heres the image from the site...
  18. D

    My Gp2x

    Thanks to greven and his nice photos I was able to finish up my GP2X model for my portfolio and texture it. This is what I got so far ! (might do some minor tweaks later on etc). Have I done our device justice? Hope you like it ! Im thinking maybe later do some promo material for the device...
  19. D

    Gp2x Front Shot

    Hi I'm in need of anyone who got a decent camera and is willing to help me. Im modelling the GP2X in 3D and need a high-res shot of the front dead on of the GP2X, I'd do it myself but I got a crap camera (as you would have probably seen from my shiney gp2x thread lol) if anyone can do this for...
  20. D

    Gp2x Blueprints

    Hi all... Just wondering if anyone knows where I can get hold of (if there are any proper ones out there) GP2X blueprints like the one from the site (below) but off better quality... I own a GP2X but having a proper blueprint to use would be ideal as I intend to model this in 3D. Ta!