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  • Users: trix
  • Content: Threads
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  1. trix

    Pyra as smartphone replacement

    So I know this has been discussed before, but all previous discussions of this type that I could find were fairly old and speculative. Now that Pyra is close enough to release that most details are unlikely to change, this seems like a good time to bring this discussion back. Considering I've...
  2. trix

    New Payment Method

    Hello! I was wondering if you would consider adding SplitIt ( as a payment method? Some items you sell (like the Pyra!) are expensive, and being able to enter a payment plan rather than paying upfront would very likely increase sales quite a bit. Personally, I will...
  3. trix

    How to make this java game work?

    Hello! So I'm trying to get this game Wurm Online going on my Pandora. It's a java game. The graphics are definitely too much for the old Pandy but there's a neat config option "world_render=false" that removes all the graphics and just leaves the UI. This would allow me to log into my...
  4. trix

    Wurm Online on Pyra

    Hello, I'm just wondering if it's possible to play a java game called Wurm Online on the Pyra. I've been playing this game for years and it can run on a pretty low-spec PC and thanks to java works great on Linux. I don't know if it works on ARM though, any chance someone else does? It's a...
  5. trix

    WTB Pandora Classic

    Hello, I was an old CraigX preorder that actually got my unit after waiting forever, only to have it stolen along with most of my belongings on a really really bad day. Anyway I want another one! I have $230 and a Nintendo 2DS unused that I can offer. I just want a classic with the newer...
  6. trix

    Trading Computer Hardware for Pandora!

    Hello, Recently I helped my brother's company upgrade a whole bunch of their computer systems, and in return, was given all of the old equipment. I'm wondering if anyone here is interesting in trading some of it for their Pandora.  I'll even trade ALL of it for a single Pandora if you pay...
  7. trix

    Want to trade my 2DS + Tablet for (any) Pandora

    Hello. It's been quite a long time since I logged into these or the gp32x forums, so I don't expect anyone to remember me, but I was a pre-orderer of first batch Pandora waaay back when and got my Pandora years ago.  It was an original unit I paid a premium for using the first...
  8. trix


    So I go to leave for class today (Uni of Wisconsin), and notice something horrific... MY PANDORA IS MISSING! Yeah, that's right, some F.ING AHOLE broke into my van and STOLE MY PANDORA! They also stole about $400 worth of computer equipment, $1000 worth of micro-biology equipment, and my...
  9. trix

    Wifi not working when booting from SD

    [sOLVED! - Wish I could edit title to reflect this but ah well] I'm trying to get a dev environment set up but I'm too low on NAND space to do it from there. So while hanging out in IRC, stuckie linked me to his gcc-preinstalled Angstrom image, which I plopped on an SD card and booted into...
  10. trix

    Pandora software the pandora lacks

    Hi guys, thumb typing this from my Pandora so please ignore punctuation and capitalization mistakes. Also, i couldn't find a port request forum so i hope this is the right place. If not, would a mod please move this to the right place? Thanks. Anyway, I've now had my Pandora for a week...
  11. trix

    Arm Compiling Howto

    Hi, it's everyone's favourite cereal here. And if not, it should be. With all of the "is it going to ship!?!?11?1" posts we need something new to talk about until official word is released. On that note, I have an important request! I am not a very good programmer. In fact, I suck pretty...
  12. trix

    720P Video

    Hi! Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I remember reading before that the TV OUT on the Pandora is SVideo and thus cannot output HD. Yet, I've seen videos that prove the hardware itself can handle outputting that resolution, just apparently not the TV OUT port. My question is, is there a way...
  13. trix

    Iphone And Pandora Arm Porting

    Hi guys! I've been lurking around for quite a loooong time here but never had reason to post (you guys are pretty thorough). Recently I've come up with a question that I don't recall being answered and a forum search seems to be unable to locate. As the topic description says... I have an...