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  1. D

    Gp2x Or Psp

    And I bought my 4gb card for 120 € back then :<
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    That Game...

    Thank you guys, it really was a clone of pipe dream :)
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    That Game...

    My mother had an accident the last weekend and broke her leg really bad. She wont be coming home in quite some time I guess and she already said that she's really bored in the hospital: Crappy TV and she's sharing the room with an old granny who can't speak or hear. So i thought I'd borrow her...
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    Button Masher Or Methodical

    I can never be bothered with a fighting game long enough to make me learn the moves.
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    Gp2x Or Psp

    Scanlines? Where?
  6. D

    Gp2x Or Psp

    If you want homebrew on the psp you have to find one with the old firmware (unlikely) or buy a modchip for it.
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    New Kind Of Sd Problem?

    Im having the same problem, got the cardreader from ED. It would only let me format the 4gb card as 1gb. On a friend's computer however, the same cardreader works with 4gb. Now im wondering what drivers have to do with this, since i didnt install any drivers on mine or my friend's pc wich both...
  8. D

    Crackling/popping Sound?

    Maybe it's the same issue I had. If it is, try some games and emus and see if it still does this. (Once you get an SD card that is...) The movie and music player however didn't have that problem for some strange reason. Had to send it back in the end.
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    Squidgesnes V0.37a Released

    Autoframeskip rocks, I can play a lot of games with sound@ 200mhz without noticing any performance issues.
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    Cap Mod Poll

    Thats not the mk2 cap, it is the craigx one. I have tried them all and DaveC's is the best imo.
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    N64 For Gp2x

    So why the hell did you revive this thread?
  12. D

    Akkus bringens nicht trotz 2700 mAh

    So war es bei mir, wollte garnicht erst angehen. Musste sogar kleine Metallplättchen zwischen die Kontakte legen damits geht.
  13. D

    Rpg Maker 2000

    Nobody wants to run the rpgmaker itself on the gpx but the games would fit the screen perfectly, emulating is out of the question but someone could write an interpreter for the datafiles. Nobody will do this however, since that would be a lot of work.
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    Verge Rpg Creation Engine

    Maybe a really skilled programmer could write an interpreter for rpgmaker2003 :ph34r:
  15. D

    Static Noise

    gngeo, drmd, vektar and squidgesnes all have this problem. It seems that only the movie and musicplayer dont have this.
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    Static Noise

    Got my gp2x a few days ago and when it plays sound, it makes static noises like a radio. What makes me wonder though is that the music and movie player dont have this issue. (actually the music player also has the problem when I fastforward, I have to stop the audio playback then and it works...
  17. D

    Eine ganze reihe an Problemen.

    Hab den stick, auf der Packung steht einfach SD Card Reader - nicht sehr aufschlussreich... :/ Das Problem besteht sowohl mit Batterien als auch Netzteil.
  18. D

    Gp2x In The Bathroom

    Yeah, at work. :wacko:
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    Eine ganze reihe an Problemen.

    Was denkst du was ich gemacht habe?
  20. D

    Eine ganze reihe an Problemen.

    Hab mich ein wenig umgesehen aber ich finde über den Kartenleser nichts. Auf der Verpackung steht einfach nur "USB 2.0 SD Card Reader", nicht gerade aufschlussreich...