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  1. D

    New Gpu940, New Egoboo2x

    Looking much better with lighting!
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    Can't Power My Gp2x With Batteries, What Now?

    These batteries are very fat. It could be, since you relocated the mainboard, that the contacts dont reach eachother anymore. This happened to me too.
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    Windows Xp Themes

    I got mine here
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    Just Got A Gp2x Mk2 - School Me On Joystick Hacks?

    I too have a DaveC custom-lathed Nylatrol GS™ mark II and I like it better then the others! :lol:
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    What Happened To Epicenter?

    I remember him being very excited about the development of his game and that it is at constant 100+ fps, but that changed when he dropped below 100 fps by putting other things in, like music and ai I guess.
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    Brutzel brutzel...

    Deckel ist Heute angekommen, dickes Dankeschön ED! Endlich keine rausfallenden Akkus mehr, dass nenne ich Service. :) Btw: Das Plastik ist im Gegensatz zum rest etwas anders, ist das Plastik beim MK2 generell matter?
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    Datenblatt für die integrierten Lautsprecher des GP2X?

    Wenn es sich gut anhört würd ich so ein Mod sofort machen lassen, es kann nich sein das die psp meines Nachbarn fast doppelt so laut is wie mein gp2x :(
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    Pocketsnes V4

    I don't think so, if possible, try saving to sram and load that with sound activated.
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    Brutzel brutzel...

    Danke, mail ist raus. :) Zu den Akkus: Ich bin mir sicher das es daran lag, dass sie sich berührt haben, da ja beide heiß wurden und ausgelaufen sind.
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    Pocketsnes V4

    Is it just me or does the emu sometimes forget writing savestates to the SD card? It happened to me twice so far, while I also used the normal sram save and made sure to properly exit the emu. After restarting it both, savestate and sram save weren't updated. :(
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    Brutzel brutzel...

    Mein gp2x hat schon einiges mitgemacht aber der heutige Tag war wohl die Krönung. Ich hatte in meinem gp2x 2 noname 2900mAh Akkus verwendet und ich musste die Plastikbeschichtung abmachen da sie sonst nicht reinpassten, eigentlich ja kein Problem, da die Akkus im gp2x ja schön voneinander...
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    Pocketsnes Version 3

    It looks like it actually changes the resolution for every message box.
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    My Stand

    I'm happy with flipping the battery cover. :)
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    Pocketsnes Version 3

    I don't know if anyone else mentioned this already but the fonts in Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3 are completely screwed for me.
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    Pocketsnes Version 3

    I've been waiting for something like this to start playing SNES games on the gp2x but now I can't find my cardreader... :(
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    Gp2x Master Volume Control Released By Md81544

    Very handy, thanks for that.
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    Ninjas V0.6 Released [GP32]

    This might be a bit missleading, since the frontpage says [GP2X].
  18. D Closes Down

    That's not an exclusive title though, and it's going to be better on the Xbox360 too.
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    Who Here Is Happy With Firmware 2.1.0?

    lol :rolleyes:
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    Squidgesnes 0.39

    Id try saving by using the standard ingame save, and go from there. I had to do this with shinigforce on DrMD to get my sound back.