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  1. no_skill

    GP2X Emulation - Recompilation

    out of technical curiousity: how's that? i'd guess that if you can tell codeVSdata at run time you can also tell at compile time... at least in x86 binaries. or am i wrong?
  2. no_skill

    GP2X Dev On Gp2x

    where in the wiki? maybe add a seperate page named "community sdk" or whatever you hardware hackers like.
  3. no_skill

    Gpspout Source

    many users requested additions to spout but i want to keep the original feeling. however i might do two versions: spout classic - black'n'white, just as the original spout spout bananarama - all the things people wanted - colours, drugs, infinite time (aka: no more challenge ;))
  4. no_skill

    Playstation On Gp2x

    in case you feel like asking compiler questions ever again: gp2x dev wiki EMULATION POSSIBILITY / STATUS page
  5. no_skill

    Gpspout Source

    gpspout sources are will be available once my server is back up on quiest - i'm sorry for not having made spout blu+ compatible yet. but i think there was a binary patcher out somewhen that was able to patch _all_ games. however someone else already improved spout...
  6. no_skill

    GP2X Do I Have To Have Linux Installed?

    exactly: (added just now ;) )
  7. no_skill

    Quake Ii Released

    I guess we should have a naming scheme for gp2x software. Quake2x = Quake I 2xQuake II = Quake II I am confused. Besides that: woogal - you rock! Arg. seems like a) i got it wrong or B) the article about quake 1 stated the wrong name. I guess I'll be going to change the name from gxSpout to...
  8. no_skill

    Bald, bald ist's soweit...

    Re: Dankeschön <r><QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> Vor allem, da sogar in Deutschland/Österreich geborene Probleme mit dieser Sprache haben.<br/> Ich maturiere nicht in Deutsch, nur Englisch <E>:)</E></r>
  9. no_skill

    12-Wege D-Pad?

    der stick wurde im dev wiki schon lang und breitgetreten.
  10. no_skill

    Bald, bald ist's soweit...

    30 reichen auch schon ;)
  11. no_skill

    Can You Play Any Games On The Gp2x Right Now?

    to answer your question: no. better answer: not yet, probably in a week or two.
  12. no_skill

    Bald, bald ist's soweit...

    Nr 26 - zweig 50 Stück ab.... bittttte...
  13. no_skill

    Bald, bald ist's soweit...

    bekommen nur uk besteller was aus diesen 200 oder auch leute aus unserer bestellung...... ich glaub ich war nr 50 oder 23.....
  14. no_skill

    gp2x auf

  15. no_skill

    gp2x auf
  16. no_skill

    Bald, bald ist's soweit...

    nee. zubehör etc is extra. sonst würde das alles wenig sinn machen ;) ich hoffe trotzdem auf lollies und sticker in-teh-box. und ein paar games fürn launch ;) go go gadgeto community coders!
  17. no_skill

    Bald, bald ist's soweit...

    sticker!!! lollies!!!!
  18. no_skill

    Bald, bald ist's soweit...

    shit. stimmt. mir sind die letzten grad eingegangen...
  19. no_skill

    Supported Emulators

    the one and only answer
  20. no_skill

    403 On Dead Coders

    you can't flash the firmware without the freelauncher as the firmware flasher is a free programm. had the same problem whe i got my gp32.