i just read on emuholic (http://emuholic.emuboards.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1304 that a new version of the psx emu is out. they plan to make a compatibility list in the forums, but i find this a terribly bad idea. such lists in forums get out of sync quickly because the...
My laptop has no serial port.
But console dump/input via usb shouldn't be that hard. The only downside is that (in a fast and easy implementation) can only start transmitting after the usb device is up.
SNES / NeoCD / NES need the sdl libs installed
have fun
The weird layout was the first i noticed on the gp2x menu.
I don't know how everyone else feels, but I personally would expect this:
A = return / yes / enter / go
X (B on every other console) = no / back / escape / abort
start = A / pause
Gpspout 0.2 out (zoom + proper exit to menu)
how to do a proper exit in code - http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/Development_FAQ#...xit_to_the_menu
now get it - http://gp2x.72dpiarmy.com
Could someone add this questions to the wiki FAQ please?
i've just finished a rather big wiki update, i don't want see it now.
I'm going to create a blog on gp2x wiki & my development stuff, I'll add lots'o'links to the wiki for sure ;)
Overall I hope people still improve the wiki and point newbies to it when they need help.
I'm going to improve the -getting-started-with-development- section as I get along.
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Btw: I see i need to update the gpspout page... Just the gp32 file is up there.
I'm going to put more work into spout later this week. Atm I'm quite busy.
No zoom
No real exit
find the key, i don't know which one does thrust.
updated release in the future.
but 100% spout power - w0000t
Nein weil ich den gp2x mag.
ja weil sich gph falsch verhält.
nein weil die gesamte entwicklung von der community vorangetrieben wird. gph macht (außer der kaputten linux firmware).
die community würde (wenn sie den source hätte) die linux firmware um welten schneller das zeug reparieren (und...
Ich finde ja dass dies die absolut richtige Entscheidung war (solang craig und andere shops auch mitmachen) - was is nur jetzt daraus geworden?
great :D
that's what the wiki is for !
now we need..... publicity :)
following the mantra "take, take, take" (the white stripes - take take take (album: stay behind me satan)
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