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  1. no_skill

    What Should I Be Seeing For Robbrown Firmware?

    i don't understand why people need things in the root directory anyway. relative paths work just fine on the gp2x.
  2. no_skill

    Application Standard concerning 2: requiring the application to restart the shell was a pretty weird move by gph in the first place.
  3. no_skill

    GP2X Spout 0.3

    Spout of the GP2X is currently a bit slower than on your PC. Synkro told me something about SDL on the GP2X having timer problems.
  4. no_skill

    Gp2x User Reviews?

    not really reviews, but something like articles are here: (ie: 2xQuake I)
  5. no_skill

    GP32 Spout Blu+

    I no longer have a gp32 development enviroment (and setting up the first one was already a real PITA). So: I'm really sorry, but I can't provide a BLU+ version. But I believe there was a .fxe BLU+ fixer out somewhen...
  6. no_skill

    GP2X Spout 0.3

    If you tell me some I could check em. Besides spout i don't know a thing.
  7. no_skill

    GP32 [proposal] Gp2x Development Wiki

    I've created a "free" theme (ie: just nonlicensed images) proposal: (#2)
  8. no_skill

    Gp2x Terminal Emulator Released

    Even with source - thanks a ton! :)
  9. no_skill

    GP2X Spout 0.3

  10. no_skill

    GP2X Spout 0.3

    Source released: I will fix the remaining two issues if I know how and then it should be done.
  11. no_skill

    Psx Running On The Gp2x

    compatibility list?
  12. no_skill

    2x Cpu Benchmarks

    Awesome news! But can we make the performance improvements available to lazy developers? ie: writing an sdl lib that does blitting / rotating / etc via the second core or a linux kernel that automatically splits programs to run on both cores.
  13. no_skill

    GP2X Spout 0.3

    If you like. Sure. What about... tomorrow? Send me a mail and I'll make it avaiable tomorrow.
  14. no_skill

    Gp2x Versions

    it will be very handy for games like descent 1/2 where the buttons will be used as digital pad :)
  15. no_skill

    Gp2x Woes

    white screen = emu runs, no roms found. (unless you have a skin installed)
  16. no_skill

    Gp2x Woes

    The GP2X is still in an early stage (software wise). Many games require SDL installed. (The NeoCD Emulator for example). However we've set up a handy wiki with lots of answers to common problems. Ie: NeoCD installation: General GP2X issues...
  17. no_skill

    Neogeocd Emu Not Working

    You most probably forgot to install SDL. See
  18. no_skill

    Psx Running On The Gp2x

    You know, i basically already created a thread for this but i think it's way more handy here. If you want to answer to this in the original thread: have fun here: --- Hi, i just read on emuholic...
  19. no_skill

    New Psx Emu Compatibility

    Editors of Compatibility Page != Editors of other pages
  20. no_skill

    GP2X Spout 0.3

    Not without not being true to the original.