Search results

  1. no_skill

    Who Won E3?

    nintendo wiins ! i'll buy a nintendo wii. and a ds lite. sony - 600 $$$. no, thanks. xbox: not my games. kthxbye.
  2. no_skill

    GP2X Gp2x Vector Graphics Library?

    Hi, i'm thinking about creating a game with fancy-sexy-vector art (something like the graphics of -that-vector-graphics-game-released-in-a-recent-gp2x-compo-). Thus I'm kindly asking: a) is there a library for vector graphics for the gp2x? B) do you know a library i could use on the gp2x? (i...
  3. no_skill

    GP2X What Safety Tips When Logged In A Bash Prompt?

    for the sake of sanity never, really: NEVER, type dos2unix -r /* instead of dos2unix -r * ... that little slash DOES make a difference... ... and of course never do that while being logged in as root. ... and never do that on a machine with suse linux and a full 6GB partition.
  4. no_skill

    Firmware 1.4.0 und der Sourcecode dazu veröffentlicht

    was für ein cap? davec's cap mod? (davon gehört, aber noch nicht gesehen, oder is das des, was im giga video is?)
  5. no_skill

    gp2x heute Nacht bei GIGA Games

    danke :) ed also ich muss sagen du hast den gp2x ja super präsentiert. ich hab richtig lust so schnell wie möglich ein paar der sachen auszuprobierne, die du da vorgezeigt hast. eigentlich solltest du jetzt den gp2x bei dir wieder verfügbar machen - einige leute wollen sicher jetzt bei dir...
  6. no_skill

    "first Edition" Gp2x's?

  7. no_skill

    "first Edition" Gp2x's?

  8. no_skill

    Choose Your Mod :)

    Sam Fisher!
  9. no_skill

    GP2X bei GIGA Games !

    leider verstehen die nicht, dass man ein rom für die selbstkosten von 0,0000001 anbieten kann. Bei 5,- Verkaufspreis macht man.... ca.... warte..... 5,- Gewinn. Also: NIEDER MIT ROMS! SIE ZERSTÖREN UNSEREN UMSATZ! MUHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH
  10. no_skill

    GP2X bei GIGA Games !

    ed, du stellst doch sicher den revolutionären absoluten next-gen shooter spout vor ;) *nichternstgemeint*
  11. no_skill

    Windows 95 On The Gp2x

    Bochs? Would this also run my good old beloved DOS games? Cannon Fodder? Cannon Fodder 2? bla bla?
  12. no_skill

    Gpspout 1.1 Blu+ Compatible Binary

    it would be nice if i had gotten a mail so i can update my gpspout website ;) i updated the zip on my website. could someone update the spout in the archive?
  13. no_skill

    Gpspout On Blu+?

    jup, spout has no sound. nowhere.
  14. no_skill

    Gpspout On Blu+?

    Cool! Who BLUified gpspout? (I guess I should redirect my gpspout link to the bluified version then).
  15. no_skill

    For Anyone Who Cares...

    thanks paradox.
  16. no_skill


    this is kinda cool. i didn't knew the menu supported icons.
  17. no_skill

    For Anyone Who Cares...

    Wow! *me wants* Already available?
  18. no_skill

    GP2X Larger Frame Buffer

    nickspoon: what you proposed is exactly what he wanted to avoid ;) he wants one big framebuffer and change the base pointer adress for the lcd (so another portion of the framebuffer is displayed). oh wait.... i guess you'd need to change the pitch too. i don't know how possible this is (as we...
  19. no_skill

    Gp2x-2006 Coding Competition Splashscreens

    So people decide which one they use? Cool. I guess I'm going to add links to mine then :D (and proper spelling of course).
  20. no_skill

    Gp2x-2006 Coding Competition Splashscreens

    wow. with all this impressive style-shit banners (style shit meant as positive, great, awesome style-shit) i guess it'll be really hard to choose a winner.