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  1. Z

    Questions About The Wiz

  2. Z

    Complete Pandora Shown Before Pre-order?

    I would also feel much better about preordering if I could see a finished pandora with at least some sort of a GUI even if the GUI is not finished. I hope we get to see a finished one soon!!!
  3. Z


    It is a lot of fun. They changed it up a bit from the original game so it works for multiplayer. They were going to do a multi-darwinia and found what you said to be exactly true. It it was not a good idea and the game was not fun, so they decided to make it a whole new game that focused on...
  4. Z


    Multiwinia came out today and I was wondering if anybody other then me has played it yet.
  5. Z

    Pandora Logo Looks Very Similar To Sgi's Old Logo

    We have an old SGI work station on one of our labs with the logo on it and I have to agree they are very close.
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    Left 4 Dead

    I plan on getting it after i play the demo. I do not think it will be running on the pandora. It will be very DX heavy.
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    Why Taking A Breath Is A Good Thing

    I am an apple fanboy! :(
  8. Z

    Why Is There No Rss Feed For The Blog?

    That is a good point. I wonder why there is not RSS feed for the Pandora blog.
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    Pandora Business Edition

    The point is to make the phone easier to use not to make it cooler. Using 2 fingers to zoom in and out of a picture is much more intuitive to a none geek then other systems.
  10. Z

    Will There Be

    The Pandora is a new device so the software library will have to be built from the ground up like the GP2X had to be after the GP32. The good thing is that the community here seems to be very excited and ready to make a great software library for the Pandora!
  11. Z Down?

    Yeah, the site came back up and it looks exactly the same as before.
  12. Z

    Newsletter Received.

    Better safe then sorry!!!
  13. Z


    I have not tried it yet due to the fact that my hand set does not support it and as waffles said they are expensive.
  14. Z

    The Email Newsletter

  15. Z

    What Games Are Currently On Your Gp2x's Sd Card?

    sqdef(awesome) mame pocket SNES game boy emulator the payback demo
  16. Z

    I Need Some Advice About My Next Gaming Console :)

    A computer makes a great game console! You have games of all different types as well as games from all different time periods. You also get a keyboard and mouse or if you would rather not use a keyboard or mouse you can get a USB controller.
  17. Z Down?

    I hope they give us pictures of the wiz with the changes they are making.
  18. Z Down?

    I just tried going to and I got a web page is not available error. Is it just me or is the site really down???
  19. Z

    Gizmondo Updates
