List of PSX games you plan/hope to play


Still Fresh
Dec 15, 2007
I'm going to take full advantage of the PSX emulator when it's released for the Pandora. I'm simply curious, what PlayStation games do you plan to play while riding on the bus, wasting time in the waiting room, or just sitting around on the couch? As for me, this is my list:

1) Final Fantasy VII
A lot of my friends have been complaining about me never finishing this game. Frankly, I never got out of Midgar. I always just thought FFVI was better, so I stopped wasting time with it. But, I'll settle and play it. Chances are, I'll love it.

2)Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Used to play a ton of this game back in the day. Had the cutest crocodile as the main character, had great controls, and it was just FUN in general.

3)Croc 2
(See above.)

4)Crash Bandicoot
Much different than games before it. Instead of moving left to right, you move in and out. Pretty amazing game.

5)Metal Gear Solid
Always wanted to try this game, and finally I have the chance to do so on the go.

6)Resident Evil: Director's Cut
Big fan of Resident Evil 4, and while this game is completely different, I want to try it nonetheless.

Why Not?

So, what's your list?
bartleby said:
1. wipeout

2. wipeout 2097 (aka wipeout xl)

3. wipeout 3

i like wipeout ;)

oh yea, wipeout is awesome.

I'm not really looking for an RPG but I'll have to get Mega Man Legends and some shoot'em ups.
Jake said:
1) Final Fantasy VII
A lot of my friends have been complaining about me never finishing this game. Frankly, I never got out of Midgar. I always just thought FFVI was better, so I stopped wasting time with it. But, I'll settle and play it. Chances are, I'll love it.

FF7 is as good as FF6 and I'm sure that a lot of people will say that it was better. You'll like it a lot. You might want to skip FF8 though. FF9 was excellent as well.

Jake said:
So, what's your list?

Most of the usual suspects. If your looking for slightly obscure games, I'd try Brigandine if you liked FF Tactics. I kind of plan to see what I missed the first time around.
Valkyrie Profile.

Final Fantasy 4-9

Brave Fencer Musashi

How could I possibly have forgotten Carnage Heart?
fischju said:
oh yea, wipeout is awesome.

wipeout is the reason why i may yet preorder.

i was going to wait for the second batch, but when i saw zod's wipeout-on-pandora video on youtube i was beginning to have second thoughts...
Final Fantasy VII
Silent Hill Series
Resident Evil Series
Vagrant Story
Legend Of Dragoon
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Abe's Oddysee :)
Castlevania Series
1. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
2. Wipeout 3
3. Hot Wheels: Turbo Racing
4. Roll Away
5. 40 Winks
6. Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles

Actually, these are all games that I have hard copies of. (Not that I'm implying that any of you don't own original copies of your PSX games, I'm just saying!) :lol:
The games i want to play look below

* Tekken 3
* Street fighter ex 2
* Street fighter alpha 3
* Ridge racer type 4
* Gran turismo 2
* Wipeout 3
* Battle arena toshinden 4
* Resident evil 2
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Oddworld: Abe's Exodus
Metal Gear Solid
Crash Bandicoot 1 2 & 3
Mabye some games like 'Croc' and '40 Winks' that I remember playing when I was younger but haven't went back to.
Final fantasy (a little bit of this and that)
Crash bandicoot, crash team racing
i just realized that I have forgotten about so many great games for the PSX, I'm going to look into that later
Never bought a playstation til late on, and never had many games so I missed a lot:

FF7 (Never played :()
FF8 (Love it, completed it twice and could do it again)
FF9 (Played for a while, never finished)
Silent Hill
Wipeout - good times at my mates house playing this
I just fired up my old playstation, but it would blink and start to smell weird...

So yeah, I think I just broke it
Final Fantasy VII
Vagrant Story
Tekken 3
Soul Blade
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Theme Hospital
Metal Gear Solid
Silent Hill
Time Crisis (touchscreen-lightgun support I hope)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
R-type Delta
Gradius Gaiden
Darius Gaiden
Puchi Carat
Silent Bomber
Megaman 8/probably the X games too
And many more...

The answers here are so typical :P Think outside the box people! :D