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    Revoloution Revealed

    3 times more powerful is enough, look at the current graphics, they're highly detailed, some games blow me away. loading times don't bother me at all anymore. Games will only be made well if companies spend the time to make them well. And I can't see any company using all of any of the next...
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    What Digital Camera Should I Buy?

    Kodak, get a camera and printer combo theres some rock bottom prices around at the moment and you get amazing photos with it. I have a 5 mega pixel one and with the printer I can even print images off my computer to it. like some cas art work I done
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    Gba Roms On The Ds?

    They should work but theres no multiboot option so you can only run the first game on your card
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    Gcp? Seems Like A Fake, But It Would Be Cool!

    Thats what I mean, I've even saved these pics...where did you get them too? I looks a bit like the Sony Ericsson V800, very much like it.
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    Gcp? Seems Like A Fake, But It Would Be Cool!

    It does look real and really lush I want one. but would the closed screen thing be possble and be that thin?
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    Japanese Rpg Announced For Xbox360

    I found FFX ok to complete but ff9 just got repetive for me too the end, I quit at disc 3 because I just couldn't hack the world map. And FFX2 seemed like a chore too. Give Zelda over FFX anyday but ff7/8 over zelda Has anyone ever played Unlimited Saga, I done one battle and took it back, I...
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    Voting Day Is Here!

    Everyones seems to be voting labour to keep the tories out but they actually want to vote Lib Dem. But if all those people voted lib dem then those seats won't go to conservative
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    Another Ourcolony Pic, But This Time A Screenshot!

    After thinking about it didn't the face of the Emotion chip look better them him.
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    Anorexia Site..

    NWS While talking to a class mate today about my Final Major Project, she brought up this site... Starving for Perfection I viewed it just now, It's a support group for Anorexic people, gives them idols and rules to obey but also apparently supports people trying to escape thier disorder. As...
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    Another Ourcolony Pic, But This Time A Screenshot!

    *quakes in my boots*
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    Mp3 Recommendation

    You want a 40gig mp3 player for £40...good luck are good though
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    The Caption Contest.

    "Look at the fat people" macdonalds attraction... "Lets sue 'em"
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    New Xbox 360 Pics.

    I like the oil can design best but this one is pretty good, anything is better the the orginal xbox seen as its big, un-nessaraly clunky and loud as hell. I hope the put a quiter fan in...
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    .smc File Type?

    I would love a Games napster, where you pay to obtain the roms etc. It's make finding them easier, less likely to be a virus with a bit of luck and you'll be helping the game industry because they will have to recieve a royalty from such a program. And it would be a great back up for all the...
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    Dreamcast Game Cases

    wasn't the rest for a manual in 20 different languages....
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    Cheapo Xbox

    I've ordered a mod chip and screw driver set. It should come monday. Next is a 120-250gig drive not sure which to get or where and also need the work out all the jargon about evox and stuff Is there an idiots guide to modding and xbox for media and emulation somewhere
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    Cheapo Xbox

    Not as far as I know theres nothing major but I think some chips don't work with it due new manufacterer look at x box scene they have a guide for the different versions. I'll do some later and probally be ordering a chip soon so I'll post later
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    Cheapo Xbox

    I took the plunge today. Crystal Xbox Timesplitters 3 AND MGS 2 Substance for £105 IT's massive. much bigger then i thought. Totally betrayed myself to, I promised never to buy an x box...
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    Dreamcast Game Cases

    No japan always gets the nicer more compact casing, like GBA is half the size and gc is about 2/3's A law is attempting to be passed to elimate over pakaging because of the waste of resources. You could be seeing cheaper games and need to change all your dvd/game racks... Anyway..Get a cd...
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    Help Please

    Yeah it's a little camera icon on the bottom row . It suddenly worked for me. Cheers