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  1. Eolair

    Pandora's Design

    Color coordination would help too.
  2. Eolair

    Pandora's Design

    Just a quick and dirty. I think it would much better in black:
  3. Eolair

    Pandora's Design

    Yes, the design does look a bit like a piece of 70's electronics. But does it really matter that much how it looks? Sure it's fun to show off something cool to your friends but in the end it's usability that matters the most. That's what's going to decide if I buy it or not. How comfortable it...
  4. Eolair

    Do You Like The Name?

    Looks interesting...unexpected but interesting. I get a retro feeling. Like "Electronics from the 70's". It feels like the design is very technical and aimed towards usability rather than looks. Which I don't really mind...might look better black though. Knowing the dimensions of the screen I'd...
  5. Eolair

    Do You Like The Name?

    Add a number to make it sound "high tech". Why not Pandora 500. If it worked for Amiga it will work for the Pandora :lol:
  6. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    Pandora...not what I expected but it's a cool name :) Some will like it. Some wont. But you _cant_ make everyone happy.
  7. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    Dvorak discussion is ridiculous. Dvorak is for touch typing. And not even Microsoft or Nokia could pull it off selling a handheld with dvorak. Do you honestly think an unknown device like the Craiginator could? People want what they're used to. It would be a disaster. If you absolutely want...
  8. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

  9. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    probably != definitely ;)
  10. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    Design oriented towards gaming
  11. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    I quote myself:
  12. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    Gizmondo failed because the company was run by Stefan Eriksson, a well known crime lord from Sweden. He just stuffed his own pockets and cared nothing for the future of the company. I think that's a bit different from Craigix and the Craiginator :lol: ;)
  13. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    The complaints in this thread seems to be made mostly out of ignorance (or personal wants). There is no $400 price tag. You don't pay european VAT if you live in the US. Also a lot of things like battery, charger and keyboard will be included so the price is very fair. ...And obviously the...
  14. Eolair

    Going From Bad To Worse....

    Just one question. Are you using regular batteries or rechargables? If you're using regular batteries I suggest you try some NiMH rechargable batteries before you give up on your gp2x. Preferbly some 2500mAh+ ones. The F100 was notorious for not working well with regular batteries and the F200...
  15. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    Nice... that's a big fat screen :) Do you know how the quality is compared to the gp2x's? I also had another thought... what about adjustable backlight? That's one thing I really missed on the gp2x. I think a hardwired wheel would be perfect but a software solution would also suffice. Being...
  16. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    Oh come on... You want his business plan now? Unless you're a pontential partner or financier I very much doubt he'll impart that information to you. Why would he ever? I'm not trying to be rude but it's none of your beeswax. And certainly not on this board ;)
  17. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

  18. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    Nice! That looks really good. Seems to be high quality and I like the low profile :) I'm curious about the surface material though. It looks too smooth because you're thumb is slipping. Are you going to add something for better grip? Like a surface pattern maybe?
  19. Eolair

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    The OMAP3430 is probably using the PowerVR SGX 530 which was the first SGX available. This is also what the PowerVR wiki claims. The SGX 530 has a maximum effective fillrate of 1200Mpix/s and polygon throughput of 13.5Mpoly/s. Pretty good IMO, even if it's just theoretical numbers.