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  1. Eolair


  2. Eolair


  3. Eolair

    New Button Poll With Impossibles Removed

    So am I'm going to be flamed now too? :P ;) Hey, what about sticking smiley's on the buttons? :lol: .... :) :D o :rolleyes: .... :(
  4. Eolair

    Sad Cabinet Update.

    Can't believe you did that :o :blink: <_< :(
  5. Eolair

    New Button Poll With Impossibles Removed

    Lol, it's been rigged :P Voted NSEW as that's easiest to learn and remember.
  6. Eolair

    Pandora A,b,x,y Button Placement Not Emu Friendly?

    Why not turn the buttons into cursor keys and make them more part of the keyboard?
  7. Eolair

    Standby Mode On Pandora ?

    If earlier estimations were correct (i.e. up to 100 hours playing mp3s) then hopefully 24 hours in suspend mode should be a breeze ;)
  8. Eolair

    Another Render (yeah... I Know...)

    I was thinking... if the Pandora isn't too hard to open and change the dpad, maybe you could sell different add ons? My take on a dpad (Sega Genesis style)
  9. Eolair

    Another Render (yeah... I Know...)

    Wow I like! That is a really nice looking rendering! To comment on the design, I have to say that the keyboard seems to be really high quality. Just the type of keys I wanted. I also have to say that the new speaker holes is a great improvement. They fit the overall design perfectly. Most...
  10. Eolair

    Think This Forum Needs A Massive Cleaning And Stricter Moderation

    Relax/lighten up a bit. This isn't the dev forum :) I agree that everyone should read the FAQ and try not to ask questions that are already answered in it. But if you want this forum to contain only spot on relevant information and questions then it would be almost void of life. I think it's...
  11. Eolair

    Most Advanced Shooter (graphically) On Gp2x?

    Give Viewpoint a shot! (mame/neogeo). It's a difficult but great shooter in isometric view:
  12. Eolair

    Blog Update!

  13. Eolair

    D-pad No Good.

    I think a dpad with a cross is a good idea, but I would significantly lower the profile of the cross, smoothen the gradients, and make it slope down inwards towards the center. The current design looks sharp enough to cut through your thumb! ;)
  14. Eolair

    Logo Poll Results

    I'm happy I won the community vote :) Thank you everyone who voted! I would love to have my logo for the Pandora, but as Chip already have said, the final decision lies with the Pandora dev team. IMO, they should pick the logo and style that they think will fit their product best and then...
  15. Eolair

    Pandora Logo - Take 2

    Yes it could work, but I'm still not sure about using an aggressive font like this. It depends on what you want people to associate Pandora with.
  16. Eolair

    Pandora: This Name Is A Lot Used

    Pandora 500 (Amiga :D)
  17. Eolair

    Gui Developement

  18. Eolair

    New Post In Blog!

    Cool PCB guys and I love the wheel. Two thumbs up! :)
  19. Eolair

    What Are The 'deal Breakers' To You?

    After the GP2X horrible stick, I'd have to agree.