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  1. Eolair

    Captain Impatient

    You shouldn't underestimate "Generation Gimmie"...or the tech addicts. They look at the Pandora as their latest "geek fix" and they want it NOW ;)
  2. Eolair

    July Videos And News

    Is this a design decision promted by the construction of the nubs or something else? I think ergonomically it would be a good idea to move them down anyway. Because wouldn't your thumbs naturally move down lower when you move them inwards to reach the nubs? Great to hear about the AV port btw...
  3. Eolair

    Pandora Shell Colors.

    Kinda like this, or this? ;)
  4. Eolair

    New Blog Post

  5. Eolair

    Center Click Vs More Travel

    Voted no click, 2mm travel. Precision is simply more important and there are plenty of buttons/keys anyway.
  6. Eolair

    Analog Nubs - Poll

    IMO, the explanation would have had to be "These analog pads have 1/4th the precision of the PSP's, but they have center click". With analog controls the throw distance is needed for control precision, so the explanation would probably still have led to some complaints...
  7. Eolair

    New Blog Post

    I'm all for waiting for a custom solution. The quality of the controls on a gaming device is very important. For analog short throw equals bad, and if you look at Mweston's video the difference is huge. The throw distance on the replacement is only 1/4th of the old one, from 2mm both ways to...
  8. Eolair

    Some Pixels...

    Cool pixels! Is it a moving sequence? He sort of looks like a mime artist :lol:
  9. Eolair

    Name And Shame

    I didn't sit right with me either which is why I added "If that's really you PoisonedV". My original comment still stands though, just meant for another person. PlopperZ: This sort of childish behaviour doesn't belong here. You've already shown from your previous comments on here that you...
  10. Eolair

    I Gots A Question...

    I'm getting 2x16 SDs. It should be plenty to start with. The rest of you guys need to stop downloading all that prawn :P
  11. Eolair

    Name And Shame

    The last thing we need here is a self rightious crusader that harasses devs, and even goes as far as to trying to sabotage their wiki and filling it with insults. If that's really you PoisonedV; you are damaging this community. It's incomprehsible why someone would behave this way to stop a...
  12. Eolair

    Screen Brightness For Pandora

    Putting on an anti-glare screen protector should make it a bit better. Pandora uses the same LCD as the Archos 605 so finding one is no problem:
  13. Eolair

    Sliding Keyboard?

    IMO, you shouldn't be able to patent the general idea of a sliding keyboard, only a specific mechanism to one. Because someone else might come up with another solution to a sliding keyboard and get another patent for that invention. That's how patents should work; to protect inventions, but not...
  14. Eolair

    Russian Keyboard - Problem

    Yes and scandinavian and german languages have å, ä, ö, ß, ü... we should be able to use a combination of several keys to deal with this.... if the japanese start asking for hiragana, katakana and kanji we're screwed though ;)
  15. Eolair

    Pandora Pandora BIOS - Logo

    Cool, that looks similar to mine. ... I'm just kidding ;)
  16. Eolair

    Pandora Pandora BIOS - Logo

    I'm sure someone can do something cooler than this, and with the "official" logo. I don't have the vector art for that though :P
  17. Eolair

    New Button Poll With Impossibles Removed

    I think it sounds crazy to be able to patent the ordering of letters or numbers, because it's not a new invention. But who knows, in the US they've seem to have forgotten the word "invention" and you can patent just about anything for your own profit. I wonder if I could get a US patent on the...
  18. Eolair


    Guys, you forget one important thing; that DaveC is onboard on this project, and he's the most notorious nitpicking perfectionist of them all (I say that with respect btw). I don't think he'd be happy with a Pandora of sub standard quality, and as long as we can get his seal of approval I will...