Reeks of fish
Maybe, but I don't recall CT on C64
I'm talking about all the really old games here.
but you'd surely be happier if they made a Chrono Trigger 2 (not Chrono Cross, but same characters and graphics etc) and released it for the GBA.PinkSpider posted on Apr 10 2004 at 11:15 PM said:depends on the GAME imo.. if FF6/CT where ported to the GBA I would be happy![]()
Mosch posted on Apr 10 2004 at 11:21 PM said:Maybe, but I don't recall CT on C64I'm talking about all the really old games here.
Excuse me Akuma, but games that might be ported and all that.... well, if you port an old game directly, who is going to buy it?
I would like the original CT tbh... I never played the original CT... only emulated/ PS1 :/declaration posted on Apr 11 2004 at 12:29 AM said:but you'd surely be happier if they made a Chrono Trigger 2 (not Chrono Cross, but same characters and graphics etc) and released it for the GBA.PinkSpider posted on Apr 10 2004 at 11:15 PM said:depends on the GAME imo.. if FF6/CT where ported to the GBA I would be happy![]()
Hm. Don't want to sound like a smartass, but I know there are those games.... you don't need to post that. I own some of them myself (For GBA, mind you, and hey are old Gameboy games). What I am talking about is sales; you did not prove a point, you merely posted links that had no direct relation. I would gladly believe you that they sell well - but, we could continue this discussion indefinitely. Large sales can indicate that emulation did not have an impact at all, or indicate that those games are still played and emulation does not change anything, but could not prove that emulation has a negative influence. Low sales could indicate that emulation did in fact lower the sales or that the games are simply not played anymore.Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 10 2004 at 11:37 PM said:Asteriods, and all the arcade classics seems to sell on the PS1, PS2, and GBA (UNMODIFIED) without problems, how can you get older than Asteriods?
Your comment holds no water.
I could post MANY more links if I had to, to prove my point, but its not needed.
So as to who will buy direct ports of old games? Why, MILLIONS of people will. And have, and will continue to.
And how, pray tell me, did the opportunity suddenly exist because of emulation? Do you think the developers all said, "no we cannot make ports of old games", and then bam! emulation came to be and they said "oh well, since people emulate games now, I guess we can port them" ?? How does that make sense? You cant argue "oh well they didnt get the IDEA until emulation" because that is complete bull. People have been starting polls and emailing/snail mailing these same companies for YEARS requesting remakes/ports of popular games, long before emulation became a large, mainstream thing. They never listened then, emulation didnt do anything in this department. I think what brough out the massive remakes/ports is simply lack of original ideas (the movie bussiness is heading that way fast as well), so in desparation they start making remakes, ports and sequels, because they cant come up with anything original. Which works perfect for me, because I hate all (well most) of the "original" CRAP they have been coming up with.Daz_Genetic posted on Apr 11 2004 at 12:18 AM said:I would actually say that emultation, and the popularity of it, actually opened the opportunity for companies to sell direct ports and compilations of old products, that would otherwise have been forgotten forever. So emulation in some way is helping the games industry, rather than hindering it. And having worked for quite some time in the games industry as a developer, emulation is a huge source of inspiration for many of the younger game designers.
Windwaker is on the very top of my "Total worthless CRAP" list and Jet Set Radio is not far behind.declaration posted on Apr 11 2004 at 12:28 AM said:Games such as Ico, POP- The sands of time, Jet Set Radio, Viewtiful Joe, The Windwaker are great and dont think deserve to be called "crap".
We are not just talking about it "hurting" the manufactuerer, there are thousands of people and hundreds of companies involved there. If even one of those people or companies lose out on something, that makes it not a victimless crime. You are thinking about the big companies, about the primary names, you are not thinking about the invidiual that may have to pay more for games, or may lose out on a great remake, or may effect wages of the workers, down to even the janitor of the smallest game company for that platform, if it effects even one of them in a negative way, it is NOT victimless. Just because you dont see the victim, doesnt mean there isnt one.Huxley posted on Apr 11 2004 at 12:38 AM said:Did it hurt SNK? I don't think so.
Obviouslly not every case is identical, but I'm sure it's not isolated.
What? Sorry, but did you read my post? I said I actually went out and bought a Neo-Geo. I gave money to the company. And yes, some of that probably went to the janitor. Maybe even the work experience boy if they were kind enough to tip him a tenner!Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 11 2004 at 12:43 AM said:We are not just talking about it "hurting" the manufactuerer, there are thousands of people and hundreds of companies involved there. If even one of those people or companies lose out on something, that makes it not a victimless crime. You are thinking about the big companies, about the primary names, you are not thinking about the invidiual that may have to pay more for games, or may lose out on a great remake, or may effect wages of the workers, down to even the janitor of the smallest game company for that platform, if it effects even one of them in a negative way, it is NOT victimless. Just because you dont see the victim, doesnt mean there isnt one.Huxley posted on Apr 11 2004 at 12:38 AM said:Did it hurt SNK? I don't think so.
Obviouslly not every case is identical, but I'm sure it's not isolated.
I cant accept that.Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 11 2004 at 12:43 AM said:or may effect wages of the workers, down to even the janitor of the smallest game company for that platform, if it effects even one of them in a negative way, it is NOT victimless. Just because you dont see the victim, doesnt mean there isnt one.
I used the janitor as an indirect releation, obviously it will probably very rarely ever result in anything that low.declaration posted on Apr 11 2004 at 12:47 AM said:I cant accept that.Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 11 2004 at 12:43 AM said:or may effect wages of the workers, down to even the janitor of the smallest game company for that platform, if it effects even one of them in a negative way, it is NOT victimless. Just because you dont see the victim, doesnt mean there isnt one.
I have never heard of a janitor being paid in relation to how succesful the compny is. Do you think the janitors at M$ get paid $100 an hour. no. The workers get screwed by all big companies and it is these workers who cant afford new games and have to emulate. I dont wanna get too political because I cant stop myslef spiralling off.
Unless a company goes out of business, I think suggesting that a Janitors wage is releated to sales is slightly misleading.
Exactally, my point isnt that is has a drastic effect, but that it does have a negative effect, no matter how small or insignificant. Also, there are exceptions to every rule. There are those who buy the remakes / whatever even if they have the roms, but the majority do not.Huxley posted on Apr 11 2004 at 01:06 AM said:I completely agree with what you're saying Akuma no Houkon, but I think the effect on on most companies is negligible at best. Most would be far more concerned with regular piracy, which really does take a big chunck out of profits.