Is THIS the final Layout of the PsP ?

clearly fake. i thought it was supposed to be a handheld. not a big assed laptop looking thing

EDIT--- AHAHAHAHA look at the way the analogue sticks are spaced out
Lol we are in the same boat Keim ;)

i found a site which kinda looks kinda fake.. looks like some pig remade it again ( though it looks a little weird )

see this

in fact disks wouldnt even fit in it if it were that big i dont think.

Please remember sony have had a bad history with the shapes and styles of their console units, they have all been ugly!
I would hug my dreamcast too :P

i think ps2 is definatly ugly.. the psx was ugly, but you're right the psone is about the best style sony have made so far.

I agree with xbox looking ugly, i have one but its very good for games :)
what do you mean......... the ps2 is a very nice looking console. It fits in in any room and doesnt look like a 4 year olds toy like GameCubes. It looks ok as part of a stereo system, or under the TV as DVD player or just on its own as a console. It is also good for people with limited room.
MegaDrice 2 sexy- hahahaha :lol: A nice looking console was the Japanese version of the Saturn.....
dont you be dissing the "megadrice" now. the gc is much better looking than the ps2 anyway, nice and compact, and since you can get it in black it doesnt look like a toddlers building block. and as for the saturn...... :blink:
The greatest looking consoles ever:



notice neither the dreamcast or ps2 is there. this is because they both look balls, especially the dreamcast controller. the ps2 controller however is a thing of beauty and is probably the best layed out and comfortable controller in gaming history, the second best being the mega drive controller, then the gamecube controller(the dreamcast is actually a really good console though unlike the ps2).
LOL at that 'consoles4u exclusive!'. As if Sony would exclusively send shots of PSP to some freehosted shop. When the pics are out, you'll be seeing them a lot more widely.
thebluenewt posted on Oct 23 2003 at 03:31 PM said:
declaration posted on Oct 23 2003 at 06:19 PM said:
look how beautiful it is.....

Man, wish I had a white Saturn...

Though it's so big I've had to dump it on the floor anyway! :)
I don't know why but when I look at a white sega saturn I feel like eating it :wacko: . Probably because it reminds me of Nestle Crunch White, which I like.
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