Hi skeezix, thanks for reading.

Thing is, I'm not entirely sure what the correct technical way to describe what I'm asking is.
I'll just describe it by what I would see as the end-user:
1. In the Pandora start menu, perhaps under "system" or "settings", there is an option I can click on called "key config".
2. When I click on it, a window comes up giving me the option to EITHER choose between adjusting existing configs (at first, there would only be the default one) OR create a blank, new key config. Like with gamma, basically.
3. If I click, "add new", an image pops up with a reproduction of the Pandora controls, looking something like this: http://geo.hmg.inpg.fr/~janek/pan/printed_layout.svg (with labels also added to the directions of the nubs and d-pad)
4. I can then use the stylus to EITHER click on the key/nub that I want to change from the default settings (if I only want to make minor changes, i.e. switching the right nub and A/B/X/Y settings, as a number of people want to do, or switching A/B/X/Y with Enter/Space/Shift/Ctrl to make badly-keymapped Pandora software playable), OR I have an option to remove ALL assignments and start a new key config from scratch (the function of stylus input can never be changed; that way, nobody can screw up and accidentally save a config that won't allow them to do anything on their Pandora; at least the stylus will still work).
5. When you click on a key on the screen to assign a new function to it (and secondary/tertiary function, as well - what you'd get by holding Shift or Fn keys...), you're given the option EITHER to simply exchange the functions of two existing keys (so if I want to exchange "A" and "Enter", I would click on the "A" on the image on the screen, it would ask me to press the key I'd like to exchange it with, I'd press "Enter") - this would be what most people would use, probably, OR you can entirely delete its current function and assign another one to it, including unicode characters (so let's say I want to type in another language on my Pandora, I'd delete everything, and assign each key to some unicode character from my language instead.) (also "mouse movement" can only be assigned to either the entire left or right nub, and takes up all 4 directions on it)
6. After you're done, the IMAGE of the Pandora Keyboard Layout on the screen CHANGES, so you can visibly see the changes you've made
7. You can click "save config". If you have more than one config, the program forces you to create a key-combination-shortcut that you can use to cycle between them (whatever your config is, this key-combination will be the same).