Squidgesnes With Squidge Mmu Hack

after quick testing - there is problem with saving settings with this release, it doesn't save them. In fact it doesn't even save states...something is wrong with writing files...or with my gp2x. Second, although there is no significant performance boost in ff3(6) I will donate :)

BTW...isn't this version with auto frame skip??
Wow...just played super r-type, no overclocking...at almost full speed with full sound!! Castlevania IV also runs so much better! Gonna try it overclocked and try the frameskip at 0...eek!

PilotWings and MarioKart still too slow to be playable, but I guess that's because of mode7...?

Good work tho...lovin' it! :)

Those games use a custom DSP chip inside the SNES cartridge. This extra hardware allowed the SNES to do extra effects etc. You are lucky it runs at all.
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Well, i'm using one of the November manufactured GP2Xs, and while playing SMW it often skips a tiny bit, but then runs completely fine after that.

Now I just have to wait for better quality sound, and i'll be sending banks to Squidge in no time! :)
This version has autoframeskip or at least it seems to have it when you play.
I think that Pepone has patched the second version of 0.37 with autoframeskip.

Pepone, can you try to patch the first version of 0.37? I think that might be better improvement even.
I say that because in my GP2X the 0.37 normal version runs better than the 0.37 with autoframeskip (yes, I have desactivated the fpslimiter ;) )

Sorry for my poor english. :p
:eek: Could Today be the fabled "f-day"?!!!!!!!! :p
Nah, just kidding, but seriously ryleh............. :blink:
I'm not having as much luck as the rest, SMW is better (except at the main menu) but Legend of the Mystical Ninja and Rock N Roll Racing are running at only 5 fps now instead of around 25.
Squidge. The man. The legend. Sorry to hear about that Azure. I don't believe in selling consoles because fate has a way to make me regret it later on. But anyway, great job Squidge. I wish I could donate, but I don't have an income so I can't.
Improvement is in the eye of the beholder...

Anyways, nice release. All my roms are significantly faster except Mario Kart. Mario kart runs great on the Reesy release right before pepone's work and all releases after that, the performance went down largely in that rom only. All the others improved.
It still seems rather choppy to me. Maybe something is not configured right. I tried Castlevania iv and it was very stuttery like it was running at fs 4. I turned off the frame limiter as it was worse with that on. The sound is rather stuttery too. Space megaforce doesn't run at all anymore just black screen.
I'll try to patch the original 0.37 version too (or I'll try to integrate the autoframeskip as an option in the menu :) ).
Just in case it helps, Zodttd says he's managed to get the MMU patch "stable" - which may or may not mean he's eliminated the graphical glitches that are currently turning up, but in any event, here's how he says he did it. I haven't a clue what it means, and Pepone may already be doing something like this, but in any event, better to bring something already known to attention than to not point out something unknown!

For those wondering how I got the mmu patch stable, I can post a simple code snippet. It's pretty ugly, but by looping the two main uname writes until it returns something other than 0 or 0xfffffff2 it will work very smoothly.

And yes, I have made this post in the DrMD topic as well, almost word for word.
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I've Super Mario All-stars and Final Fantasy 3 (6) and it seems that they don't have any performance boost. But in 7th Saga I can see something like 10-20fps boost. nice ^^
just done some testing
this is now about the same speed as the snes emulator on the Zodiac.


the gfx are more developed on the zodiac

this shows that our little gp2x definately has the potential to be near perfect near full speed :)

(btw this isnt a bitch)
I've Super Mario All-stars and Final Fantasy 3 (6) and it seems that they don't have any performance boost. But in 7th Saga I can see something like 10-20fps boost. nice ^^
I do see a nice upgrade in Mario All-star, Nearly 10fps. Maybe it depend of the level?

Just in case it helps, Zodttd says he's managed to get the MMU patch "stable" - which may or may not mean he's eliminated the graphical glitches that are currently turning up, but in any event, here's how he says he did it. I haven't a clue what it means, and Pepone may already be doing something like this, but in any event, better to bring something already known to attention than to not point out something unknown!

Someting similar is used with squidgesnes ^_^
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I'll try to patch the original 0.37 version too (or I'll try to integrate the autoframeskip as an option in the menu :) ).

Pepone, i have checked your modifications in the Squidge Hack for SquideSnes. I have integrated them in MAME and the MMU hack seems to be activated always now, THANK YOU! :D (it was activated only sometimes with the original code).
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