Squidgesnes V0.37 Released

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reesy
  • Start date Start date

Great improvement! I noticed that now the sound doesn't seem to go slower than the video when using the frame limiter, which is really nice.

Thanks, Reesy! Hope you continue to work on it.
I have tryed to get this thing working and I can not. can some help me. can I have complete instructions please!!!!

Have you read the readme.txt that comes in the squidgesnes_0.37.zip archive ?.


YES i have read it please help

I love when folks ask for help, but provide NOTHING helpful to the helpers ...

"Hello, my phone doesn't work"

"Do you have dial tone?"

"I don't know, you're the phone company ... FIX IT!"

• What do you mean "doesn't work"?
• What FW are you using?
• Do you get the SNES console screen?
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I have tryed to get this thing working and I can not. can some help me. can I have complete instructions please!!!!

Have you read the readme.txt that comes in the squidgesnes_0.37.zip archive ?.


YES i have read it please help
I am assuming you are hung up somewhere, either you don't understand something, or you missed something important.

Start from scratch, get the readme.txt, do the very first thing it says, it seems straightforward enough, I will walk you through it step by step.

1) Make a folder on your SD card, call it snes (you can call whatever you like).

2) Make sure you put everything from the Zip into the snes folder exactly as you find it because the skins directory needs to be in the snes directory.

3) Make a folder inside the snes folder, call it roms (important, Roms and roms are different to Linux, if you use Roms, or ROMS, or rOMS or anything other than roms I don't have much hope of it working.)

4) Browse to Games on your GP2X, select SD, select the snes folder, start the squidgesnes.gpe file.

5) Choose your rom and either click the stick down or press the B button.

Note to Emu authors, it might be worth it to do a mention of Case-sensitivity, and/or put an "empty" rom folder into your zipfile to avoid confusion, just my thought, no need to bother if you don't feel like it (I don't even play SNES Games :P)

Let me know how that goes :) I hope you get it figured out, it always seems hard at first.
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Wow, this is kinda spooky Reesy. I was just wondering, earlier today, how much of the CPU was used to constantly check the status of the batteries and report it... and Lo' and Behold, you release SquideSNES with the battery meter disabled. That has seriously weirded me out. Thanks for the great work.

I donated before to Squide for his excellent work when he started this emulator. Are you, whether or not it is ethical, accepting donations for your continued work on this emulator? You've already release a couple updates, and as you say your recoding portions and ASM, that is a lot of damn work, and I would be happy to donate.

I can confirm vimacs bug. In 0.37 layer order seems to be wrong. Cherrys, Bananas and the like will be drawn above the char.

Bug not existent in 0.34. Speed inprovement ist awesome though!

After getting home to read this, the bug is that Fast Sprites is enabled by force. Try disabling it in 0.34 or 0.35 and you don't have that bug.
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Nice speed boost. Never would've guessed battery code would slow it down so much.

I'd still like to see some better auto-frameskip as the FPS limiter runs too slow (for instance makes SMB allstars run at 25-27 fps when it runs at 35-50 with no limiting), and the hold select method for the menu kinda sucks in my opinion. Thanks for the work on this though Reesy, as I wasn't expecting to see a new squidgesnes release anytime soon. Wonder what this means for new version of DrMD, which I expected to see first....
I am curious, and hope that I don't get misinterpreted for mocking an emulator when I am simply wondering about a feature set. However, would it be possible to explain how DrMD, my fave emulator, can run so fast, and make it look so effortless, yet a SNES emulator isn't as good in the same areas, and takes much longer. Are the architectures so radically different, as I was under the impression that the SNES was still only a sub 12Mhz cpu, which my limited knowledge suggests that even poorly coded emulators should be speedy. (Though I know in practice is isn't, from my foray into SNES emulators for OS X)
Just a technical query really, its good work regardless. :)

The simple reason is that the MD is basically much simpler than the SNES. The MD has no transparencies the sound chips are simpler and the chips are much better documented. The SNES has more colors, gobs of layers, a sound chip and DSP that is more powerful than the main cpu itself . To top it off all of that crap is custom stuff that is poorly documented. The main thing these SNES emus are based on is fairly accurate but bloated PC spaghetti code mess. The coder has to tussle with all of that spaghetti and hope to eek some speed out of it. It ain't easy.
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omfg great emulator and great speed.. i mean really fast speed..is there anyway to get regulation where it doesnt speed up like its on drugs or something lol

oh ya kirby superstar doesnt work (bad ROM?) anyone else have the problem?
omfg great emulator and great speed.. i mean really fast speed..is there anyway to get regulation where it doesnt speed up like its on drugs or something lol

oh ya kirby superstar doesnt work (bad ROM?) anyone else have the problem?

Enable the FPS limiter to keep the game speed from getting too high. As I posted above, the feature isn't perfect, but is very playable and will prevent all the speed spasms.
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I take it Kirby Superstar remains non-functional, seeing as how it was one of the other two games to employ the chip used with the Super Mario RPG?

The chip is called the SA-1 chip, apparently. Considering the games which use it, it must be the Super Awesome chip. I would like to get some and solder them onto my Gamecube to improve performance. Anyone know where I can come by some?
I take it Kirby Superstar remains non-functional, seeing as how it was one of the other two games to employ the chip used with the Super Mario RPG?

The chip is called the SA-1 chip, apparently. Considering the games which use it, it must be the Super Awesome chip. I would like to get some and solder them onto my Gamecube to improve performance. Anyone know where I can come by some?

damn damn damn! i want my kirby back :( this was one of the reasons why i wanted this emulator to get upgraded but i guess the game never worked in the first place..
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I can confirm vimacs bug. In 0.37 layer order seems to be wrong. Cherrys, Bananas and the like will be drawn above the char.

Bug not existent in 0.34. Speed inprovement ist awesome though!

After getting home to read this, the bug is that Fast Sprites is enabled by force. Try disabling it in 0.34 or 0.35 and you don't have that bug.

Ahh this is one of my changes in preperation of my new rendering core. I completely forgot that this would screw up the normal 16bit rendering.

Bascially the fast sprites option is not required anymore. The reason for its existence is because of the way the sprites are rendering on the GP32 version of code. Sprites are rendering top to bottom, in stead of left to right, this means that the prioritys of sprites can get screwed up. The slow sprite mode has extra code to check the priority of EVERY PIXEL in the sprite. Because the GP2X video memory is now aligned in a more useful format, sprites can now be rendered from left to right, which means that priorities should not get screwed up and therefore making the slow sprite mode redundent.

The current 16bit rendering code still renders everything bottom to top, tiles get rendered this way and so do sprites. I completely forgot about this, so you may find that there are more sprite problems than usual, I'll address this issue before the next release.
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I've been meaning to mention this before, as it's not a new bug, but in Aero the Acrobat, the music 'cuts out instruments' every time you do something that brings up a sound effect. Play the game, jump around and pick up items, and you should see what I mean. It's a very odd bug.
wow, everything runs so much quicker!

i played a couple of my games, FF6 runs better but when i go into town the screen flickers black as i move.

and the buttons assignments have all changed...is there a way you can assign buttons in this?