Recovering Jerk-A-Holic
This and 6 button? OMG, this is great news.Volume control bug fixed.
Sensible soccer now works again. There was a bug in my clipping code.
Fixed sound quality at lower cpu speeds.
Still working on savestate code.
2 Q's for Reesy:
Will you be planning support for 2 player via USB Gamepads? (I assume you will need hardware to test it with
Are Savestates necessary to play or does the Sram work? (Fantasy Star 4 for example)
On the subject of Gamepads, do you have a way to assign the buttons, I recall reading that we could.
In which case I am guessing that we could theoretically make the button assignments open to *any* input device with a digital command (i.e. not mice or analog sticks, only buttons, or mice buttons XD), that way if you for instance wanted to screw around in a 2-player game with only one action button per-person you could assign the ab/xy buttons to the second player directions, and each of you use the shoulder button on your side as the "action" key.
I only mention because you could tackle 2-player in two or so steps:
1. get the 2nd controller input functioning with existing (GP2X only) input.
2. make code parse the HID USB for button presses.
If USB turns out to be very difficult to parse, or a major speed slow-down, we will still have the ability to trouble-shoot the second player controls with the GP2X buttons.
Quick thought, we *do* have 3 buttons per side
Edit: I do realize we still need to reach the menu, possibly just giving us the chance to set our own "timeout" and button combo would let end-users do their own thing. Say 3 seconds of vol+ and vol- would do it.
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