Drmd V5 Beta 2 Released

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reesy
  • Start date Start date

Volume control bug fixed.
Sensible soccer now works again. There was a bug in my clipping code.
Fixed sound quality at lower cpu speeds.

Still working on savestate code.
This and 6 button? OMG, this is great news.

2 Q's for Reesy:

Will you be planning support for 2 player via USB Gamepads? (I assume you will need hardware to test it with ;))

Are Savestates necessary to play or does the Sram work? (Fantasy Star 4 for example)

On the subject of Gamepads, do you have a way to assign the buttons, I recall reading that we could.

In which case I am guessing that we could theoretically make the button assignments open to *any* input device with a digital command (i.e. not mice or analog sticks, only buttons, or mice buttons XD), that way if you for instance wanted to screw around in a 2-player game with only one action button per-person you could assign the ab/xy buttons to the second player directions, and each of you use the shoulder button on your side as the "action" key.

I only mention because you could tackle 2-player in two or so steps:

1. get the 2nd controller input functioning with existing (GP2X only) input.
2. make code parse the HID USB for button presses.

If USB turns out to be very difficult to parse, or a major speed slow-down, we will still have the ability to trouble-shoot the second player controls with the GP2X buttons.

Quick thought, we *do* have 3 buttons per side ;) :) :), see where I am going with this? :D. Center Stick could be Start, or the L1 button could be start, and each player gets 3 buttons.

Edit: I do realize we still need to reach the menu, possibly just giving us the chance to set our own "timeout" and button combo would let end-users do their own thing. Say 3 seconds of vol+ and vol- would do it.
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If I can get USB controllers working then I'll probably add support for the second pad. I doubt I'd spend the time to allow you to swap and pick buttons from each pad or have 50% of buttons for player 1 and 50% for player 2. It seems far too much work for very little gain.
If I can get USB controllers working then I'll probably add support for the second pad. I doubt I'd spend the time to allow you to swap and pick buttons from each pad or have 50% of buttons for player 1 and 50% for player 2. It seems far too much work for very little gain.
How so much work? I meant just let any input be assignable to any controller button, is that harder to do? I just assumed easier to do.

Or is it that you don't have a button assign and are planning to do it in a "hard-coded" manner, I'll have to check the readme again.

You would really have to make them assignable with USB support wouldn't you? If only because of all the different button layouts.

Quick edit: are you still using rlyeh's minilib? Does it have SDL support (or any other support) for the USB controller drivers in the 2.0 firmware?
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Its just add complication to the code. I very much doubt I'm going to spend anytime implementing this, it just sounds soo tedious and I'm fed up with working on boring configuration shit and save states.

Don't get me wrong, its a good idea. It just sounds like a lot of boring work and to be honest I've got loads of other much more interesting stuff to do. I'll leave the boring programming stuff for work where at least I get payed for my time.
I know nothing about coding, but from what you just said I can completely see how this stuff can get boring. Don't burn yourself out on it man. This is supposed to be for fun, not to feel like a job.

That said, if you wanna do something fun.... perhaps add SG1000 and Colecovision support (since the CV is very close to the SMS hardware) ? :) You know I had to at least try :) Anyway, thanks for the work you have done so far Reesy. I (like many others) use DrMD all of the time. Nice to play Space Harrier II and Thunderforce II (my first two Genesis games purchased) on a handheld.
Its just add complication to the code. I very much doubt I'm going to spend anytime implementing this, it just sounds soo tedious and I'm fed up with working on boring configuration shit and save states.

Don't get me wrong, its a good idea. It just sounds like a lot of boring work and to be honest I've got loads of other much more interesting stuff to do. I'll leave the boring programming stuff for work where at least I get payed for my time.
Like zektor said, don't burn yourself out on it, I just think out loud is all.:

I am already so happy with the version I tried about 3 versions ago I wouldn't know what to do with this one you fixed so well already :). I haven't a GP2X at the moment so I have nothing to play and occupy my time :(.

Keep doing what makes you happy, this emulator is already better than any single PC emulator I have ever tried (and possibly some of the actual licensed Genesis Hardware out there :)) that you deserve all the praise I can bestow on you.

I was playing it in February on a bench inside Walmart, a little kid (5-8 years old) came up and looked at Sonic playing, he said "I have that game", Best Gaming Experience Ever. Period.

Thanks :), I wasn't even expecting 6-button support anytime soon, I am glad to hear you got it already.
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i have problem with the last version. It creat the md, sms, gg directory but i have no rom to select. I have delet romlist.bin and relaunch the emu but it's the same :(. The roms (5) work great with 4.3 version.
The only 3 things I can think of to 'fix' is

Add 6 button support, is this hard?
Have a picture of the save state like gnuboy does.
As always make it faster, I want full speed sonic at 66mhz ;P

Keep up the great work Reesy, really this emulator is far past perfect.
DrMD News

Volume control bug fixed.
Sensible soccer now works again. There was a bug in my clipping code.
Fixed sound quality at lower cpu speeds.

Still working on savestate code.



Will it have the better sound register update option to make some games sound better?

Is it possible yet to have raster interrupt pallette switches yet with the new FW?

Have you found the bug in the SMS emu that causes Ys to not display backgrounds?

Thanks for the update.

In which case I am guessing that we could theoretically make the button assignments open to *any* input device with a digital command (i.e. not mice or analog sticks, only buttons, or mice buttons XD), that way if you for instance wanted to screw around in a 2-player game with only one action button per-person you could assign the ab/xy buttons to the second player directions, and each of you use the shoulder button on your side as the "action" key.

I only mention because you could tackle 2-player in two or so steps:

1. get the 2nd controller input functioning with existing (GP2X only) input.
2. make code parse the HID USB for button presses.

If USB turns out to be very difficult to parse, or a major speed slow-down, we will still have the ability to trouble-shoot the second player controls with the GP2X buttons.

Quick thought, we *do* have 3 buttons per side , see where I am going with this? . Center Stick could be Start, or the L1 button could be start, and each player gets 3 buttons.

Edit: I do realize we still need to reach the menu, possibly just giving us the chance to set our own "timeout" and button combo would let end-users do their own thing. Say 3 seconds of vol+ and vol- would do it.

How so much work? I meant just let any input be assignable to any controller button, is that harder to do? I just assumed easier to do.

Or is it that you don't have a button assign and are planning to do it in a "hard-coded" manner, I'll have to check the readme again.

You would really have to make them assignable with USB support wouldn't you? If only because of all the different button layouts.

It was alot of work for me just to read and understand all of that :P
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i have problem with the last version. It creat the md, sms, gg directory but i have no rom to select. I have delet romlist.bin and relaunch the emu but it's the same :(. The roms (5) work great with 4.3 version.
Rescan rom directories. It's on the same menu where you select a rom.
i found the problem ;) i was thinking that in the last version when you launch for the first time it creat sms, gg and md directory and i have to put the roms in this directoy. I have move the roms in the same directoy has the old version (4.3) and now it work great :D
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I've had a read though this thread (and what a long one!) and I'd just like someone to confirm that the Pause button (whatever button you assign it) doesn't do anything in the SMS side of DrMD at the moment. Driving me nuts in Wonderboy 3 as I can't arm myself with my lovely new shield or armor :)

Damn good fun to play on the move though, have to say a large thanks to Reesy for a quality bit of work.
I agree, DrMD was king on GP32 and maintains its status on the 2X. Cheers!

The Pause button does not work in DrSMS, so I assume that it's inactive on the 2X as well.

- Alex
This sounds fussy but might be easy to do - Can you make the volume control have more subtlety? At the moment the quietest setting is pretty loud in a quite situation and then if you press - once to decrease it, it goes silent. Just a few more steps of volume to give some more control?
