Seems Gp2x Now Officially Available In The Uk

BenScar posted on May 18 2006 at 11:28 AM said:
Anyone going to sign up and leave a "I've been using one for a while now" post ? :)

Perhaps someone should tell the majority of them the whole point of the GP2X and how it isn't marketing itself to actually compete against the same market as the DS/GBA or PSP.

Unless I have gotten the total wrong end of the stick?
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Ubersnug posted on May 18 2006 at 06:32 AM said:
BenScar posted on May 18 2006 at 11:28 AM said:
Anyone going to sign up and leave a "I've been using one for a while now" post ? :)

Perhaps someone should tell the majority of them the whole point of the GP2X and how it isn't marketing itself to actually compete against the same market as the DS/GBA or PSP.

Unless I have gotten the total wrong end of the stick?

No you're right.

But me, I'm actually more worried now. I foresee a flood of idiots coming =)
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Oh, someone's mentioned there being battery issues already! Seriously, is this honestly a problem? I got my GP32 and instantly went for high powered rechargables. Are people honestly so stupid that they buy a whole bunch of bog standard alkaline batteries?!

I also dislike this whole "it's competing with the PSP" malarky. No it's not; it's a completely different machine! Would you compare a dishwasher to an oven? Yes, they're both in a kitchen, but they do different things just like the GP2X and the PSP!

It also concerns me that it is said it is coming out just now - it's been out for months! This is just the launch of the Mk2 model is it not?

I too have visions of a sudden influx of "I just bricked my GP2X", "I can't get emulator X to work" and "How does this compare to a PSP" posts.
masterchan777 said:
i think it won't have strong support from developers , like the support psp or ds has ...

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seriously though, don't get preemptivly anal about any new recruits ^^; Even if they do turn out to have bad grammer and are young. You've got to start somewhere and I know my spelling isnt grand either.

Eitherway, new recruits is what we need. The bigger the community gets the more interest it will generate and it might even drag a few more devs over, even of the commercial kind. 14 year old tommy running around with his fathers CC number is a big insentive to dev for something xD

But that means taking the crap with the good. We need them all. If you're looking for intellectual debate then this was never the right forum for it anyway, possiably someone could make a sub forum though ;)
I'm speaking as a veteran but actually I'm quite a noob... I was never concerned about having great intellectual debates in here, but I too think that when the GP2X breaks out and gets popular, this forum is gonna see a huge influx of "I WaNt t3h EmuLatoRZ for my l337 GBA plzzzz"-like messages. And I fear this might scare away the serious developers who are the ones responsible for making the machine reach its full potential. So, as a word of advice, I encourage the admins to take serious action at the first sight of such newbies. Firm and strong response will be needed. Gee that sounded like government issues.
air-can posted on May 18 2006 at 01:24 PM said:
Would you compare a dishwasher to an oven? Yes, they're both in a kitchen, but they do different things just like the GP2X and the PSP!

:D Nice

Let's remember we all joined up once upon a time.

Should the new kids on the block not like what they find I suspect they will vanish as quickly as they arrived. Meanwhile we might get some useful new contributors. The community is established enough with a sufficient number of devs interested in what they are doing, and current members grateful for their work, for it not to go bandy.

In addition our crack team of mods will clamp down on any nonsense PDQ. Of that there must be little doubt. ;)
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Oh, someone's mentioned there being battery issues already! Seriously, is this honestly a problem? I got my GP32 and instantly went for high powered rechargables. Are people honestly so stupid that they buy a whole bunch of bog standard alkaline batteries?!

I also dislike this whole "it's competing with the PSP" malarky. No it's not; it's a completely different machine! Would you compare a dishwasher to an oven? Yes, they're both in a kitchen, but they do different things just like the GP2X and the PSP!

It also concerns me that it is said it is coming out just now - it's been out for months! This is just the launch of the Mk2 model is it not?

I too have visions of a sudden influx of "I just bricked my GP2X", "I can't get emulator X to work" and "How does this compare to a PSP" posts.
the crap battery life really is a load of crap. i got 2500mah nim-h batteries as soon as i bought it and battery life has not been a problem at all. i dont count the hours the batteries last, i just never seem to run out of batteries in a short time to be really annoyed. and when i do, i stick my other 2 batteries in and set the others to charge.
Nintendo said the same thing about the DS not being a direct challenger for the PSP but it didnt stop gp2x fans from poking fun at it... And unless you know about batteries or were told directly that a standard battery wont do the job, Its not a stupid thing to think at all. Its sounding a little "This is a Local Shop, for Local People" at the moment...
Firstly: I love my NDS.
Secondly: The batteries that came with my first edition GP2X where some random brand I'd never heard of... it was unlikely they were going to last any amount of time in anything!
Thirdly: This is a friendly community. Just don't be an idiot. It's not the fact the same questions are asked again and again. It's if they are asked in such a manner that makes you come accross as a selfish git, that doesn't realise they are talking to people that have lives, and not their personal slaves.
we get maybe a big more fan base so its a good thing, plus all those twits that buy gp2x units then sell it again becuase it's not l337 enough for them just means that more units for us on ebay! :) (by that I mean those who have really bricked and can't afford another one!)
Shikaku posted on May 18 2006 at 11:34 AM said:
But me, I'm actually more worried now. I foresee a flood of idiots coming =)
no its ok, we're all here already :P

edit: yeah looks like a A1200 that's been put on the wrong tumble-dry setting
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