First Payback Rolling Demo

Wow this actually made me gasp. I was so surprised at the kind of graphics my little gp2x was pumping out with music and AA and everything!! Some of those effects are amazing like fire and the screen warping around and explosion. If theres anything that would suddenly boost the number of homebrew releases on the gp2x would be GPLing the engine. Unfortunately that's never going to happen, but it's still one of the most amazing things I've seen on the gp2x.
My only concern is the framerate drop during the effects as they're currently managed, but hopefully the final version of the engine will deal better with that. Or have an option to turn AA down to 2x or off entirely, since awesome as it looks, I can;t imagine it's that fast an effect to pull off!
yes they wanted.
also craigix isnt porting it, its a complete rewrite for the gp2x by a dedicated developer(team?).
And im sure the framerate will improve once they have the 2nd cpu in :-)
Vimacs posted on Apr 29 2006 at 04:03 PM said:
yes they wanted.
also craigix isnt porting it, its a complete rewrite for the gp2x by a dedicated developer(team?).
And im sure the framerate will improve once they have the 2nd cpu in :-)
I know, It was commercial and the author didn't see himself making any money by porting/ rewriting it for GP2x.
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For people who is calling the demo as video:

This is not a long video. This is a rolling demo. GP2X runs the engine in realtime. If you don't believe remove the SD Card. ;)

Support the commercial games and encourage other developers and game companies to develop games for GP2X!
This is not a long video. This is a rolling demo. GP2X runs the engine in realtime. If you don't believe remove the SD Card.

Can't wait to check out the gameplay!
Trust me the explosions WILL be fine in the final version. This game was originally made for the Amiga, then Mac, and then GBA. The gba version runs great at about 20fps.

For some reason I think our good old gp2x can out run a gba, especially if there is support for the 2nd processor. Also turning AA down to 2x or off should speed it up a lot too. Not to even mention this is a very early beta.

I can't wait.
iatneH posted on Apr 29 2006 at 03:37 PM said:
Hell... I hate GTA-style games but this is really impressive and I might buy it.

I too hate GTA games, why the fuck did I buy the collectors edition (1, london and 2) I don't know. Nor do I really like the GTA III+ games besides just goofing off with them at a friends house for 10 min.

BUT this game is SOOO different. It is more like an action game, a shoot them up of sorts. I can't explain it but it is really fun, and at least the graphics don't burn your eyes (2d of the old GTA and motion blur of the new GTA).
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mmm... looking at the pricing for the mac/gba/amiga versions, it would seem this game will cost 24-30£
as much as like gta style games, i'll have to decline...
Je ne comprend pas. From all the complaining in 'Other Consoles' about unoriginality in the games industry I wouldn't expect so many people pledging allegiance to the cause of derivative games design. Ah well, perhaps this games success will encourage more commercial development.

Edit: Pardon my French
When will game developers realise that not everyone in the world has the same season at the same time. "Summer 2006" is meaningless for a world market. I thought it was just the Americans that thought the world revolved around them, but it seems to be a general northern hemisphere thing.

It will be interesting to see if they fix that whacky camera before release. Apart from the camera completely losing the player a lot of the time, it looks very good.