Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

ok, will see what can i do. I gonna take the code and if i can edit it. I will.

I dont know mucho about C++ so hopefully it will be C alone.

Cheers man!
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You might ;)

:-) Glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that...

Anyway, I started on the remapping UI yesterday lunchtime - it might take a while, but it'd be quite handy, I think. I'm finding it really difficult to focus on anything right now.
Take your time, I know I appreciate any work you put into this. Stonking app/emu as it is, you're only making it better (regardless of if it's your code or Chi's code, you're bringing it to the 2x!)

Thank you!


PS. was that too gushy? ;)
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The more people ask, the less likely I am to do anything, I'm afraid - it becomes more of a chore than a pleasure.

we need to get this bounty scheme up and running so even the most tedious chores become a bit more worthwhile!
Homebrew developers don't really develop for money, in my opinion. That's not to say that I think they shouldn't, but in general people code because they enjoy doing it and like to share their output with others who might get a kick out of it too. The donation system seems a good one, although it does rely on the random giving of normally just a few people (in my experience). I don't know how the bounty scheme you mention is planned to work, of course. I've got lots of things I'm doing at the moment, and personal interest drives me more than expected financial gain.
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I know homebrew developers do what they do as a great generousity to the community Critical - rather than for remuneration I don't think anyone would dispute that. That's part of what drew me to the gp2x, the spirit of the platform.

All I'm saying is that if donations via a bounty scheme (which is debated elsewhere on this board) were to come to fruition then I believe that it might make the lives of some developers a little easier, you know, pizza and beer money dude for starters.

As you said you've not seen the talk about the scheme, I'll just give you the background because I thought it sounded like a really positive idea:

people were talking about donating for a particular feature or entire application - this money is then held by whatever authority (yet to be decided and under debate) as a growing cashpot bounty.

the bounty fee is then collected when the feature or application is completed (when agreed by nominated judges)

that's the rough shape of it. I thought it was great in theory for the simple reason that it offers developers working on horrendously difficult projects a bit more light at the end of the tunnel. obviously details have to be worked out properly, last thing you want is some greedy untrustworthy bastard running off with everyone's contribution ;)
I thought it was about making people happy and gaining prestige around the scene? Once again, I am quite mistaken. *Nod*

I fail to see how a bounty sceme in any way detracts from making people happy or the authors gaining prestige around the scene.

Donations are going on and coexisting with making people happy and the authors gaining prestige and nobody seems to object to that.

anyway who knows? perhaps like you Winterkid I am quite mistaken
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@ critical

I have been adding to the wiki but was wondering, do you want any earlier versions edited that are already added but have from what I have found differed slightly in v0.5.1.

For instance sensible soccer this works for 0.2.1 but in the wiki it states simply: Playable, good speed @250mHz. but I have added in the same box : In 0.5.1 use frame skip 2 or 3 to stop flickering sprites. just because I found with this (0.5.1) version It run better at those settings. I never used the earlier version so dont know if sprites were a problem then or not.

So basicly do you just want me to add the extra info in the same box, do I add a seperate version for 0.5.1 or do I replace the whole wiki entry for the newer version?

Also it could be handy having a seperate box for sound (good/bad) in the wiki, as some games do give near as perfect sound, although I normally test at default sound off setting and normally dont take this into account when adding to the wiki.

Im listening

So basicly do you just want me to add the extra info in the same box, do I add a seperate version for 0.5.1 or do I replace the whole wiki entry for the newer version?

I'd just replace what's there - there's great reason for using an older build (except for sound issues)...

Also it could be handy having a seperate box for sound (good/bad) in the wiki, as some games do give near as perfect sound, although I normally test at default sound off setting and normally dont take this into account when adding to the wiki.

There's a problem with sound that was introduced in 0.5.0+ - the pitch is too low. I don't think we need to have a separate column yet, until this fundamental issue is addressed, at least.

Cheers for your testing work :)
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I'd just replace what's there - there's great reason for using an older build (except for sound issues)...

I take it the above should read: there's no great reason.. ?

In any case, thanks for a quick reply, I will continue adding to the wiki as days go by, this emu was the reason I bought my 2X, so the wiki will get ever so slightly longer I would imagine.

Hope you find time to get the sound right again.

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I tried to integrate squidge's upper memory speed hack into uae4all last night.

It got quite late by the time I'd finished, so I didn't get much of a chance to test it.

If anyone has a spare moment today (I don't), perhaps you'd be so kind as to try this file:

EDIT: removed - try the one later in this thread - it's got more chance of working...

Just rename your existing 0.5.1 uae4all.gpe file, and put this one in its place. It attempts to run the hack upon starting the emulation proper, so there might be a delay while that happens.

Is it any faster? If not, I've probably screwed up the implementation of it, and I'll have to go and pester squidge ;)
It runs fine, but doesn't seem any faster that I could tell (using very unscientific tests, including timing how long it took Head to walk wall-to-wall in Head Over Heels)...

Also, it seems that you've switched the L and R shoulder button inputs (both in the menu and mouse control).

Thanks for working on it, hope you can crack the Squidge-hack thang!
It runs fine, but doesn't seem any faster that I could tell (using very unscientific tests, including timing how long it took Head to walk wall-to-wall in Head Over Heels)...

Also, it seems that you've switched the L and R shoulder button inputs (both in the menu and mouse control).

Thanks for working on it, hope you can crack the Squidge-hack thang!
I'll have another look at it properly tonight. That test sounds outrageously pointless if you've got auto frameskip on, BTW ;)
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Yes Pepone kindly sent me a patch as well for SquidgeSnes. I did a quick test but could not see any improvement in speed, I thought I had implemented it incorrectly so I was going to investigate. Pepone did say he had had an increase of 10+ fps, so it must be how we have applied the fix.