Which System Should I Port An Emu For?

Which system should I port an emu for?

  • NGPC(competing)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GBC(competing)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NES(not much of a competition)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SMS(competing)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other(nothing impossible)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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Whatever you do, don't release it onto this board unless it's perfect in every way, or DaveC will rip it to pieces and you'll feel disheartened.

Or you could just add DaveC to your ignore filter, which seems like what most devs do ;)
I think you should try to do a nes emulator or another 8 bit emulator.

The other posters are right, you're unlikely to manage to port an emulator if you can't program C yet... but don't let that disharten you, having a goal is what pushes us to achive new things...

Even if you never manage to get an emulator working on the GP2X, you'll learn a load about programming doing so, and have some fun trying.
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LOL...this thread is hilarious. Squidge is right about posting emus in early stages. It's great that we can play it, but some will bitch that it's not yet perfect. Anyway, I vote for a good NES emu also. I find it hard to believe that we don't have one at fullspeed w/ savestates, etc. already (easy to say for someone who doesn't code!)
Whatever you do, don't release it onto this board unless it's perfect in every way, or DaveC will rip it to pieces and you'll feel disheartened.

Or you could just add DaveC to your ignore filter, which seems like what most devs do ;)

I was thinking about making a DaveC emulator -- well once I finish the Dijitao emulator, since once I finish the Dijitao emulator I'll have plenty of spare time since it will handle bitching about the GPL for me.

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Well, all you need to do is output a quote bitching about the joystick, scaling, ration, speed or sound and it'll be almost life-like ;)

A NES emulator is a nice first time project, but I wouldn't try and write it from scratch as it's a bitch with all those mappings. Port one instead, and then as you learn more and more, you could try your hand at adding features and optimising it.
I've got an idea! Why don't you take on the immense task of writing a DaveC emulator?

I have a better idea, why don't you stfu ;)

I think DaveC emulation might be too easy...

Not once you have made it run at 2mhz at fs0 with the case2 configuration. Oh and the transparancy hack.

All it would be would be a file full of insults, with a timed while loop that picks a random insult or complaint. ;P
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all the emus you listed are already decent.. and with little programming skills you wont be able to compete at all against them :P do something noone else has done!
I'm suprised DaveC uses this website at all, as it has no sound.

Also a DaveC emulator would have no sound either, meaning he would never use it.
I vote for the litlle sonic electronic game from McDonalds (or some other fast food place) :)
How about going for something nice and simple. like the Cray-1? It's old some it must be easy to emulate ;)

Failing that you could try porting Nestopia. It's probably the most accurate NES emulator out there and plays everything I throw at it (Including Elite, which I personally consider to be the best version).
The only game known to not be completely accurate is Micro Machines as the hardware this uses hasn't been documented and no emulator can run it properly, heck even my original NES had problems playing this properly.
Guess I should start on the flowchart...

Dave C Rev 0.1

Examine device
Found flaw? --NO-- Say nothing, start over
Unleash criticism, Start over.

Just joking.. *laugh*
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