I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

I just got mine last week from GP2X.co.uk

took bloody ages though! :P (2 months in fact due to a missed order). Hopefully this doesnt happen to often!

So far so good... any reason to not use my laptop for playing emulators is a good one. Would love to get into coding for it. Although im having trouble finding guides for the F200 specifically and a lot of sites that ive tried seem to be down :(

could it be that the device ive wanted for so long is losing popularity? :(
I had two magic moments, having just received a GP2X F100 yesterday -

1. Firstly, seeing my own game running on actual GP2X hardware, rather than on a pc. Admittedly, it highlighted several bugs and omissions, that I would never have known about before. But the game worked! :D

My testers prior to this had said as such and some of the bugs they highlighted perhaps weren't as obvious then as they are now - I can actually see problems and fixes occurring now (well, non-touchscreen problems anyway).

2. Plugging in a power adapter and watching the GP2X spring into life, rather than exploding into death.

Cheers Vilmos, for both of those moments :)
Unfortuantley my bargain ^^^^^^ turned out to be an Ebay scam. However, I have braved Ebay again and should have an F100 arriving Saturday.

Edit: It did arrive on Saturday and I've been playing MegaDrive classics all weekend! Ahhh, the good old days. :)
Just bought a second hand F200 with a 2gb card for €100. Pretty chuffed all in all. I might have to retire my old GP32 or maybe put it out to stud. See if I can breed it with a GBA Micro maybe.

Wow this place has grown since I was last here, nearly 15,000 members. Think there was only 2,000 or so back when I got my GP32.
just got my f200 this week. first impressions awesome piece of kit. clocked it up to 260 without any problems which looks about average from the poll. already indisposble. like they say a true portable media player. game, videos, music. just wow.
hey just wanted to say hi :). I ordered a gp2x f200 yesterday so here hoping it gets here soon so i can start deving my own games. plus retro games :D
Hi folks, got my GP2X F200 from Play Asia last night ($135 in the Easter Sale). Very happy with it so far, sat playing a few old genesis games last night as I only had some non-rechargeable AAs and a 2gb SD card.

Got some rechargeable batteries and an 8gb card turning up today from Amazon, can't wait. :D
just got a f100 from ebay for £50 so far very impressed, the megadrive emu is awsome and plays my favorate game (warsong) perfect, turns heads in work too as noone knows what it is :)
Got my F200 a couple of months back, bought an 8GB SDHC card for it, and loaded that puppy up. I'm way happier with it than I would have been with a DS or PSP, that's for sure.
Got my F200 a few days ago. Loving the emulation. Can't wait til there's a few more cool apps that work reliably on it.

Hoping that some kind of a hibernate/state save power-down mode will be incorporated in future firmware updates. I hate having to completely power off and on between uses.

Note to self - need bigger rechargable batteries, faster battery charger, more SDHC cards, power supply.
I got my gp2x f100 mk2 2 days ago for £60 on ebay so far i am pretty impressed with it. But as you know i am having trouble with dosbox on it.

Got my gp2x F200 a few months ago, but I've only just started getting into it.

Ur-Quan master, hell yes!
Whaaaaa!!! I'm going crazy!

I just received a message that my gp2x was delivered and I'm sitting in the office knowing I won't be home before 8 or 10pm...

Good thing is: I prepared a 4GB SD-Card with all my favorite old games. I hope I did everything right, so It'll be plug'n'play, baby!

Just wanted to get this off my system ;-)
I didn't exactly "just get" my gp2x. It's an F100, I've had it for a couple years. I did just find it, however. I had lost it many months ago. It's still got firmware version 2.0 on it. Unfortunately, I don't know where my SD card reader is, and the card is formatted as ext2 since I had been using it in my laptop, so now I have to pick up a reader for a few bucks from Radioshack before I can actually start using the thing again.

Edit: I forgot ext2 should actually work, but the reason it's not recognizing it is because I encrypted the card. :P