I'm waiting but not hopeful... if it's released then great, if not then back to waiting. I just want my stupid USB to connect as a 2.0 device for cryin' out loud.
what????? duke nukem forever? :lol: :lol: :lol:it comes when its ready
Funny, I like.Heh, when the source gets released maybe I can patch it myself! I can call it the Panda Edition Firmware and justify all those people who were worrying that the firmware would splinter into a million different hacks the moment it's released :lol:
hmmm... yes, i like it! Maybe I'll make a 'Shrubbery Edition'. I don't know anything at all about the workings of the firmware, but i'm sure I could hack in a few extra bugs, by randomly changing some variable names :lol:
come on GPH, release the source, so that I can have a go at mangling it beyond repair.
Again, though, who really needs the source, I know that, if it were released, I'd be too tempted to mess about with it, mainly to put that 2nd CPU to use (The wiki site said it's unused) and probably gum it up.
Seriously, all I'm interested in, though, are the bugs being worked out, which, lets be honest people, thats all any of us want. Since this thing is a homebrew handheld, anyone with half a brain would simply go online, pick up a copy of iPaq Linux, and fiddle with it til it worked, since that ones also based on ARM processors.
The source is going to be released, and not just the kernel source either. However, they can't just release it or they'll get sued, so they are making sure it contains no proprietary code.
And please, no "they shouldn't have put the non-gpl code in there in the first place" as we have been through that already. We know what they should have done and shouldn't have done, we know what they have actually done, and we know that the source is going to be released once it's in a suitable state.
So just stop bitching and wait.