Gngeo2x 0.6.9 *update*

Ando posted on Feb 19 2006 at 04:26 PM said:
i got it :D i just beat it also, damn i love these games does anyone get sound in mslug 4 or 5 all i get is the sound it makes when i insert coin
I thinks that's beacause sound digits are to big to fit in mem.
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bah! i need help with correct rom sets... can't get pochi, kof10thu, s1945p, mslug3, etc.... to run at all, all i get is PINK SCREEN OF DEATH!

Im trying to rename and also use antidarks romrc file with no luck...

If possible, someone drop me a PM to point me in the right direction (hint!) i need correct sets to match with romrc file (hint!)

HELLLP!!! ME. :(
antidark posted on Feb 19 2006 at 10:26 PM said:
A present for Pepone and gp32x from spain :


All roms of gngeo + dummy and gfx.

thanks, Pepone to make the dreams reality.


Not to be a party pooper, But you are not allowed to post links to roms or sites containing roms, I think that includes torrent links too. But she did have great tits though. :rolleyes:

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Jester posted on Feb 19 2006 at 07:54 PM said:
Finally got it workin after a bit of fiddling and i have to say it's an excellent emulator, thanks pepone!
MS runs at full speed w sound it's awesome :D.

metal slug at 60 fps with sound? are you sure? I haven't got a gp2x yet but according to the wiki it runs with sound @ 266mhz in game 25fps, samplerate 11025. If it does run at 60 fps with sound then that's just out of this world and the wiki needs updating. What about the other games do they run full speed with sound as well?
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AutumnGhost posted on Feb 19 2006 at 09:47 PM said:
Jester posted on Feb 19 2006 at 07:54 PM said:
Finally got it workin after a bit of fiddling and i have to say it's an excellent emulator, thanks pepone!
MS runs at full speed w sound it's awesome :D.

metal slug at 60 fps with sound? are you sure? I haven't got a gp2x yet but according to the wiki it runs with sound @ 266mhz in game 25fps, samplerate 11025. If it does run at 60 fps with sound then that's just out of this world and the wiki needs updating. What about the other games do they run full speed with sound as well?

When you lower the sample rate in Metal Slug the game stops having the nasty drops in frame rate which are present when the sample rate is @ 22050 MHz. This means that the frame rate remains a lot more constant giving the perception of something running faster than it really is. If you switch on the fps counter you see the true frame rate. In the title screen 60fps or there about, in game it averages 25fps. :)

About the wiki, apart from the version numbers being out of date, most of the titles on the wiki have gained some speed about 5fps or so on average when the switch to 0.6.9 was made and the Hardware accelerated SDL added.
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Download link:

Interesting new download just appeared on

It looks like a nice new frontend for use with GnGeo2X based on the NeoRage frontend with a nice animated background. :)

As I'm signed up there I'm downloading it to give it a try.

I'm also looking for a different download link as file downloads require you to be signed in, and the readme doesn't say if is freely distributable.

RAGE2X frontend by JYCET

beta3 (private)
-import external database of game information (NAME_OF_GAME file)
-see preview (152*112*8bits)
-quick scan of available roms in ./gngeo/roms/ (keep the mame zip name)
-options fps, sound, samplerate selectable

-extract all in your gngeo2x folder
-joystick for any move
-A for any action
-START to quit RAGE2X

-save options
-option to see all or only available game
-option to choose your roms folder location
-more game information in database file (EDITOR,YEAR,TYPE,SIZE,STATUS)
-CPU speed selector
-add more preview

Thank to everybody on #gp2xdev for their help :)

This does look very nice though as you can add preview image to show the game being selected. :D

Nice work by JYCET :D
NeoStuey posted on Feb 20 2006 at 12:31 AM said:
Nice work by JYCET :D

yeah, i remember him asking me about gngeo on IRC, and seeing a pretty special screenshot of it :)

how about uploading it to the file archive here?
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To overclock when using RAGE2X.

Remove .gpe extension from rage2x.gpe so it just reads rage. This hides it from selection in the game screen.

Next make the one of the following scripts to use the CPU & LCD Tuner. Use programmers notepad to do this and save the file as gngeo2x.gpe, make sure to save it as unix format.



/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpe 1 2 266

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

The first number entered after cpu_speed is to choose modes either 0 for FPLL LCD mode or you can use 1 UPLL LCD mode.

The second is the prescaler timings set between -20 and 36 for FPLL mode and -5 and 10 for UPLL mode.

Then lastly is the cpu speed you want to run at.

This example script assumes that you have CPU & LCD Tuner in the root of your SD card and that you have not change the file extension to .gpu.

If you have use this example.


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpu 1 2 266

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

If you have done what I have done and remove the extenstion from the CPU & LCD Tuner so that it is hidden your script would look like this.


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 1 2 266

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu


Thanks to antidark, I've found out that if you save this launch script as gngeo2x.gpe when you exit the game you go back to the rage2x menu instead of the GP2X menu. :)
An update re Rage2x, I got error messages when trying load roms, that were previously working under the file selector.

Error message was something along the lines of "unable to open rom zupapa", well I don't even have this rom.

The solution for me was to empty the save folder in gngeo and then load the rom and it seems to have done the trick. I have loaded and reloaded roms and they now load without any further problems. :)
:( Sorry, subin I missed your post.

Download link:

On a separate note, it looks like scaling has been implemented in this add-on. The TV Out now works to a point. There is over scan and the image does shimmer, but I think that is a trait in all GP2X programs using the current Hardware accelerated SDL. Beats of Rage does the same thing.

I should also open my eyes JyCet started a topic in the beta testing board on this very forum! :blink:
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did i miss something!!!! AARGHGHGHHH!!!! Please PM me whatever was erased!!!! please!!!!! or direct me to a link!!!!!!! arghhhhhh!!!!!!

PM me, dont post. darn...... :(

oh nevermind: I think I found what I was looking, yes great tits!
If you have a flickering GP2X menu on exiting GnGeo2X using the overclocking script it has something to do with using FPLL mode. If you use UPLL mode and exit the GP2X main menu you return to is free of flicker. :D

So make sure your use "1" to enable UPLL mode.



/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpe 1 2 266

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

If you want to check what the options you can set are look at my earlier post. :D
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Does Sengoku 3 work for anyone? I haven't been able to get a graphic dump for it yet.
antidark posted on Feb 20 2006 at 05:15 PM said:
Thanks JYCET for you great frontend all previews here :

Here I leave all previews you already done for frontend rage2x.  Also added and changed some roms for romset that I share of gngeo.  There is roms nor no Bios. 


Nice preview images in there antidark.

I just spent the afternoon making my own preview images up for use with my copy of rage2x, so I know how time consuming it is, a lot of people will be grateful.

I saw in your .zip that you kept the selector files that were packaged with GnGeo2X 0.6.9, I think that you should remove them as you may have issues with exiting rage2x. i.e. hanging on a blank screen on exiting the emu. I know I did when I was setting up my copy of rage2x last night.

Nice work. :)
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I think i will try the front-end a little later, i'm comfortable with gngeo as it is.

good progress though, keep up the updates!