Scummvm For Gp2x!!!

hmm... wonder what this runs like... DJWillis has been playing around with scummVM for a while and hasn't released anything yet, so I'm doubting NK has released anything worthwhile... but who knows, but he does seem to start projects then stop mid-way...
xafier posted on Dec 16 2005 at 12:40 AM said:
hmm... wonder what this runs like... DJWillis has been playing around with scummVM for a while and hasn't released anything yet, so I'm doubting NK has released anything worthwhile... but who knows, but he does seem to start projects then stop mid-way...

How will you know this is nothing worthwhile until you actually try this or hear a second hand report from someone else?
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xafier posted on Dec 15 2005 at 05:40 PM said:
hmm... wonder what this runs like... DJWillis has been playing around with scummVM for a while and hasn't released anything yet, so I'm doubting NK has released anything worthwhile... but who knows, but he does seem to start projects then stop mid-way...
Try it. It's worth it, really. Sometimes there are sync problems between audio and video but that's all. I've tried 7 games and all of them seem to work fine.
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miq01 posted on Dec 15 2005 at 04:00 PM said:
xafier posted on Dec 15 2005 at 05:40 PM said:
hmm... wonder what this runs like... DJWillis has been playing around with scummVM for a while and hasn't released anything yet, so I'm doubting NK has released anything worthwhile... but who knows, but he does seem to start projects then stop mid-way...
Try it. It's worth it, really. Sometimes there are sync problems between audio and video but that's all. I've tried 7 games and all of them seem to work fine.

Can you list the games you tried that worked.
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fomit posted on Dec 15 2005 at 03:50 PM said:
xafier posted on Dec 16 2005 at 12:40 AM said:
hmm... wonder what this runs like... DJWillis has been playing around with scummVM for a while and hasn't released anything yet, so I'm doubting NK has released anything worthwhile... but who knows, but he does seem to start projects then stop mid-way...

How will you know this is nothing worthwhile until you actually try this or hear a second hand report from someone else?

Dont worry, I'll be trying it out tonight ;) all I was saying is DJWillis has been working on it on and off and he worked on the GP32 version, so I would have expected a release from him before someone else thats all :P
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Jet Set Willy posted on Dec 15 2005 at 06:05 PM said:
Can you list the games you tried that worked.
Yes. Day of the Tentacle, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Monkey Island 1 & 2, Sam & Max, and Zak McKracken.
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i reckon NK is either more than one person, or a big..... big.,... big nerd
Deleted User posted on Dec 15 2005 at 11:40 AM said:
i reckon NK is either more than one person, or a big..... big.,... big nerd

... not that there's anything wrong with that ...
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Beneath a Steel Sky, plays nice. Sam & Max, pretty good, but the speech is slightly out of sync, I'm sure this will be sorted pretty quick though. Overall pretty cool port :D.
All of the games I tried are very much out of sync with both versions.
I tried Indy4, Sam&Max and DotT - all VERY out of sync. :(

I won`t use it until the sound issues are sorted, but other than that, it seems to run fullspeed with sound, which is really great.

And maybe it`s just because I use ogg-converted monster.sou files, did anyone try with the original ones or with mp3 converted ones to see if the sync problem is different?

I also hope that the controls are being worked on (START to exit games to the menu is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying!) and the mouse pointer handles a little bit to strange - it`s too slow and then gets too fast.

Hope those probs will be sorted :)
they would be out of sync cause the graphics is not keeping up with the sound, not the other way around.

I'd be interested to see what broken sword looks like. I think it is VGA, so we'd need a smart scaler to make out everything.

If this was compiled from the current CVS build, then the Kyrandia games should be there as well in early form.
Quiest posted on Dec 15 2005 at 04:31 PM said:
And maybe it`s just because I use ogg-converted monster.sou files, did anyone try with the original ones or with mp3 converted ones to see if the sync problem is different?
I dug out my original DOTT and Sam & Max CDs and they have the same problem. I guess you could turn off the sound and just use the subtitles to make it playable. Personally, I think I'm going to wait until the sync problems can be ironed out so I can have the full experience! I'm keeping my eye on this one.

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Quiest posted on Dec 15 2005 at 09:31 PM said:
All of the games I tried are very much out of sync with both versions.
I tried Indy4, Sam&Max and DotT - all VERY out of sync. :(

And maybe it`s just because I use ogg-converted monster.sou files, did anyone try with the original ones or with mp3 converted ones to see if the sync problem is different?

I've tried DOTT with the original monster.sou and its still out of sync. My ogg-converted file wouldn't work for some reason.

I'm having problems converting the speech & music files for broken sword. I keep getting the error message "unable to find SPEECH or MUSIC files" they are in the directory that the readme states so this is a bit confusing. Anyone got any ideas?
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