Gp2psx V0.16

"Drak" said:
Ya I just tried a game on working confirmed list, busta move and it doesnt load I think this version may be scrwed up or something

I agree with you 100%

DOA and Megaman Legends 2 won't even boot and FF7 is worse now.
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I'm testing with Lunar.

Previous version loaded the game .. very slowly. But now, I just get a black screen.
Hello again,

Grab GP2PSX V0.18 at:

This release is a much needed bug fix to the last release (v0.16). I had some timings off. This release should fix games that weren't loading but did in past releases. This release should also be a bit faster, though as usual, i'm not sure. I don't have many PSX games to test with. Super Seizure Bros is also no longer seizure-ized.

Also note the framerate counter seems to be more accurate now. It's actually always been accurate, it basically counts 60 frames then calculates the framerate. Only thing is, sometimes the PSX would have it vsync when no change was made to the screen. Not only is this an optimization waiting to happen, but it would report high framerates at times when things looked like they were going slow. This is why I've been trying to get timings right.

So who's going to be the first to report if this release fixed (or didn't fix) a game that wasn't working last release? :)

Btw, I claim dibs on porting PinMAME. I totally forgot about that fantastic VisualPinball+PinMAME I use to play. I'm also keeping an eye out for FreeCIV. Though I know Civ2 was working on the PSX emu at one point.

god_at_hell: great work on your CPUCLK release! :) Works great. I made one small edit to it for my own use. I uncommented out the gp2xmenu exec so it'd go back to the menu.
zodttd posted on Dec 13 2005 at 08:09 PM said:
Hello again,

Grab GP2PSX V0.18 at:

This release is a much needed bug fix to the last release (v0.16). I had some timings off. This release should fix games that weren't loading but did in past releases. This release should also be a bit faster, though as usual, i'm not sure. I don't have many PSX games to test with. Super Seizure Bros is also no longer seizure-ized.

Also note the framerate counter seems to be more accurate now. It's actually always been accurate, it basically counts 60 frames then calculates the framerate. Only thing is, sometimes the PSX would have it vsync when no change was made to the screen. Not only is this an optimization waiting to happen, but it would report high framerates at times when things looked like they were going slow. This is why I've been trying to get timings right.

So who's going to be the first to report if this release fixed (or didn't fix) a game that wasn't working last release? :)

Btw, I claim dibs on porting PinMAME. I totally forgot about that fantastic VisualPinball+PinMAME I use to play. I'm also keeping an eye out for FreeCIV. Though I know Civ2 was working on the PSX emu at one point.

god_at_hell: great work on your CPUCLK release! :) Works great. I made one small edit to it for my own use. I uncommented out the gp2xmenu exec so it'd go back to the menu.

Thx, will try it again :)

Oh and, do we still have to do that game1.bin thing? or can we just select a game and go?
since it says that in the readme.
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I have only a stylish brick here in a stylish case until the jtag is sorted out, and I went out and bought Ridge Racer and Descent to test.

I already have Tekken 3 and about 20-30 odd demo discs to try.

I was able to rotate the flag on Ridge Racer before it bricked, by holding the trigger buttons and then pressing directional and face buttons, I even saw cars run on a track in music mode, but the screen turned red scanlines, and I was back at the title again, only the flag was a checkerboard. This was on release 0.13, I need my GP reflashed. Drat drat double drat.
this release allowed many games to boot again! it also is a bit faster ;)
thing that still doesnt work:
-Side by Side: still missing 3D (it wokred in 0.13 with HLE)

anyway, great release, will test more games later.

PS: Ridge Racer goes ingame now, but there are huge GFX bugs.
If you port PinMAME you will get a nice christmas bonus from me...:P I would kill to be able to play and make my own pinball games on the GP2X...(well, not literally)
I think already, we've got more than we'd have ever dreamt of, I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but do you think there's any possibility of sound in the future of this emu?
May sound sort of funny but I haven't been able to get sound working on my games because my GP2X hasn't been able to play sound since I got it. The music player also crashes.
zodttd posted on Dec 14 2005 at 06:25 PM said:
May sound sort of funny but I haven't been able to get sound working on my games because my GP2X hasn't been able to play sound since I got it. The music player also crashes.

If you got a duff unit you should probably exchange it before the warrantee runs out.

Does anything have sound? Try DrMD, does sound work on that?
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Hey Zodttd You commented earlier in this thread that you had finally chased down a bug that was causing the emulator to show that it was running at say 6fps when really it was only displaying about 1fps. Even though the emu was really running at 6fps. Do you plan to add any new optimizations and bugs that you find into the Zodiac version of ppsx? Or are you just going to plan on working on this version for now? Thanks.
You make me want to buy a GPX2!
so, latest compatibility report:
"oddworld: abe's odessey" neeeearly works. but not.

it gets through all the start menus ok, with what looks like maybe a key-colour problem or something where the darkest shade of black (ie 'black'!) comes out as white.

after choosing game options, and 'go', it seems to freeze on the screen which says: "abe's oddesey is loading so get over it!"

in fact it's been saying that for about 10 minutes and i don't think its going anywhere :P
and now the batteries have run out :huh: how tantalising!

I seem to remember that on a real psx, the first thing that would happen after this was quite a big intro video, so it looks like its frozen whilst loading or launching that.

this IS an improvement over the prev version, where it hung on the boot-copyright screen, so: progress, progress :rolleyes:
Draken posted on Dec 14 2005 at 07:37 PM said:
Why did you register here if you don't want to buy one? o.O
Or do you have a gp32? :P
Because I really dont have anywhere else to go. You dont know but I was banned from the emuboards. And I really really enjoy all the people on emuboards and most of them came from here. So I decided to come over here and keep talking to the same people. The reason why I dont want a GP2X yet is becauseI am a complete zodiac fanboy and love everything about the zodiac. So I am pretty much content right now. But I am starting to get interested in the gpx2. ;)

EDIT: Looks at persons name and realizes its draken! LOL I feel like a dork now. Hey Draken have'nt talked to you in awhile! So draken are you going to get a gpx2?
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hmm does anyone of you now how to rip cd musik (.raw in data mode and music tracks in audio mode) manual? if i just delete them the game wont work anymore ;)