Screen Problems

I thought these were the same screens as in the BLU+ and if so, then surely these abnormal displays are as the result of software. The HH image that E.D. posted seemed to show that to be the case. What I would like to have seen is another test card in Black & White instead of high contrast colours. Like the kind you see when setting up TV and DVD for home theatre use.

Well not really. If you look at the lighting on the BLU it is lit from the right side. The GP2X is lit from the bottom so it must be different.

Different? or the same

It has been covered already that the BLU+ screen was laid sideways. This caused all sorts of problems with emulating sega video modes because you couldn't swap a single line horizontally, only vertically.

So yes, it IS the same screen, only laid out correctly(90 Degrees)

wich means that the light now comes from the bottom.

So "it must be different"

heaven help us if you discover CAD and design a building anyone has to use.
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I think all screens have those problems. But I could be wrong.

You can check for the problems yourself by viewing this image in your gp2x:

Then look for these distortions:

#1: Vertical white line on the left side of the LCD screen
#2: Different brightness on the two halves of the screen (noticable in the photo by the line in the middle of the screen).
#3: White areas on black background leaving horizontal lines across the screen.

Here are more images showing the problems and also a 4th problem.

#1: Vertical line on the left side of the LCD screen

#2: Different brightness on the two halves of the screen (noticable in the photo by the line in the middle of the screen).

#3: White areas on black background leaving horizontal lines across the screen.

#4: Noisy diagonal lines.
I'm currently in contact with RobBrown to see if this can be fixed with Software.

I'll keep you updated!
The HH-Test did show an absolutely clear image, without a single disturbance (and without the vertical line).

So I think the LCD is fine, it's just the firmware (again... sigh. Good thing we have that good devs in the scene :))
To me it looks like a cheapo LCD or LCD driver chip where the voltages are not right. I have seen this on other older displays, like real old laptops with passive matrix displays. That wasn't a software problem either, just a shit quality screen.
Wow! That is harsh.

Considering ED's earlier post this seems like an unfounded bit of scaremongering. In conjunction with your thread concerning the joystick it does appear you are out to discredit the GP2X, as at least one other poster has suggested.

If GPH were skimping on the LCD I would imagine they would be shipping a lot more screens with stuck and dead pixels. This does not seem to be the case as I have not seen anyone complain about pixels (yet).

I think you should come clean with us. Are you a major shareholder or an employee of a competing handheld manufacturer ?

Eolair : ED's test shows that the white line is firmware so I consider that a non issue. I don't have the second issue on mine. I do get the white/black horizontal contrast effect.
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As the LCD is the same as the BLU+ one, where we don't have that issue, it could either be the driver ship OR the backlight / gamma set too high (which can be changed by software).

I'm currently trying with RobBrown to fix it by software, I'll keep you informed.
So it could be the driver chip. But it is still too soon to make assertions that GPH are using sub-standard components until ED and RobBrown have completed their investigations.

Thanks ED and RB.

If the light intensity can be controlled by software and needs to be dimmed a bit that surely means good news in terms of battery life.
Eolair :  ED's test shows that the white line is firmware so I consider that a non issue.  I don't have the second issue on mine.  I do get the white/black horizontal contrast effect.
So the second problem might be only on some units then?

For a fair comparision you should also take the image from ED's test and try it inside the OS. If it doesn't show any problems there either then the image is no good for testing.
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Eolair :  ED's test shows that the white line is firmware so I consider that a non issue.  I don't have the second issue on mine.  I do get the white/black horizontal contrast effect.
So the second problem might be on only some units then?

I don't know what the second problem is ;)

We've got three here:

Left/Right brightness difference (dont' have this problem).
White Line at the left (is gone when using HH)
Ghostlines where there is high contrast (currently investigating if this is hardware or software related)
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I don't know what the second problem is ;)
The left/Right brightness difference problem :P

I started this thread regarding my problems with the firmware but I thought I would ask here.

How did you update your firmware EvilDragon? Did you have to use a serial cable or did you get it to work from SD? Thanks
I don't think he updated his yet? Lots of people seem to have trouble updating the firmware with the first patch though :/
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I don't think he updated his yet? Lots of people seem to have trouble updating the firmware with the first patch though :/

He posted this comment

"Never even had that with my gp2x, I think that's what the first FW updated fixed. But it's definately not there on HH."

When asked

"Also, does HH eliminate the problem with one half of the screen being slightly brighter than the other?"

In this thread page 3 second post down.

I just assumed that he didnt have the problem because he managed to get the firmware update working, but maybe it just doesnt effect every unit.
I thought these were the same screens as in the BLU+ and if so, then surely these abnormal displays are as the result of software. The HH image that E.D. posted seemed to show that to be the case. What I would like to have seen is another test card in Black & White instead of high contrast colours. Like the kind you see when setting up TV and DVD for home theatre use.

Well not really. If you look at the lighting on the BLU it is lit from the right side. The GP2X is lit from the bottom so it must be different.

Different? or the same

It has been covered already that the BLU+ screen was laid sideways. This caused all sorts of problems with emulating sega video modes because you couldn't swap a single line horizontally, only vertically.

So yes, it IS the same screen, only laid out correctly(90 Degrees)

wich means that the light now comes from the bottom.

So "it must be different"

heaven help us if you discover CAD and design a building anyone has to use.

Sorry if I missed the post about the screen being rotated, but as a layman I don't grasp all the technicalities, although I try. :unsure: Can you explain to me what is rotated within the screen. i.e. the backlight and then how the LCD is constructed, because it's still 320*240 and not 240*320 if it was literally rotated? Is that right?

Please don't flame me, I have no engineering skills just interested to know. :)

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I haven't had this problem and haven't updated the firmware, but my gp2x is Ser. Nr. 503, so it's AFTER the first 500-korean-only batch.

Maybe they already included the new firmware from Nr. 500 onwards.
I haven't had this problem and haven't updated the firmware, but my gp2x is Ser. Nr. 503, so it's AFTER the first 500-korean-only batch.

Maybe they already included the new firmware from Nr. 500 onwards.

Thanks for clearing that up.

My unit is number 280 so I really hope it is firmware related and not a hardware fault related to the earlier production runs. I am going to try some other ways of updating the firmware possibly from NAND if I can. I'll update on my progress later.
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Well not really.  If you look at the lighting on the BLU it is lit from the right side.  The GP2X is lit from the bottom so it must be different.

Different? or the same

It has been covered already that the BLU+ screen was laid sideways. This caused all sorts of problems with emulating sega video modes because you couldn't swap a single line horizontally, only vertically.

So yes, it IS the same screen, only laid out correctly(90 Degrees)

wich means that the light now comes from the bottom.

So "it must be different"

heaven help us if you discover CAD and design a building anyone has to use.

You flame me and you have absolutely no clue as to what you are talking about.

The BLU+ screen was not "laid" sideways. It SCANNED vertical, that is all, that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the backlight or the screen itself. That only refered to the GP32 hardware not the screen. The screen is physically oriented the same in both. On the BLU+ it was lit with LEDs from the right side (short side), on the GP2X it is lit with LEDs from the bottom (long side). Since these displays are modules (come with the backlight integrated into the LCD module) they are different.
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My gp2x is number 91 and i definitely dont live in korea so i dont think those numbers are order of manufacture
lit with LEDs from the right side (short side), on the GP2X it is lit with LEDs from the bottom (long side).
What are you talking about, i thought BACKLIT LCDs where lit from the back(hence the name backlit). And LEDs? I think there lit by a electroluminescent panel or a small floresent light?
I had this problem with my sega game gear and sega nomad. It might be a hardware thing but other then comparison to other hand held devices that I don’t know the inner working of I have nothing to back that up.