V1.0.1. Firmware -> Screen Updates Interlaced?


Lactobacillus P
Apr 28, 2003
The Netherlands
I noticed something peculiar after installing the v1.0.1. update from my Peak 256Mb SD card. All works fine, movie playback, mp3, games etc, but the screen seems to be updated in an interlaced fashion whereas that wasn't so appearant (or might even not have been the case) in the 1.0.0 software/bios combo.

Any others noticed this? Especially visible with horizontal moving objects (jaggies, EEE333) and horizontal lines. It's not the flickering screen thing people have been complaining about because my gp2x has a great crystal clear display. It's something you can also see happening with horizontal lines on a PAL tv set when it's refreshed at 50Hz but disappears on a 100Hz screen.

Man this machine is the most versatile open source (hopefully soon!!!!) handheld ever.'

Mods: for some reason this ended up twice on the form, once 'moved' ????
Let this be a lesson never to be so quick to update!

The thing I dont understand though is that you;d think they'd be more cautious in that they change with their updates concidering the early issues they're dealing with.
Could somebody post a pick of the yukky screen after the update? that would be cool. The screen is the most important thing for me so I want to see if I'd be able to watch it. Thanks
It would be interesting to collate a list of GP2X's by serial number and the faults that they incur after firmware updates.

Their aren't a whole lot of replies to this thread so either not many people have found this problem since the upgrade or not many people have upgraded.

If other people have upgraded and not had the problem then this would suggest that their are a certain 'batch' of unit's that have a different combination of components or somesuch.

Is this why GPH are recalling units ??

This is not a bleat - I have been more than happy with my GP2x - it's just my background is manufacturing quality control and this is an itch I just can't scratch.

Oh, one other thing, I carried out the unit test on the utils screen and all of the colours are displayed perfectly with no scanlines ?? :blink:
Oh, I've definitely noticed it with mine; but I find as long as I keep the unit even remotely still, it doesn't cause any problems, at least, most of the time.

Must say, OpenTTD flickers like crazy on the menu though, and it looks like that's to do with the screen updates being interlaced.
This defintely seems to be the case. I can see it in Atari800, where the programs are switching the screen every frame. It switches about once a second, rather than every frame now!

Alpha2 posted on Dec 1 2005 at 05:03 AM said:
Let this be a lesson never to be so quick to update!

The thing I dont understand though is that you;d think they'd be more cautious in that they change with their updates concidering the early issues they're dealing with.

You seem quick to judge that I or we are 'quick to update' and state that this should be a 'lesson' for us? How come you think I or others just upgrade without thinking about the possible consequences? Thanks for your 'kind' words.

Anyways the enhanced compatibility with the sd cards was a big one for me, and it being an official GP update that many users already have installed on their gp2x's made me, after considerable thought upgrade to v1.0.1. another update will probably 'fix' the interlaced screen issue in the future. I just want to discuss it. The whole gp2x endeavour is still a beta-experience in my opinion. The interlaced update is also clearly appearant in the frodo emulator: in 1942 the clouds and checkerboard patterns get 'very fat'. What I am curious after is what causes this? Has this something to do with trying to deminish the gp2x's power consumption?
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Yes indeed. I am always someone who upgrades early, and I always accept that there are likely to be issues. That's what testing betas is about - reporting those.

So I am quick to update, but I expect the odd problem as a result - that's life.
I think its not a problem with the gp2x hardware failing when its moving its just a trick of the eyes. I think the screen is always interlaced but when you're not focused on it, it looks interlaced. I still have the old firmware but i can see the lines if i have my gp2x perfectly still, turned sideways and i move around a bit, I can see the lines then.
chris_r posted on Dec 3 2005 at 12:30 PM said:
I think its not a problem with the gp2x hardware failing when its moving its just a trick of the eyes. I think the screen is always interlaced but when you're not focused on it, it looks interlaced. I still have the old firmware but i can see the lines if i have my gp2x perfectly still, turned sideways and i move around a bit, I can see the lines then.

It's no hardware failure indeed, but I think the screen refresh rate or style has been altered somehow in the latest kernel.
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I doubt it has been changed because im still using the first kernel and i get interlacing lines
Mark1970 posted on Dec 3 2005 at 06:42 AM said:
Alpha2 posted on Dec 1 2005 at 05:03 AM said:
Let this be a lesson never to be so quick to update!

The thing I dont understand though is that you;d think they'd be more cautious in that they change with their updates concidering the early issues they're dealing with.

You seem quick to judge that I or we are 'quick to update' and state that this should be a 'lesson' for us? How come you think I or others just upgrade without thinking about the possible consequences? Thanks for your 'kind' words.

No offense menat to those who did update I was refering to people who update for the sake of doing it without the though of what might be waiting, When I first got mine I waited a week before even looking into the updates posted on the korean site (thankfully it seems ours already have those updates) and when I tried to update my FW, I was doing it without really wondering if they were going to effect the system adversely, after seeing this I feel like I dodged a bullet. Sure, someone has to do it otherwise no one would ever know if they're safe but and I'd love for the update to have had no problems, but I'm just more glad I'm not dealing with those problems right now.
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The screen now, with the "interlacedness" (nice word eh?) is just plain unwatchable when viewing movies. There are so many horizontal lines...even more if you happen to move the machine. It's nice when you have a fairly still image though cause it smooths out. This may be the cause of all the xvid blocks but probably not...because I can see the lines on top of the blocks.

Well, I hope this gets fixed ASAP or I will try returning my gp2x. I mainly bought it as a media player since the PSP can't just play the TV shows I record.

I also wish the screen had a brightness setting. It seems that it's kept intentionally darker so that the batteries would last longer, but a user-controlled-setting would be fantastic as long as I could get it maybe 15-20% brighter ;)
A gamma setting just like GPCinema on the GP32, That`s what we need. It shouldn`t use anymore power than it does now, As you are only making the colours brighter and not the back light itself.
