Problems With Gp2x You Say?


Still Fresh
Aug 30, 2005
Is polooo2 a good and honest guy? I think so since he has been a contributer on this forum for awhile. So when he posted previously that korean users had some common problems with the device I was glad to read it. It wasn't the best brightest news, I agree, but it was better then a wait and see answer.

Am I the only one that views this is important? I like Evildragon. I do, but he is selling these devices ya know so he has a certain "incentive" to people buying these things(No offense Evil) even though he does make a point that we shouldn't worry about rumours yet.
On the other hand.
Are some of you so happy to have this gadget that you would ignore those that do own it now and have mentioned it has some issues with it? Come on. You can keep your eyes and ears closed to the truth but polooo2 collected the info from supposedly real users who really do own it so shouldn't you at least say "what the fudge is this about" rather than "I don't want to hear anything until I personally know for sure myself". I don't have $200 to throw away so it sure is great to know the device is certainly not picture perfect if it isn't.

Let the deluded devotees tell me i'm blowing smoke but i'm only interested in getting what I paid $200 for and not some easily breakable, incompatible, cheapass made gaming handheld. I know some of you have been creaming your pants over this device forever but if it has problems I certainly would like to know what they are before I can cancel my preorder or at least so I can prepare myself for what i'm about to receive in the post.

But on the other hand, if this is just turmoil caused by some jerks who don't actually own it then I will visit each one of their houses and scrub their toilets with their toothbrushes then make them brush their teeth. I swear I will. :blink:
I have spoken. Joe.
P.S. I hope it's just firmware. I really do as I don't want to solder it when I get it finally.
The problem is that facts are mixed up with lots of speculation so that no one can really tell what is fact and what is bullshit. This NEEDS to settle down. I'd love to hear which of the issues are real and serious and how the possible solutions look like. However, if for every one informative post there are a hundred panicing, talking crap out of their ass and spamming, I can't keep up with it.
The question you should be asking yourself is: does this thread make a point that hasn't been made a hundred times before in the last few days?

The answer, is no.

Stop spreading unfounded rumours about the GP2X. Wait until it has been released. If you don't like that, don't buy one, or cancel your pre-order.

(Note: not a personal attack on you, just on the general "omfg the GP2X iz brokan!!1" attitude that seems to be spreading around these forums lately)
"I don't want to hear anything until I personally know for sure myself"

It's not that, it's more I'm getting sick of reading the same post over and over again.
Craigix & ED are going over EACH unit to ensure they aren't second rate units, so let's give this some time to develop instead of letting the trolls own the community . . .
The question you should be asking yourself is: does this thread make a point that hasn't been made a hundred times before in the last few days?

The answer, is no.
I have not seen another thread similar to this.
I doubt ED is getting rich from selling these things so I doubt that really has that much to do with his post... Anyway, I don't think anyone is saying Polooo is not honest/good, but what he is reporting is still hearsay. And beside that, what he said has been said, all the topics that have been popping up don't add anything new, which I think is the reason why it's been asked to refrain from making even more topics about this until we actually have more people on the forum that really have the device.
The way I look at it is that there are so many good things happening right now. Quake Quake 2 Snes, but all of these things are being overshadowed by a flood of negativity. Normally there would be an abundant amount of positive posts on all these new accomplishments, but NO people are too busy trying to find negative things to post about or trying to prevent others from posting negative things. How bout we all just stop. Nothing negative until its proven and at least 80% precent of the community agrees that it is a real problem, Not just one respectable member and a bunch of idiots who just registered to flame the gp2x.
I think this entire forum should be locked until the first batch of GP2Xs are delivered.

Reminds me of the Japanese launch of the PSP.. Fake videos made to show shooting UMDs, stuck square button, dust getting under the screen, etc..
Stop spreading unfounded rumours about the GP2X. Wait until it has been released. If you don't like that, don't buy one, or cancel your pre-order.

As a person who reported on this forum, I found it offending. I do understand that there are rumors just like anywhere, but making such a blanket statement won't be appreciated. In my case, most of reports are from, and their public announcements. If you don't want to believe what GPH is telling their customers in Korea, fine. Be that way. Ducking under cover will make all your problems go away. :P
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Remember the BLU+ issue?

Seemed like a disaster at first, turned out fine (everyone who has one is happy) - but a lot of people who DON'T have it didn't buy it anymore, because of the bad reputation it got here.

That's still the case.

So, if you discuss all those problems here and now, the gp2x may get the same bad reputation (just imagine what will happen if this turns up on slashdot).

And still, we don't know if this is really fair or if just SOME units are affected!

I'm not asking to stop discussing about problems the gp2x has, I'm just asking to STOP THEM AS LONG AS WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE WHO HAVE A gp2x AROUND!

We'll test the units and tell you the results. Until this, every post telling the device is crappy and faulty will surely hurt the gp2x before it's even out.

If the problems are to do with the Firmware, then the fix is easy, If its a hardware problem then i imagine the units will be replaced by whoever you bought it from, I am very eager to get my hands on this new console, even if it has a few teething problems. Most people who buy this console are buying it for its emulation capabilities, so they do and will tinker around with it, I personally am looking foreward to how this thing evolves even if it means upgrading the firmware every other week untill its right. So what if the console has problems, they will be fixed, this to me is a successor to the GP32 and I cant wait to get mine.

These Doomsayers have to stop.

If you dont want to be part of something special right from the begining because you believe the console is badly designed or Gamepark have conned you, then DONT buy it, im sure the community will be better off without you.

Anyway......back to waiting for Craig to send me mine.
I'm not asking to stop discussing about problems the gp2x has, I'm just asking to STOP THEM AS LONG AS WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE WHO HAVE A gp2x AROUND!

here here! i call for a moratorium on "negative GPX2 posts from people who don't have one" from this point on .. its starting to look like this is a concerted, coordinated astro-troll campaign from anti-GPX2/anti-F/OSS types who have alterior motives for all their doomsaying.

DaveC: get a GPX2, write some code for it, play Quake/Quake2/SNES games, have it seriously for a month before you post any more negative crap about this platform... or, SHUT THE HELL UP with your bitching! you're only making a huge fool of yourself.
I'm not asking to stop discussing about problems the gp2x has, I'm just asking to STOP THEM AS LONG AS WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE WHO HAVE A gp2x AROUND!

here here! i call for a moratorium on "negative GPX2 posts from people who don't have one" from this point on .. its starting to look like this is a concerted, coordinated astro-troll campaign from anti-GPX2/anti-F/OSS types who have alterior motives for all their doomsaying.

DaveC: get a GPX2, write some code for it, play Quake/Quake2/SNES games, have it seriously for a month before you post any more negative crap about this platform... or, SHUT THE HELL UP with your bitching! you're only making a huge fool of yourself.

DaveC: get a GPX2, write some code for it, play Quake/Quake2/SNES games, have it seriously for a month before you post any more negative crap about this platform... or, SHUT THE HELL UP with your bitching! you're only making a huge fool of yourself.

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Friend of a friend told me, that there a rumor going on, that when one of the korean pre-orderers turned on their unit, SATAN JUMPED OUT OF IT AND ATE HIM!!!!!!

But GPH is aware of the problem, as is working to fix in in a future firmware upgrade. Which is nice.
I'm not asking to stop discussing about problems the gp2x has, I'm just asking to STOP THEM AS LONG AS WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE WHO HAVE A gp2x AROUND!

here here! i call for a moratorium on "negative GPX2 posts from people who don't have one" from this point on .. its starting to look like this is a concerted, coordinated astro-troll campaign from anti-GPX2/anti-F/OSS types who have alterior motives for all their doomsaying.

DaveC: get a GPX2, write some code for it, play Quake/Quake2/SNES games, have it seriously for a month before you post any more negative crap about this platform... or, SHUT THE HELL UP with your bitching! you're only making a huge fool of yourself.

I don't know what the fuck your problem is. My posts about this are actually very few yet you single me out. Do you actually READ these forums? Do you see the amount of bitching here, that is NOT from me? Do a little research and count the bad posts and compare with my few, you will see there are many more of those. How many of the "buggy hardware" threads did I create? NONE maybe? How many posts did I actually make about this? I maybe made 1% of them and don't even post ANYTHING in most of them but seem to get 100% of the guff. So fucking lay off, YOU should "SHUT THE HELL UP!"
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just thought i'd jump into this post too, since i'm getting crap off him in the other similar post. We can't have davec feeling too singled out by this noob who should in reality go back to playing with his gameboy advance.
Your defense is "they're doing it as well!"?
Not that I know you that well, but it seemed odd...
And I do believe I've seen people say that you're basically the only wellknown older member that is doing it, which seems to make sense...