News From Gph (14-11-05)

DaveC, you're always the first to jump to conclusions. Fishybawb is not the first to have noticed this. Comments like 'The Gp2X is a buggy mess' coming from a liked and respected member such as yourself just create unnecessary panic. If you'd look around and read all the posts on here, you'll find that most if not all problems are either firmware related and can be solved, or were simply not a problem in the first place.

What I'm trying to say is, try to take a step back an consider if what you're saying is really fair and balanced before you post.
What baseless criticism? I think my criticisms have a base. Ok so maybe the "firmware to patch vinyl" bit was a bit excessive, I am not perfect. But otherwise the concerns have base.

Negative for no reason? Again there is reason. The Gp2X is a buggy mess. Bad FW, bad joysticks, bad screens, earphone jacks that fall off. I should just say it is ok that these things are so messed up? Don't you realize how bad this is? This will go alot farther than a little whining on this forum. What happens when engadget or slashdot get a hold of this thing and rip it to shreds on their sites calling it a buggy piece of garbage. They are much less forgiving than we are. This will hurt this thing for along time. My few concerns that I may express will be nothing in comparison.

SNES "emu"? No, sorry I am not excited. a 2 FPS emu is not too exciting to me. I have been here long enough to know that quick ports of emus like this come and go. It takes a few hours to port but months to get it useable. Most emus get abandoned as fast as they are made as it becomes too much work to get to a decent level. I have seen this many times. Call me pessimistic and flame away but those are just the cold facts.

You are negative and definately have bias, the post says it all. GPH need to know how to cater to these masses. The biggest problems is they havent capitalised on what is seen here as the positives, and have allowed rumors to circulate wildly spead by descenters like yourself.

1) Anna Hong.
2) Linux.
3) First Edition.
4) 266Mhz dual chip.

1) Breaking GPL
2) Buggy Software
3) Possible Hardware faults

They currently are not using 1,2,4 of the positives to their advantage, and if they
stop breaking GPL, buggy software becomes less important, and linux turns into a real advantage. Look at how Neuros are trying to suceed
Somebody who has some skills needs to have a word ie. not me in a million years
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SNES "emu"? No, sorry I am not excited.  a 2 FPS emu is not too exciting to me.  I have been here long enough to know that quick ports of emus like this come and go.  It takes a few hours to port but months to get it useable.  Most emus get abandoned as fast as they are made as it becomes too much work to get to a decent level.  I have seen this many times.  Call me pessimistic and flame away but those are just the cold facts.

It runs at 3 frameskip with sound, and the device has just been released. Yes, you ARE pessimistic. :blink:

EDIT: typo
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yeah, it actaully looked to be more than 2fps, too :P yoshi's island that is
Dave, The fact is that they're actually making attempts to FIX issues peple complain about, how is this a BAD thing? You seem to be afraid that they're turning off features when they state several times they intend to fix those problems.

There are only a very few actual hardware problems from their own list that would seem to require the units to be sent back to fix, but nothing is ever 100% defect free, and in a small release like this those defects will seem more pronounced.
i totally see where dave is coming from on this.

We, in the community will patiently upgrade our firmwares and forgive GPH for small problems on the handheld, providing fixes can be made to them. The guys from outside the community won't look at the positives as they would rather sensationalise all the negative aspects of the GP2X, and we need their good publicity to make the community thrive.

Whichever way you look at it, GPH have rushed these out a system with a raft of issues which no piece of hardware should have at launch. What problems did we have with the gp32 at it's launch four years ago?

Reliability problems will leave the GP2X with long term problems in a commercial sense, so here's hoping that the problems have been much exaggerated and that 99.9% of them are unaffected.
well, when the gp32 launched not even the mp3 player worked, the first firmware was in korean, you could only use commercial apps, free launcher didnt exist ......

and see where we are now.
well, when the gp32 launched not even the mp3 player worked, the first firmware was in korean, you could only use commercial apps, free launcher didnt exist ......

and see where we are now.

Four years later with only 30,000 units sold, the platform having died commercially some time ago, and no more GP32's to be manufactured ever again?

I wonder if the GP32 had been well supported by Gamepark in the first place, whether it would have been more successful globally.

Disclaimer: I love the GP32, I look forward to the GP2X, I'm continually amazed at what the community develops for these handhelds, and I respect what GPH have achieved.

Please direct all flames to the letters page of the next GP2Brew. Sheesh.
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well, anyone who is basing their opinion on the 'quality' of this machine without having actually seen it, first hand, for themselves, is quite frankly: AN IDIOT.

and that goes for mr x68000, as well as DaveC. you guys have nothing but negative things to say about a product you've not even touched, not even used .. how could you be so idiotic as to form such fascist 'right' opinions about something you've got ZERO EXPERIENCE WITH?

there is one big problem with the GP2X release which nobody seems to be willing to accomodate: the fact that there is a huuge language barrier between those who have the GPX2's (those in Korea who got them early) and those who are just sitting around like rabid fanboix trying to glean details from afar.

DaveC: do you speak Korean?
X68000: do you speak Korean?

have either one of you nerds tried to learn Korean? no, highly doubtful. would you even try? no, not likely .. what on earth would anyone want to learn another language for, eh?

so you can be forgiven for not having any experience with language barriers and the effect that they can have on a community. the fact of the matter is: it is TOO EARLY TO BE CASTING JUDGEMENT ON THE GPX2. it is a new product, its not been out there for 6 months.

come back in 6 months, and then tell us all 'the GPX2 is a failed product', 'the sky is falling', 'you are all idiots for getting behind this "open source console" effort', etc.

but SHUT THE HELL UP NOW. you have NO EXPERIENCE WITH THE GPX2 yet. you are NOT AN EXPERT, and your opinions therefore, on the 'viability' of a product you've not even used, nor even programmed one line of code for, no matter how hard you shove them down peoples throats, are simply not valid.

now, about this GPL/Open Source 'issue' that you seem to have, DaveC .. its obvious you don't have much experience with Open Source, or you definitely wouldn't have the opinion you have.

in Open Source, software bugs get fixed. they get fixed fast.

its totally okay, 100%, that the GPX2 has been released with slightly buggy firmware: THESE BUGS WILL GET FIXED. and, if slashdot or some other moron fanboix site decides to slag the GPX2 off on the basis of its first-version software release, when that software is GPL, then THEY are the ones who are going to be negatively impacted when the good PR which results from the OSS/GPX2 community doing rapid upgrade and feature releases gets reported. you do know this happens, right? i mean, with all your OSS experience DaveC, you surely must know that first-release hardware with some firmware bugs is a temporary condition, if that platform is derived from a F/OSS or GPL'ed codebase ...

in fact, this is a key factor in the success of an OSS platform, this 'perception of change' that comes once the platform has momentum. the platform, right now, doesn't have much momentum: there are but a handful of people writing code for it right now. that will change the moment the first batch of 1,000 GPX2's gets put in the hands of the eager developers who are waiting with baited breath ..

if you cannot factor that into your critical equation, the one that spells doom and gloom, then you are, truly, a dilettante in the world of GPL.
I just want to point out that iam perfecktly happy when gp2x evolves just as good as the gp32.
And hopefully all that winers cancel thair orders and shall never been seen again.
everyone can have their own opinion, regardless what torpor says. I'm usually the positive one if you had taken the time to read some of my posts, and even though davec is a negative/realistic person sometimes, that is his right and no matter how long winded you're post is, that won't change the fact that you are a bit of a tit.

you have been on here for two minutes and are already spouting out trash to more informed community members than you.

torpor = knob head

ps. considering that i distribute video games hardware for a living, that qualifies me to 'know what i'm talking about' when it comes to having an idea as to what bad publicity could do for this system. Any half wit could see what the repercussions could be.
bit of a tit


torpor = knob head


great! not a single false, negative opinion about something you don't have a clue about ..

everyone can have their own opinion, regardless what torpor says.

opinions should be based on facts and reality, not self-indulgent negative fantasy, as is the case with both you and DaveC's wonderful 'expert conjecture' on the state of things.

whatever.. the point is, in 6 months time, you'll both be just as full of shit as you are now, only you'll be complaining "but, but.. i was right all along, the gpx2 does rock, and always has!" , lol ..
Four years later with only 30,000 units sold, the platform having died commercially some time ago, and no more GP32's to be manufactured ever again?

I wonder if the GP32 had been well supported by Gamepark in the first place, whether it would have been more successful globally.

You're choosing to focus only on the negative aspects though, That the GP32, a completly unknown "gameboy killer" from a tiny korean company sold 30,000 units is frankly an amazin accomplishment. Commercial death was inevitable but Homebrew is the more important aspect of it's existance anyway. No more to be manufactured ever again? Well it WAS 4 damn years ago that the thing first came out, you expect it to be made forever?

And no there was no ammount of support a company like Gamepark could have given to make the GP32 successful, nothing except maybe selling the company to Samsung or someother BIG korean corporation. Which is exactly why I don't see the XGP being "successful" either. Gamepark was a tiny speck of a company internationally, without a partnership with someone outside of Korea, they dont have much of a chance as a big commercial product because their own people barely even know who they are.

GPH is acknologing issues and trying the best they can to fix them, that's the best you can hopefor because you can never forsee every problem in a product launch and having 30 posts aday from doomsayers just makes the issue look worse than it is.
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Torpor your post was extremely offensive and greatly reduced the quality and standard of this thread, you also appear not to know what you are talking about.

Personally I can live with a few software based bugs, (although I know that not everyone can, such as those not in the know about firmware updating) as long as these are fixed in a timely manner. However I will be disappointed if I have to live with annoying hardware bugs.

Overall im very excited about this machine and can only hope for the best :D
About bugs...Micorsoft make millions of $ send out buggy software and fix it later...dunno what everyone is complaining about. :lol: